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love to mankind

Tabassum Nazir | 03.12.2008 12:32 | Globalisation | Migration | Social Struggles | Sheffield | World

Due to my feelings of fears of course fears are a natural part of life itself and all of us have some.

Dear Sir
Your Excellency I was born on July 7th, 1970, in the City of Pakistan name Karachi, and grow up in same city. Due to my feelings of fears of course fears are a natural part of life itself and all of us have some. We are afraid of death and of losing a loved one, afraid of global warming and of the housing bubble bursting, afraid of losing our jobs and going bankrupt, afraid of growing older, of disappointing our parents, our spouses, our lovers, afraid of what people think of us or that they don't think of us at all, afraid of appearing foolish, afraid of failure or perhaps of success, and always, always in the back of our mind is the fear of terrorist attacks." Pakistan is the frontline Country, in the war against the terrorism from last seven years. People of Pakistan giving great sacrifices in all manners, we losing our loved ones. The recent bomb blast at Marriott hotel, Islamabad the Capital City of Pakistan is the biggest attack, volume-wise" in Pakistan in seven years took the lives of more then 60 People, and to fresh violence in Karachi this increase the amount of my fears so I decided to I consider myself immediately under your Excellency's protection, and look up to you for justice.
Your Excellency due to unforeseen circumstances three years before I decided to migrate and I choose Great Britain, as a my next home other then any other country like U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Newzeland, the reason for this choice is very simple because we Pakistani and Indian people are feels more secure more convenient in United Kingdom other then any country of the world. Therefore I also applied for my HSMP (high skill migration program) Your Excellency, Just imagine what is my feeling at this stage when the (HSMP) process took three years of my life, and no result first ECO refused to accept HSMP approval at first site in the year 2006, then I appealed against the refusal at The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) ,My said appeal was allowed by Senior Immigration Judge Sir Martin on dated October 26, 2007, and then after the 10 months hard struggle on 1st July 2008 I received call from BHC Islamabad Post to submit my passport for further process with T.B certificate, after getting IOM certificate I submitted my passport at BHC Islamabad Post for my entry clearance on date July, 3rd 2008
Your Excellency (152) days has passed after the submission of my passport and I am still waiting for my entry clearance, Every man feels himself wounded, where he finds himself neglected I am facing continuously gross hardship.
Your Excellency I’m writing this mail because I'm helpless to contact BHC Islamabad Post because I made hundreds of request to them but with a great sorrow I have to say that every time they neglect all my requests I am continuously facing negligence as a last hope, I m requesting for your help With a great hope, I want to appeal in your honour for kind sympathetic consideration on humanitarian grounds for to consideration on my matter God have blessed you with much and you are able to rescue me. I have been left with no alternative but to beseech your honour for sympathetic consideration.
Your Excellency I can understand BHC Islamabad is quite busy but 152 days is the too much time, your Excellency due to fresh violence in Karachi increase my fears I don’t want to die please help me I am facing continuously gross hardship.
Please act fast with the best respect I capable of and from I trust no other motive but that of love to mankind; and from the persuasion of thy sincere desires.

Tabassum Nazir
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