Sat 13 Dec: Conference on Financial Crash & Money Reform
greenback | 08.12.2008 13:34 | Analysis | Education | Globalisation
The Global Financial Crash and a Sustainable Future for Humanity
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Venue: 43 Lancaster Gate, London, W2.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Venue: 43 Lancaster Gate, London, W2.
Hosted by Moeen Yaseen (Director, Global Vision 2000)
- Tarek El Diwany (
- Canon Peter Challen (Christian Council for Monetary Justice)
- Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (IPRD)
- Alistair McConnachie (Editor of "Prosperity" and Organiser of the annualBromsgrove Conference )
- Dr Irfan Alawi (Centre for Islamic Pluralism)
- Robert Corfe (Author of "Social Capitalism")
- Daud Pidcock (Author of "The Other Road to Serfdom")
- Roy Tindle (London 21)
- Muhammad Rafeeq (Global Vision 2000)
- Jamal Harwood (HT Britain)
- Francis Mulleady (University of Westminster Business School)
- Dr Syed Mustafa Ali (Bandung2)
£10 attendance fee, all welcome. If you'd like further info, please contact:07818 082011.
- Tarek El Diwany (
- Canon Peter Challen (Christian Council for Monetary Justice)
- Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (IPRD)
- Alistair McConnachie (Editor of "Prosperity" and Organiser of the annualBromsgrove Conference )
- Dr Irfan Alawi (Centre for Islamic Pluralism)
- Robert Corfe (Author of "Social Capitalism")
- Daud Pidcock (Author of "The Other Road to Serfdom")
- Roy Tindle (London 21)
- Muhammad Rafeeq (Global Vision 2000)
- Jamal Harwood (HT Britain)
- Francis Mulleady (University of Westminster Business School)
- Dr Syed Mustafa Ali (Bandung2)
£10 attendance fee, all welcome. If you'd like further info, please contact:07818 082011.
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Religious, financial and, elite instsiutions and a £10
08.12.2008 16:48