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DAN protest today about the welfare reforms

an ally | 03.12.2008 13:54 | Social Struggles

Just been Fwd'ed this about the action carried out in london today by the Disabled Action Network (DAN)


PRESS RELEASE (3/12/2008)


Instead of celebrating the International day of Disabled People today, we -
and our supporters - are in central London protesting against the
"Employment Support Allowance" (ESA) and "Work Capability Assessment" (WCA)
which are replacing "Incapacity Benefit" (IB). This punitive economic attack
will hit thousands of the poorest in society, forcing them further into
poverty and a discriminatory job market, while thousands more are losing
their jobs due to the deepening recession.

A DAN spokesperson said: "If the government were sincere in their attempts
to help Disabled Claimants, they wouldn't be cutting benefits or adding new
hoops in the process. They would target discriminatory employers and fully
appreciate the difficulties those with Invisible and Fluctuating conditions
will have in the job market. This is a cynical exercise designed to move the
goal-posts in assessments and ensure that many will no longer qualify for
the benefits they have been legitimately receiving."

* Political and media spin - suggesting there has been significant
increases in Incapacity Benefit claims - is misleading. The DWP confirms
there has actually been a drop in IB claims since 2000.

* A much higher percentage of Disabled People than previously are now living
in the community and claiming benefits, rather than being institutionalised.

* A long hours / short breaks culture (instead of providing flexi-time or
work from home) makes it harder for Disabled People and those with medical
conditions to cope with employment.

* There is a lack of access to meaningful education and training for
Disabled People, leading to a lack of qualifications, job skills and
therefore decent jobs with adequate incomes.

* ESA and the WCA is an even more punitive benefit and assessment than the
previous procedure (IB). Claimants who fail the new assessment will lose
entitlement to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as well as ESA.


Barry: 07508 634 228

Clair: 07970 959 791


Nick: 07956 682 830


Stella: 07904 935 413

Mike: 07956 856 060

an ally


new campaign launched

03.12.2008 14:18

Compass have launched a big campign against these obscene 'reforms', you can sign it as an individual.

Academics advocate fairer welfare
Tuesday, December 02 2008
employment rights | government | recession | society | trade unions | welfare | work

Key organisations from across civil society are joined by academics in opposition to the governments welfare reforms. Over 50 academics have now signed up to the Compass and PCS coordinated campaign for "Welfare For All".

While the government, under-pressure from private companies, seems set to push ahead with its unfair welfare reforms academics from across the spectrum - experts in social policy, economics and welfare - have voiced their concern.

Professor Ruth Lister CBE says: "This further ratcheting up of conditionality is likely to create hardship and be counterproductive, particularly in the face of recession."

Dr Jonathon Rutherford says: "Academics have a vital role to play in challenging outdated and narrowly defined methodologies that legitimise punitive systems of welfare, privatisation and conditionality. Most of all as researchers, theorists and policy makers we need to create a new type of democratic welfare state whose services people feel they have control over and which they can shape to suit their needs"

John McInally, PCS Vice President says: "We really welcome the support of academics from a wide range of disciplines. It is further evidence of the broad appeal of our campaign against these proposals."

Academics supporting the campaign are:

Dr Ben Rogaly - Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex
Professor Sharon Gewirtz - Professor of Education, King's College London
Dr Marie Lall - Institute of Education, University of London
Dr David Alderson - Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Pat Devine - Honorary Research Fellow, University of Manchester
Professor Norman Ginsburg - Professor of Social Policy, London Metropolitan University

more at link

another friend

Photos please!

04.12.2008 09:16

I was there at the action yesterday, it was brilliant, and theres been several other effective actions in the last few months.
Yesterday about a dozen people blocked off Whitehall completely for over half an hour.
Can someone post pictures? With pictures and other reports I think it would make a great feature - I'd propose it on the list.
(By the way, I know its open for anyone to propose a feature, but hardly anyone seems to know how they can, so thanks for pointing that out earlier)

another ally


Hide the following 3 comments


03.12.2008 16:42

I agree wholehearedtedly with any opposition to the current round of New Labour and Tory-led welfare reforms, including attacks on single parents, the sick and disabled (including people with the invisibility of mental health needs), and the jobless in general.
At a time when unemployment is going to increase not decrease and the government are shelling out billions of tax pounds on bailing out the banks that have helped to cause the current crisis, the typical recession cop-out is to pander to 'benefits culture' scares and attempt to penalise and blame the most vulnerable people in society.
If benefits reforms are needed they should be to improve the level of service and social acuity with which wefare provision is carried out. Having been a claimant and watched a parent cut off before she died (I found fresh claim forms in her hospital bag) and having been cut off myself when I should have been provided for and lost my home as a result, I can speak for the sorry state that welfare provision is already in. Making it worse at a time of recession instead of providing for the crisis is unacceptable.


selective indymedia uk

03.12.2008 17:57


latest news

I wonder if IUK will put it on the centre column, they didn't last time, seems to be a hierarchy of oppression on the left etc,


how to make a feature

03.12.2008 18:22

Features: The features on the middle column of the IMC UK website reflect postings to the newswire. Features are highlighting specific issues to make them more accessible. They are put together by volunteers communicating on the imc-uk-features list.
Any individual can join the features list and propose a new feature for the middle column. A proposal can take the form of an idea or a completed feature. Completed features are usually between 50 and 80 words and include at least one link to the newswire, preferably also links to background information. If no one objects to the feature proposal within 24-hours, and if it is completed, it will be uploaded to the middle column. The 24-hour rule ensures that everybody can contribute to the middle column and allows time for collaborative improvements and considerations.

A press release posted to the wire hardly ever becomes a feature. If reports and photos go up, then someone might propose it as a feature. You are of course free to join the list and propose a feature. Perhaps you could link to some recent DAN reports and call outs etc?

If it isn't there, it can't be reported very easily.

selective understanding?