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Mumbai Attacks: The British are behind it

Roland Michel Tremblay | 02.12.2008 23:47 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | World

False flags events are the only way nowadays to get the masses to accept going to war, to fight the wars our governments and secret services still feel have to be fought and won. At any cost it seems, billions and billions, never mind any economic depression in between.

Yes, we are at war. Yes, the Nuclear Third World War is on our doorstep. Yes, no global financial crisis, no matter how serious it is, will stop that now. It is all being planned and discussed in secret, and moved forward by false flag events to justify it.

The new terrorist attacks in Mumbai have opened new conspiracy theories, one of them that MI6 might be behind those attacks. It would not be hard to convince me it is true, I never believed those London terrorist attacks were genuine, whilst I was in the middle of it all.

But then I have to ask myself, why, and will it, in the long term, benefit British citizens? Or just a few rich people and families in this world? And if it is to benefit us all, then perhaps we can forgo those false flag events, get the full truth, and support our governments in their endeavours. Is it not better, as soldiers, if it is truly worth it, to know what we are dying for?

I am 36 years old. I am a French-Canadian, one of those who voted against conscription to join the army and Great Britain in defeating Germany in both World Wars. Times have changed. I have been living in London for 15 years. And though I don’t have my British Citizenship yet, I am now willing to join the British Army and save my Queen and every single Briton under the Sun. I am British. We’re all Patriots here. I will fight for my country. But only as long as I fully understand what I am fighting for. At the moment, none of this is evident.

I am cynical, I am pessimistic about this world we live in. True, I am a pacifist and would certainly wish to avert any war and any killing, just like most of us. And there perhaps lay the whole problem our governments are facing today. Our morality.

Because if we were not all idealistic people who thought war was a bad thing, and that if we found out that our own governments in the US and in the UK were at the root of all the wars and troubles in the world, we could possibly put a stop to it all, get rid of those governments.

As such, we have become a danger to our leaders, a danger to winning the international political game. We can never hope to ever get the truth about what is really going on in this world now.

False flags events are the only way nowadays to get the masses to accept going to war, to fight the wars our governments and secret services still feel have to be fought and won. At any cost it seems, billions and billions, never mind any economic depression in between.

Yes, we are at war. Yes, the Nuclear Third World War is on our doorstep. Yes, no global financial crisis, no matter how serious it is, will stop that now. It is all being planned and discussed in secret, and moved forward by false flag events to justify it.

For most of these fake events, we have uncovered the truth, we are now pretty much certain most terrorist attacks in this world are just false flag events. And whilst we debate if this is true or not, our global destiny is going forward, we are more at war every day.

Only the why is now important, as we are still so much in the dark, so many steps behind any new crisis, any new terrorist attack, their implications and where this will eventually lead us.

Let’s assume for a second that the British Secret Services, MI6, are behind the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. What is the point of it, what is it that MI6 hopes to achieve by organising these terrorist attacks? Does it benefit the British citizens at all, in the long term? Are they working for British interests? Or is this somehow benefitting some rich corporations or a few rich people and families in the world, and finally can be only detrimental to British citizens? Interesting question, I welcome your views.

Because I would understand this need for secrecy and false flag events if, somehow, we were obliged to fight all these wars in the Middle East, and yet, ultimately, gain nothing out of it. However, if it is not the case, if truly British interests are being served here, on a scale that we cannot even imagine, and that could be justified, then perhaps the government would gain a lot by changing tactics.

All the terrorist attacks in London, Madrid and in New York have somehow been proven, more or less, of being faked. There is certainly enough evidence to seriously question who was ultimately the brain behind all those attacks: our governments.

It does not matter much now, because what was wanted out of these attacks has come to pass, we are at war. You could say they were obvious in the way they went about it, they knew it would eventually be uncovered, and it did not matter as long as the real objective in the short term was reached.

I am no longer angry about it. I can understand why our governments felt they had to do it, in the times we’re living in, filled with impossible ideals incompatible with the true reality of this world. It was the only way to convince the people and the media to go ahead with their real secret foreign policies. One has to be realistic and practical in this world. I bet you learn that early on once you get acquainted with politics and what is truly going on in the world.

