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Greek Solidarity Demo in Leeds

Leeds-Bradford IMCer | 13.12.2008 11:30 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles

Saturday 13th Dec 2008 11.30AM
Millenium Square, Leeds


This solidarity rally is going to take place due to recent events in Greece. Most of us are students and we want to support our country against the right totalitarian government and its suppressive policies that lead to the death of teenage Alexandros.

People who want to participate are more than welcome.

Leeds-Bradford IMCer


Report & Photos

13.12.2008 14:56

Assembly beneath the portico, Leeds Civic Hall
Assembly beneath the portico, Leeds Civic Hall

Group outside the public entrance to Leeds Civic Hall
Group outside the public entrance to Leeds Civic Hall

Despite heavy rain, a group of about 20 people gathered on the steps of Leeds Civic Hall to show our solidarity with the uprising in Greece. Leaflets were handed out to Christmas shoppers. There was an open meeting in progress within the Civic Hall, and many of the people arriving for this were receptive to our message. Leaflets were distributed inside the Civic Hall before the group moved off to look for a busier part of the town.

happy snapper


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not just Greece

11.12.2008 00:32

what about a solidarity demo for the 20'000 Woolies workers who are about to lose their jobs or the millions about to face more benefit cuts and harrassment, no problem with supporting international issues, but look around you here as well


Re: malateaser

11.12.2008 11:11

HI Malateaser,

There is only one response to what you have said: go and organise it yourself, invite everyone you know, then post it on Indymedia asking people to be involved.

Why do you expect it to be up to everyone to organise activism?


Re: Malateaser

13.12.2008 16:43

Nice to see some National Socialism in action. Keep up the good work comrade.


gutted i missed this

17.12.2008 10:34

myself and plenty of others i'm sure would have gone to this, didn't check indy in time tho :-(
