Greek Riots: Terrorism law in action
TGL | 13.12.2008 00:39 | Repression | Terror War
[ & here we go: the first parodies of Justice have started... Translated from . Some technical terms below probably make no sense, be careful. ]

The 11 underage arrestees of Larisa, all of which are between 14 & 16 ears old & were arrested in the wake of the unrest in the city center of Larisa on Monday evening, will be tried according to the terrorism law.
The arrestees were temporarily released under [the usual] provisions [they're probably not allowed to leave the country & are obliged to report to some PD or other every once in a while the article doesn't mention the provisions though], following a confluence of opinion between the district attorney & the magistrate, while they will be tried by the Three-Member Misdemeanors Court of Athens for Underage Persons, at a time that will be set in the following days.
Each one of them faces charges for recurrent revolt, for removing &/or destroying documents &/or other objects entrusted to the greek state, damaging, arson, objurgations [against the police, apparently], criminal gang, larceny & violating the law concerning weapons.
A solidarity committee for the underage arrestees, which was put together yesterday because of this exact event, commented that "such charges have not even been put together for November 17 [the terror cell]."
The arrestees were temporarily released under [the usual] provisions [they're probably not allowed to leave the country & are obliged to report to some PD or other every once in a while the article doesn't mention the provisions though], following a confluence of opinion between the district attorney & the magistrate, while they will be tried by the Three-Member Misdemeanors Court of Athens for Underage Persons, at a time that will be set in the following days.
Each one of them faces charges for recurrent revolt, for removing &/or destroying documents &/or other objects entrusted to the greek state, damaging, arson, objurgations [against the police, apparently], criminal gang, larceny & violating the law concerning weapons.
A solidarity committee for the underage arrestees, which was put together yesterday because of this exact event, commented that "such charges have not even been put together for November 17 [the terror cell]."
Petition to Drop charges
05.01.2009 15:04
End persecutions based on the anti-terrorist law
Petition to Drop charges
The cold blood murder of 15 year old Alexis Gregoropoulos was the sparkle that started the uprising of the greek youth, an uprising with social character as well, which is manifesting itself on the streets throughout the country. What is happening these days is rooted far deeper, in the systematic transgressive behaviour of the representatives of the state and the governments, in the corruption, the scandals, the suppression, their perpetual impunity, in the unemployment, the poverty, the commercialisation of every aspect of life and of education, in the lack of visions for the young people. For all these reasons, it is a totally righteous uprising. The government, in the purpose of intercepting the surge of protest that threatens to drown them, has attempted to tackle it by the use of murderous suppression and by rustling up all the obvious and covert security mechanisms, enforcing mass intimidation, proceeding to numerous arrests and holding people without charge.
In our city, the frenzy of intimidation is unprecedented.
25 citizens of Larissa have been arrested, 17 of which are under-age pupils of the city schools and the rest are students and young immigrants. Some 16 year olds, including female pupils, were fiercely beaten up ; in addition, their parents were not notified and they and their lawyers were obstructed, under various pretexts, from seeing them. Most important of all, they are committed for trial under the “anti-terrorist” law and with the charges of “constituting a criminal-terrorist organization”.
It is the first time that the anti-terrorist law is put into force with the purpose of suppressing a movement. Some of the charges being laid against them are: “participation in a public assembly of people, …constitution of a structured and with constant activity group / criminal organization, operating on an organized basis and with apportioned roles, with constant outward operation, aiming at committing arsons… …which has not been formed on occasion only, but with a permanent and fixed character and with a substructure of such an extent and dynamic, that they had various technical means of all nature at their disposal … with the capability of alternating and replacing its members without undergoing a change…” On top of all these, the defendants have committed yet another crime, that of “…[addressing] the policemen as “cops, pigs, murderers”, thus insulting their honour and reputation”. If we remain silent now… we are all condemned, along with these 25 young people, who are our children, our pupils, our classmates, our fellow students, for each time we struggle for and pretend to our rights.
Silence is complicity.
We understand that, if today we do not oppose, tomorrow we shall be the next targets, when we demonstrate, when we go down on strike, when we assert our rights.
We denounce the mass arrests of young people and detentions.
We denounce the enforcement of the “anti-terrorist” law.
We denounce the ambience of a police state and of intimidation that reigns in Larissa
We demand that:
• All charges be dropped and all detainees be freed right away
• The anti-terrorist law be abolished
We call on every entity, trade union, association and political party to take a stand.
We call on every citizen to take a stand.
The Undersigned
Petition to Drop charges
The cold blood murder of 15 year old Alexis Gregoropoulos was the sparkle that started the uprising of the greek youth, an uprising with social character as well, which is manifesting itself on the streets throughout the country. What is happening these days is rooted far deeper, in the systematic transgressive behaviour of the representatives of the state and the governments, in the corruption, the scandals, the suppression, their perpetual impunity, in the unemployment, the poverty, the commercialisation of every aspect of life and of education, in the lack of visions for the young people. For all these reasons, it is a totally righteous uprising. The government, in the purpose of intercepting the surge of protest that threatens to drown them, has attempted to tackle it by the use of murderous suppression and by rustling up all the obvious and covert security mechanisms, enforcing mass intimidation, proceeding to numerous arrests and holding people without charge.
In our city, the frenzy of intimidation is unprecedented.
25 citizens of Larissa have been arrested, 17 of which are under-age pupils of the city schools and the rest are students and young immigrants. Some 16 year olds, including female pupils, were fiercely beaten up ; in addition, their parents were not notified and they and their lawyers were obstructed, under various pretexts, from seeing them. Most important of all, they are committed for trial under the “anti-terrorist” law and with the charges of “constituting a criminal-terrorist organization”.
It is the first time that the anti-terrorist law is put into force with the purpose of suppressing a movement. Some of the charges being laid against them are: “participation in a public assembly of people, …constitution of a structured and with constant activity group / criminal organization, operating on an organized basis and with apportioned roles, with constant outward operation, aiming at committing arsons… …which has not been formed on occasion only, but with a permanent and fixed character and with a substructure of such an extent and dynamic, that they had various technical means of all nature at their disposal … with the capability of alternating and replacing its members without undergoing a change…” On top of all these, the defendants have committed yet another crime, that of “…[addressing] the policemen as “cops, pigs, murderers”, thus insulting their honour and reputation”. If we remain silent now… we are all condemned, along with these 25 young people, who are our children, our pupils, our classmates, our fellow students, for each time we struggle for and pretend to our rights.
Silence is complicity.
We understand that, if today we do not oppose, tomorrow we shall be the next targets, when we demonstrate, when we go down on strike, when we assert our rights.
We denounce the mass arrests of young people and detentions.
We denounce the enforcement of the “anti-terrorist” law.
We denounce the ambience of a police state and of intimidation that reigns in Larissa
We demand that:
• All charges be dropped and all detainees be freed right away
• The anti-terrorist law be abolished
We call on every entity, trade union, association and political party to take a stand.
We call on every citizen to take a stand.
The Undersigned