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Virus lab leaks - support prisoners

London Against Camden Danger Lab | 13.12.2008 18:38 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles

There are plans to build the "World's largest ever virus containment facility and animal testing lab" alongside St Pancras Eurostar on a Camden council house estate behind the British Library. Councillors and MPs have blasted the plans. In the event of virus leak what would happen to prisoners in the two nearby prisons Holloway and Pentonville? The lab will contain deadly pathogens like anthrax.

Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from government facility Pirbright. If such a leak were to occur at Kings Cross as has been pointed out by Andrew Dismore MP it would be catastrophic. MI5 have leaked security fears to the Evening Standard. The lab has been dubbed the "28 Days Later" lab by the press.
The area would have to be evacuated and / or quarantined in the event of virus leak. This would be devastating particularly for prisoners incarcerated in nearby Holloway and Pentonville prisons who would be quarantined along with staff. This is a terrifying prospect.

Please write to each of these prisons and ask them to oppose planning permission for the proposed lab.

HMP and YOI Holloway
Parkhurst Road

HMP Pentonville
Caledonian Road

London Against Camden Danger Lab
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advantage of being in prison

13.12.2008 19:20

I agree with the sentiments of the article, but if a disease happened to be spread only by direct contact between people then closing the prison makes it's prisoners and staff relatively safer than the people outside.


not so bobby

14.12.2008 15:05

The disgusting and overcrowded state of british prisons make them a perfect breeding ground for diseases



15.12.2008 01:18

Just look at what happens in factory farms when a disease breaks out. Places where hundreds of animals are put together are perfect places for viruses and disease to spread quickly.