What I am saying is, now there is a need for a leap of faith. We need to trust our governments that they know what they are doing, they know what is good for us, that in fact they are working for our future, our great destiny within this rotten world plagued with wars and international deceit.

This secrecy has blinded us all to what was truly going on, on the international scene. It has left us all completely ignorant as to the why our leaders thought it necessary, if not essential, to fight all these wars. We can only hope that our salvation is truly at stake and all of it is justified. And this is what worries us, we are in the dark.

It is possible that none of us will benefit from this, but only some sort of global financial clique, a string of powerful corporations. In the case of Bush and his family, and friends, yes, there would be a real scepticism as to who will ultimately benefit.

In the UK, somehow, it seems a bit different. I don’t think Tony Blair convinced the whole Parliament to go ahead with all his madman’s plans, just to make British Petroleum a few more billions, or simply because of history: the Great British Empire still very much being on the agenda, and the era of colonisation being far from over, let’s control the world!

Perhaps there is a real threat for which we know nothing about. And somehow I think governments are underestimating the capacity of their main commentators and critics, journalists and citizens, to understand and accept any course of action they feel they must take. This has to change.

In the past, Great Britain did not hide its priorities, or why it fought and occupied most of the Middle East, Africa and other colonies. Its soldiers knew very well why or what they were fighting for, a strong empire, just like the Romans had. Maybe in those days it did not matter much. We were fighting against the Spanish and the French, even Belgium, as to who would ultimately control those different parts of the world, the balance of power. Reaping natural resources and turning the indigenous into slaves.

Nothing has changed, it is still very much the same today. It cannot be stated so clearly, we would not buy it now. Would we? We did in the past, we accepted this idea that people of other nations were sub-humans and deserved to be slaves to us, and provide all the natural resources we required. What makes them think we would no longer go for it?

Have we become so moral, ethical and pure in time, that these ideas no longer appeal to us as a whole? I always wanted, in a true British tradition, my twenty Indian slaves to cater for me, within my small one bedroom flat.

Maybe there is more to it than just exploiting other countries and somehow building a great empire like the ones of the past. Perhaps the mentality of our leaders has evolved with the times. Maybe there is more going on that we have been led to believe.

Maybe China and Russia are still at it, trying to take over and impose their lunatic regime upon the world. Maybe there are other threats that we are unaware, for example, just how the Muslim world could suddenly take us over, and we could all be praying to Allah soon. A bit like Hitler taking control through his fascism, except the fascism part would not be political, but religious in nature. And oh, no, I will not talk about oil.

As I said, we can only make a leap of faith, believe our governments know what they are doing, and that there is no New World Order over the horizon serving its own interests without caring for any of us.

And if it is not the case, if there is no New World Order, then perhaps our leaders should seriously consider telling us the truth, without resorting to false flag events and fake terrorist attacks. It is getting tiresome, all those lies, it insults the intelligence, while they think it is working so wonderfully.

After all, no one is buying it nowadays. We are clued up enough to debunk it all, faster than they would hope. It simply does not work anymore, they are no terrorists in this world, we all know that, there are only well paid employees of our governments. It’s been proven so many times, there is no need to prove it any longer, or playing these games.

So why not simply tell us the truth, our true motivations, why it is necessary to go to war with the Middle East, what is really happening, and why it is a necessity to declare a Nuclear Third World War.

We might surprise them, we might understand and support our leaders. After all, I am ready to die for my Queen, even though she is not my real Queen just yet, the paper work has not gone through.

If we are all to die through this Third World War, would it not be nice to know why we are fighting, why it is worth dying? It might motivate us, you might actually get me to go and defend the Empire, and actually believe this is a war worth fighting and dying for. I could easily be convinced, I am after all totally brainless, I’ll buy anything.

I have no doubt it is worth going to war, otherwise, there is no way it would have happened in the first place. So tell us, we will surprise you, we will understand, we will fight willingly, and ultimately we will win, no matter if half the world will be wiped out in the process. We can be reasonable, once we understand that it is us or them, even if vaguely so.

