Basque prisoners - an update
Bristol ABC | 13.12.2008 12:51 | Repression | World
Copy and paste of an email sent by the ABC Iberian Federation. For more info here's their (they have the prisoners' addresses if you want to write them).
Info below both in Spanish and English, scroll down.
Estos dos jóvenes de Algorta (Bizkaia-Basque Country) llevan un año y veinte
días dispersados por diferentes cárceles del estado español. En este
momento Lander se encuentra en Aranjuéz (a 500kms) y Aner en Cáceres(a
En su detención fueron acusados por Rubalcaba (ministro de interior) de
querer entrar en ETA en un futuro cercano y mencionaba actos de violencia
callejera que vinculaba a los otros 4 jóvenes que detuvieron con Lander y
Tras cinco interminables dias de incomunicación, en la que por supuesto
fueron torturados (para eso esta la incomunicación) , nuestro hermano Lander
paso dos veces por el hospital.
Tras ser encarcelados hemos conocido todo tipo de vulneraciones
penitenciarias, traslados con palizas, ser FIES y que te prohiban los
talleres, Vises entre semana (para que no vayamos o perdamos el trabajo),
negación a su derecho a estudiar (Lander tenia oposiciones el invierno
pasado y no se lo permitieron), reteniéndole todo libro por estar en euskara
(nuestra lengua),...............
Tras un año de indefensión, propiciada tras la utilización de la palabra
terrorismo (palabra que te quita todos los derechos sin necesidad de
justificar nada ante nadie) se ha abierto el secreto de sumario.
De toda la información obtenida, dicen que en Francia detuvieron a uno de
ETA con dos jeroglíficos, uno podria querer referirse a Lander y otro a
Aner.Y punto,no se necesita mas en esta sociedad "garantista", eso podría
bastar para llevar adelante la acusación de pertenencia a banda armada y
meterte en prisión entre 6 y 12 años.
Lander y Aner pertenecían a una asociación de vecinos que trabajaba para
paralizar una obra de 8000 viviendas en el último reducto rural de Getxo.
Entre unos y otros lograron paralizar esa obra, esa maquina de hacer dinero.
Lander y Aner pertenecían a una asamblea de jóvenes que desde una casa
ocupada trabajaba alternativas de vida (agricultura ecológica,
consumismo...) y de ocio desde una manera autogestionada.
Lander y Aner pertenecían a un proyecto creado por ellos mediante el cual
unidos a los consumidores explotaban la tierra de un modo ecológico.
No les han podido parar por lo que hacen y por ello mediante la palabra
terrorismo y pertenencia, mintiendo, quieren hacerles pagar su compromiso a
otro tipo de sociedad mas igualitaria y respetuosa con el medio.
Paremos esta salvajada político-juridico-represiva!!!
These two youths from Algorta (Bizkaia-Basque Country) have been bouncing
around the different jails in Spain for a year and twenty days. Right now
Lander is in Aranjuéz (500kms away) and Aner en Cáceres (700kms away).
When they were arrested they were accused by Rubalcaba (ministro de
interior) of wanting to enter into ETA in the near future. There was also
mention of street violence, and incidents that linked them to the four other
individuals arrested the same day as Lander and Aner.
After five infinit days of incommunication, during which they were tortured
(that is what the incommunication time is used for), our brother Lander was
in the hospital twice.
While in jail we have come to know all kinds of penitentiary abuse:
transfers from one jain to another with beatings, being a FIES and denied
the right to workshops, no weekend visiting hours (so we can't go or have to
miss work and loose our job), being denied the right to study (Lander was
not allowed to take important exams last winter), confiscating any books
that are in Euskera (our language), etc.
After a year of being defenseless under the rule of the word terrorism and
the word belonging, and having their rights be stripped with no due
justification, reporting restrictions have been lifted.
All that the information they have gathered says is that France arrested an
ETA member with two hieroglyphics, and that one could refer to Lander and
the other to Aner. That is all they have, and yet in this supposedly
garantied society, that may be all they need to go ahead with the accusation
of belonging to an armed group, and lock them up for 6 to 12 years.
Lander and Aner belonged to a neighbours association that was working to
prevent a plan to build 8.000 homes in the last rural area of Getxo. Jointly
with other initiatives they managed to paralize the construction plan and
stop the money making machine.
Lander and Aner belonged to an independent youths cooperative that worked
from a squatter's home, and practiced organic agriculture and alternative
life style choices that compete with the dominant consumerist one.
Lander and Aner belonged to a project of their own, together with consumers,
that grew and sold produce that was grown using environmentally sound
agricultural practices.
Because they have been successful in their efforts, because they are
committed to another kind of society that is more egalitarian and
respectful, by way of lies that use the word terrorism and the word
belonging, they are being forced into fear.
We have to stop this repressive political and jurisdictional atrocity!
Artículo denunciando al Estado Español, escrito por Human Rights Watch
