Transformation Time
Capitalist | 10.12.2008 23:22 | Social Struggles | World
Greece is seeing worse riots because of what might be an accidental killing. There is a great head if steam in Greece that seems to be lacking elsewhere. No clear direction, no lead demand, but could it be turned to put right what went wrong after the Poll Tax Riots in the UK?.
With Capitalism collapsing, and taking social order with it, the situation is perilous world wide. With over 90% of Marxists being dogmatic bigots, and major socialist parties sold out to Capitalism there is no rational policy being advanced by any politician.
Any Politician with any economic realism would see that the first step is to impose a special progressive tax on wealth to clean out the ill gotten gains from Bankers and Profiteers who have caused the inflation that is at the root of the rot that is destroying Capitalism. The second step is to abolish VAT which was designed to enable those thieves to avoid paying their proper dues and passing the burden on to the most impoverished in Society. Restore pre Thatcher income tax rates.
With Capitalism collapsing, and taking social order with it, the situation is perilous world wide. With over 90% of Marxists being dogmatic bigots, and major socialist parties sold out to Capitalism there is no rational policy being advanced by any politician.
Any Politician with any economic realism would see that the first step is to impose a special progressive tax on wealth to clean out the ill gotten gains from Bankers and Profiteers who have caused the inflation that is at the root of the rot that is destroying Capitalism. The second step is to abolish VAT which was designed to enable those thieves to avoid paying their proper dues and passing the burden on to the most impoverished in Society. Restore pre Thatcher income tax rates.