Just like in the old days. Let’s build a strong Empire, let’s control the World, let’s insure democracy and freedom remain the only values worth respecting. No Bolshevik or Muslim will dictate to us how this world should be, nor will we ever listen to whatever God China might have. We will keep our supremacy of this world at any cost, we will all fight together to prevent any foreign power to take over the world, to take us over. If, of course, this is truly what we are fighting for.

Let’s not forget, terrorists never act on their own behalf, all of them are financed by States. And so, these wars, they are always between countries, between superpowers struggling to control the world.

We don’t intend to learn a new language any time soon, for example, I don’t intend to speak Chinese within my lifetime, or to pray to Allah, or be obliged to pray at all from fears of being exterminated.

Maybe those wars are justified. Maybe it is time our leaders tell us what the time is, what is truly going on on the international scene, those foreign affairs. Why we are fighting those wars for. Perhaps we will understand, accept it, and finally see reason. Fight willingly for a just cause, for freedom and democracy, instead of blindly obeying without any kind of understanding, constantly questioning the motivations not only of our enemy, but or our own leaders as well. Have they gone mad? Well, from our point of view, yes, you have all gone mad!

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. You should know by now, looking at the past, that wars can only be won if soldiers fully understand what is truly at stake and are fully motivated to win the war.

Explain to us how firing ablaze the whole of the Middle East through nuclear weapons will ultimately benefit us all as citizens of the world, or prevent our ultimate downfall and downturn into slavery to foreign gods and powers. And we might then follow you to glory.

The days of false flag events and lies and secrecy are over, because no one is buying it any longer. Better start writing your autobiographies a bit early, like within a month, so we can understand and support your point of view and your policies. It is, after all, the only way for you to avert a War Crime Tribunal at this time.

If we could only understand what is truly going on, we might just accept that genocides and torture were in fact justified. And that a Nuclear Third World War is essential and unavoidable. We might then die happy, knowing we did the right thing for our families and our country, and our dear flag. We’re all Patriots here.

God Save the Queen! All for the right reasons, whatever they may be.


“Without irony, this life would hardly be worth living.” RM

Roland Michel Tremblay is an author with six books published in France. He is a French-Canadian born in 1972 who has been living in London UK for 15 years. He can be contacted at this e-mail address:

All previous political articles by Roland Michel Tremblay:

Roland Michel Tremblay
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Hide the following 6 comments

Put the tin-foil hat away

03.12.2008 09:26

This is the most confused bit of naive conspiraloon rambling I've read for some time.

Based on his assumption - and it's a pretty big leap - that the Mumbai attacks must be a British government conspiracy, he then argues himself in knots about how little there is to gain from it (suggesting, that, you know maybe, it probably wouldn't be worthwhile as an MI6 conspiracy...).

"All the terrorist attacks in London, Madrid and in New York have somehow been proven, more or less, of being faked."

No they haven't.

Norville B

Meanwhile, on planet Zog

03.12.2008 10:54

"It would not be hard to convince me it is true"
Something of an understatement.


The first of many conspiracy feories to come

03.12.2008 14:08

The fact that the militants acted so calmly going to their deaths shows God must have been involved. Only the idiocacy of religion could create such a state of mind.


a different comment

03.12.2008 23:02

Roland uses irony and sarcasm that goes over the heads of many who don't know him well.

wake up from your slumber

Irony and sarcasm?

05.12.2008 10:38

If his excuse for that ramble above, and the similar rambles on his website are that he is being "ironic" or "sarcastic" then it's even more of a confused waste of time than it seems.

Take this classic, inane assertion:
"we are now pretty much certain most terrorist attacks in this world are just false flag events."

Give me strength.

Norville B

Answering critics, for some sort of understanding

06.12.2008 03:05

Hi 7718,

Great comment, thanks. I can see I will have to justify myself on this one. I need to get back at what I was trying to do and say when I wrote this article. First, I will make a confession. I was very tired and drunk when I wrote it. I went to bed at 4 or 5 am, knowing I had to go to work the next day. I did not sleep, I woke up in a panic state within an hour, wondering how I could get myself into writing such lunacy, and how I would be destroyed the very next day. And yet, I read it again now, and I feel, yes, I needed to write this, I am proud I wrote this. Don’t know where it came from, but it needed to be said. And perhaps I am not that far from the truth, if you read the UK newspapers headlines (mostly The Telegraph and The Guardian, the only major newspapers in the UK (perhaps the world) who are not afraid of stating the truth, whilst triple checking all their sources.)

