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Don't look at this inter-racial filth!

Barry O' Barma | 15.12.2008 01:44 | Education | Gender | Indymedia | World

We must put a stop to this or we will all end up coffee-coloured.

The porn industry has shown it's decadent side in showing this filth to audiences the world over, this cannot be right.

Who's nailin' Paylin:

White racsits rape black women in the USA Deep South:,0,0,0,0

French men fuck the assholes of Muslim women:

These race mixing scum must be stopped!

Barry O' Barma


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it's quite 'strange'...

15.12.2008 02:37

that at times of great upheaval and happenings such as is occurring now that concerted efforts are made by the agents of division and misinformation to distract us from the tasks that are at hand.

Nobody Special


15.12.2008 02:52

What is this racist, sexist shit?



15.12.2008 03:47

didn't realise Palin was so hot!


The Jews are responsible

15.12.2008 03:49

The Jews are responsible for the porn industry, they seek to destroy human diversity by planting the seed of inter-racial sexual activity.

In order to protect the diverse and wonderful place the world is we must live in separation.
