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Protestors Barge into Iceland's Central Bank

MR | 09.12.2008 18:01 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

Around 100 protestors broke their way into the entrance of the Central
Bank headquarters in Reykjavík, throwing eggs and splashing paint, after
the Sovereignty Day national meeting on Arnarhóll yesterday

Protestors wanted a word with Central Bank governor and chairman Davíd
Oddsson but riot police prevented them from going any further than into
the entrance of the building.

They barged into the bank after one of the speakers at the meeting
urged, "Now let's go to the Central Bank and talk with Davíd." The
demonstrators' message was rather clear, "Davíd out!" as they repeatedly

"It is a very simple demand and no one listens to it. Ninety percent of
the nation wants him gone," said protestor Gudjón Heidar Valgardsson.
Police warned people that teargas would be used if the situation
couldn't be kept under control otherwise.

Demonstrators said they would leave if police would unarm. Once police
complied with people's demand, they kept their word. "Long live the
people. We will be back!" a demonstrator shouted on the way out.



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It's a bit late now!

10.12.2008 09:24

It's a bit late now! Perhaps all these demonstrators should have been more vociferous when they, and all the people in Iceland, were living off an unsustainable credit boom of their own making.

Vanilla Ice

fuck off, vanilla ice

11.12.2008 14:07

thats your informed opinion is it? If you had a clue you'd know that the new (relative to rest of europe) anarchist restistance in iceland has been at the forefront of opposing the governments plans to industrialise the island on the the back of crippling debts now shouldered by ordinary icelandic taxpayers. The unrest and growing militancy is historically without precedent in iceland -a former danish colony that had little struggle for independence- these events are terrifying the ruling classes in iceland and galvanising working class icelanders. These events in iceland should be for anyone who opposes capitalism one of the most exciting and inspiring things to come out of the current economic crisis.