7718 - I’m from America, so maybe people in Great Britain really can see through it all.

---I would not say so, all around the world you find uninterested people who barely follow politics, let alone watch independent news channels. Of course, in Great Britain though religion is far less important, and totally out of politics. I would not think a large part of the population is blinded by religion, which was reflected in Blair’s speeches which seemed intellectual and addressing, maybe, a more adult crowd than in America. It was his force.

Here in America though, we can not, or will not, see the truth because it shakes the very foundation of our identity. It threatens to up heave our entire schema on reality. We deny it with obtuse irrationalities and defend it with misguided accusations of being un-American.

---I think you will find that this is not quite true. A few journalists and politicians made a big storm in a tea cup, and unfortunately it was widely spread. We have to make a distinction between reality and propaganda. I think most Americans are shocked to think anyone could be accused of being unpatriotic or un-American simply for criticising the government (that, in itself is so un-American and anti-democratic). We are led to believe somehow that many people think what a few say. I’m pretty sure Americans are not that stupid, they are awake, and this is why Obama won with such an overwhelming majority.

---We rarely get an accurate picture of what the population really thinks and says, we only get the extreme point of view on all sides, and lots of manipulated opinion polls and statistics. A very clear one is this so-called majority of the population who would want more cameras everywhere and more police on the streets, when the only clear result of that, is everyone getting speed tickets and other fines for breaking small and insignificant laws. Did you spot that damn yellow line? No? Be prepared to defend yourself in all three Courts, as it will reach the Court of Appeal. Ask anyone if they want more cameras and more police, I’m sure you would not get the stats the government offers us, which are repeated by all journalists in all newspapers.

It’s very difficult to get through to anyone. It’s now been 7 years since 9-11 and I’m just now scratching the surface with my immediate family…who are smart people. People who ought to trust me. The number of headlights on over here is alarmingly low. We’re a nation in the dark.

---It is because no one has read or watched anything about any real truth in the news for years. There is hope though, since anyone connected to the Internet will eventually get some sort of truth, if they are interested in such subjects. And then people cannot fail but to see they have been taken for fools, and lied to.

---I tell people at work that there are such things as fake terrorism, and they laugh. However, if they were to read one book out of the whole mass of information about the real events of 9/11, immediately they would see my point of view. If they would only read the articles of Michel Chossudovsky on Global Research, about the lies of the London Terrorist Attacks, they would see some sort of light.

---None of them are interested really, and who can blame them? I truly wish I could free myself from all this. I have written 35 books before I felt the need to write a political one, all due to Bush and Blair. Well, if you call yourself an author, and can bypass those men in what you write, you deserve a medal, from the International Association of Blind and Deaf People.

I’m with you though. There’s a real strong chance that this is all too big for us to understand. To me, it’s just as likely that the government is enslaving the world as it is that they’re saving it.

---Perhaps because any decision is always made whilst considering consequences in all the different spheres of society (economical, political, religious, social, security, etc.). And suddenly when something happens, it is for the enhancement (in theory) of everything. So of course it becomes impossible for us to guess why perhaps someone would deliberately cause chaos. It seems there is no obvious reason, because we cannot see what their simulations predicted as the consequences of it. Though sometimes the particular field in society which mostly benefits is obvious.

---It is like running simulations on computers, considering all the consequences, and in the end, faced with such prospects, just like a computer, they choose 1 instead of 0 (destructive action instead of neutrality). Morality does not seem to enter the equation. Especially if one of the criteria is our security in the world, without anything concerning the safety of others.

---So maybe we are both saving lives whilst enslaving others, as it is perhaps the only way the simulation could ensure we would not be enslaved. And that is exactly my question in this present article. Of course, I also mention that maybe even us don’t enter the equation, but only corporations, rich people and politicians. We don’t know.