informe de Denuncia de abuso de Derechos Humanos, Human Rights Watch
Wikipedia - Ley Antiterrorista y más.
Info below both in Spanish and English, scroll down.
Estos dos jóvenes de Algorta (Bizkaia-Basque Country) llevan un año y veinte
días dispersados por diferentes cárceles del estado español. En este
momento Lander se encuentra en Aranjuéz (a 500kms) y Aner en Cáceres(a
En su detención fueron acusados por Rubalcaba (ministro de interior) de
querer entrar en ETA en un futuro cercano y mencionaba actos de violencia
callejera que vinculaba a los otros 4 jóvenes que detuvieron con Lander y
Tras cinco interminables dias de incomunicación, en la que por supuesto
fueron torturados (para eso esta la incomunicación) , nuestro hermano Lander
paso dos veces por el hospital.
Tras ser encarcelados hemos conocido todo tipo de vulneraciones
penitenciarias, traslados con palizas, ser FIES y que te prohiban los
talleres, Vises entre semana (para que no vayamos o perdamos el trabajo),
negación a su derecho a estudiar (Lander tenia oposiciones el invierno
pasado y no se lo permitieron), reteniéndole todo libro por estar en euskara
(nuestra lengua),...............
Tras un año de indefensión, propiciada tras la utilización de la palabra
terrorismo (palabra que te quita todos los derechos sin necesidad de
justificar nada ante nadie) se ha abierto el secreto de sumario.
De toda la información obtenida, dicen que en Francia detuvieron a uno de
ETA con dos jeroglíficos, uno podria querer referirse a Lander y otro a
Aner.Y punto,no se necesita mas en esta sociedad "garantista", eso podría
bastar para llevar adelante la acusación de pertenencia a banda armada y
meterte en prisión entre 6 y 12 años.
Lander y Aner pertenecían a una asociación de vecinos que trabajaba para
paralizar una obra de 8000 viviendas en el último reducto rural de Getxo.
Entre unos y otros lograron paralizar esa obra, esa maquina de hacer dinero.
Lander y Aner pertenecían a una asamblea de jóvenes que desde una casa
ocupada trabajaba alternativas de vida (agricultura ecológica,
consumismo...) y de ocio desde una manera autogestionada.
Lander y Aner pertenecían a un proyecto creado por ellos mediante el cual
unidos a los consumidores explotaban la tierra de un modo ecológico.
No les han podido parar por lo que hacen y por ello mediante la palabra
terrorismo y pertenencia, mintiendo, quieren hacerles pagar su compromiso a
otro tipo de sociedad mas igualitaria y respetuosa con el medio.
Paremos esta salvajada político-juridico-represiva!!!
These two youths from Algorta (Bizkaia-Basque Country) have been bouncing
around the different jails in Spain for a year and twenty days. Right now
Lander is in Aranjuéz (500kms away) and Aner en Cáceres (700kms away).
When they were arrested they were accused by Rubalcaba (ministro de
interior) of wanting to enter into ETA in the near future. There was also
mention of street violence, and incidents that linked them to the four other
individuals arrested the same day as Lander and Aner.
After five infinit days of incommunication, during which they were tortured
(that is what the incommunication time is used for), our brother Lander was
in the hospital twice.
While in jail we have come to know all kinds of penitentiary abuse:
transfers from one jain to another with beatings, being a FIES and denied
the right to workshops, no weekend visiting hours (so we can't go or have to
miss work and loose our job), being denied the right to study (Lander was
not allowed to take important exams last winter), confiscating any books
that are in Euskera (our language), etc.
After a year of being defenseless under the rule of the word terrorism and
the word belonging, and having their rights be stripped with no due
justification, reporting restrictions have been lifted.
All that the information they have gathered says is that France arrested an
ETA member with two hieroglyphics, and that one could refer to Lander and
the other to Aner. That is all they have, and yet in this supposedly
garantied society, that may be all they need to go ahead with the accusation
of belonging to an armed group, and lock them up for 6 to 12 years.
Lander and Aner belonged to a neighbours association that was working to
prevent a plan to build 8.000 homes in the last rural area of Getxo. Jointly
with other initiatives they managed to paralize the construction plan and
stop the money making machine.
Lander and Aner belonged to an independent youths cooperative that worked
from a squatter's home, and practiced organic agriculture and alternative
life style choices that compete with the dominant consumerist one.
Lander and Aner belonged to a project of their own, together with consumers,
that grew and sold produce that was grown using environmentally sound
agricultural practices.
Because they have been successful in their efforts, because they are
committed to another kind of society that is more egalitarian and
respectful, by way of lies that use the word terrorism and the word
belonging, they are being forced into fear.
We have to stop this repressive political and jurisdictional atrocity!
Artículo denunciando al Estado Español, escrito por Human Rights Watch

informe de Denuncia de abuso de Derechos Humanos, Human Rights Watch

Wikipedia - Ley Antiterrorista y más.

Bristol ABC