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mackhno | 11.12.2008 02:57 | Anti-racism | Birmingham | World nazi c18 supporters of BNP site is down, may only be temporary, but good sign nazi c18 supporters of BNP site is down, may only be temporary, but good sign



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It's back up

14.12.2008 19:32

It's back up on a new domain. I think the other ones have are getting too expensive to run and seen as Simon Sheppard is now an asylum seeker there's not too many people willing to run Redwatch. Probably the sexy Kate Duhmody is doing it now. Why not give her a ring and ask her on 07971144836


Nope doesnt seem like its up, happy new yrs

04.01.2009 00:32
This is great group, though I'd be slightly wary of facebook as it has indirect links to CIA tech companies, but then who knows maybe theres been a regime change @ Langlet HQ & groups like Redwatch have had time called.


Redwatch down for copyright breech

04.01.2009 08:36

Redwatch, a site run by the various child beaters and deluded morons who make up the BNP were recently kind enough to feature me. The used one of my photographs without my permission in a little piece encouraging their perverted paedophile followers to ring me up. Lots of them wasted large amounts of their social security payments ringing and texting my business number, leaving the usual rants and nonsense that you would expect of these weirdo's. At least it meant that they gave their children a rest.
As is my usual practise in such cases I sent them an invoice. They didn't pay. Their site has presently been suspended for breeching my copyright.
see my blog here

Pete Marshall
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