The DARK side of the MOON
gar | 12.12.2008 15:55 | Social Struggles | World
fotos from iside NTUA.. >>
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Mixed feelings
12.12.2008 16:53
the image is by David Dees
13.12.2008 01:45
The ADL claim he is anti-Semitic:
He is one of the 9/11 "truther" conspiracy theorists and claims to be anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic:
"In my art, you will occasionally see a 'Z' symbol over a star of David. This simply represents the political movement called Zionism which has co-opted Judaism and uses it as a shield to hide behind. I and are PRO-Jewish, but extremely ANTI-Zionist. Those who attempt to smear my art as 'anti-semitic' are fools and frauds. The unspeakable, hideous genocidal acts of Zionism and the geopolitical social and economic deception and deceit it uses to con and dupe the masses shall be exposed. I also support organizations like Jews Against Zionism as you can see in my archives. If you have any sincere questions about Zionism and related issues, by all means read the material at any Jews Against Zionism internet site and the archives at TRUTH does NOT fear investigation and research. - David Dees"
Obama wearing a skull-cap, the US flag with star of David... nothing to see here
13.12.2008 02:21
However he spins it there is a well known link between the Truthers, some on the extreme left and anti-semitism, anti-semitic conpsiracy theorists and out-right Nazi sympathisers like the odious Nick Kollerstrom.
This needs to get sorted, I for one won't demonstrate on the same side as racists. We've got enough problems with the BNP without more of the same crap.
ps. Dees is a Holocaust denier. Check this out.
13.12.2008 02:33
That's right, he's one of those "Zyklon B was never used except as an insecticide, Zionists claim it was used to exterminate teh joooz, blah blah blah" guys. He's buried it quite deep in a list of his stuff at
People should know what kind of scum they're mixing with. It could earn them a smack in the face from some "zionist" one day.