Perhaps there are necessary evils that must be carried out before we can stop competing against each other and start working together.

---So true. Of course, perhaps we should draw the line somewhere, like genocides and torture is going too far. Unprovoked and, from our point of view, useless wars, who knows? Another World War? I do hope it is truly justified, but then, why not tell us what is going on?

---As to stop competing and start working together, I am not certain if it is in our nature, human nature that is. For this dream to come true, the whole system of education and climbing social hierarchies, and how we put values on what in life, would need to be changed.

---Perhaps you did not have such a utopian and romantic view in mind, like I always have. If nothing much is to be changed, I am certainly for eliminating competition as much as possible wherever possible, and definitely about eliminating hierarchies, people ordering others around like slaves, no matter if a salary is paid to supposedly justify this state of affair. Then we might be able to work together, instead of blindly obeying a few leaders. This could certainly gradually be done without having to change everything, as long as people are made aware of the benefits.

My main point, which I’ve saved until now, is that this ‘we’ you speak of is only your circle of friends, acquaintances, fans, etc. They’re all like-minded people. People who agree with you, people you get along with. It’s your entire reality. It’s so rare for you to come across someone who still buys into the dog-and-pony that you tend to think they don’t exist.

---Don’t worry, what you assume here is far from being my reality. On the contrary, I am very much alone within my universe. My partner does not even have one political opinion, nor does he read anything. My “irony” is perhaps that, assuming that what only a few people know, is now widely known, using the same tools the government is using against us.

I once read a statistic that went something like this: Some years ago, Hollywood actors, actresses, producers, directors and miscellaneous other showbiz people were polled. They were asked how many people they thought attended church on a regular basis. (I do not remember that ACTUAL statistics, but the point should still be illustrated). The results were that ‘Hollywood’ put the number in the 5-10% range while the actual number was much closer to 40-50%. What I’m saying, metaphorically of course, is that you are Hollywood, and the rest of the world are church goers. Your scope is smaller than you think it is.

---What you say here is quite interesting. It is about us living in our own little bubble universe with people who think like us, and then we become disconnected from the rest of the world or even reality. Whilst believing, of course, that only us are clued and know the truth, or some of it, actively researching it.

---However it is not the case, I’m sure you will agree. People like us are very much alone in our little world, where we think and see what is possible and even probable. No one around me believes any conspiracy theory or supports my views or even discusses politics with me, apart from a few people on the Internet.

---But this is what propaganda is all about, convincing the masses that this is what the masses believe, even if it is far from the truth. It is certainly a powerful argument. I lived in Los Angeles for a while, people in Hollywood are not so disconnected from reality. In fact, they create the reality surrounding us, understanding that it does not reflect it.

---You could say that the whole women’s liberation movement came about once Hollywood started showing women in power. You could also say that Obama being President might have something to do with how often we saw a Black President in major films. What you constantly tell the people the world is, eventually becomes what the world is.

---I never thought gays would be so well perceived in some parts of the world as we can see it today, to even consider gay marriage. Hollywood made it happen, even though they were certainly not portraying a reality they believed existed already.

---Hollywood does reach every single country within this world, if it is not dubbed, it is subtitled. It is the greatest source of propaganda in the world, as it changes the world. And so far, I have nothing negative to say about Hollywood. It is still free to propagate whatever it wants, it is still free from any politician or religious leader. As long as they are willing to take a risk and lose money. Capitalism is, after all, the law, not art.

---Also. How was the question asked? Did they specifically ask in America, or just considering California? Because from what I have seen, Californians are not church goers, whilst in some American States, like when I was in Utah, perhaps 95% of the population went to Church.

---Also, those are statistics, you can make them say whatever you want. For example, how many Christians are there in this world? One billion I read somewhere. But there you go, they just thought in terms of whole populations of countries, counting every Italians and Canadians for example. Well, I’m sure many Italians don’t have a religion, have another, or abandoned their faith. So how many Christians are there really in the world, when they counted me and I certainly would deny it, if asked?

---I heard another extraordinary stat 15 years ago, that in Canada 85% believed in religion and God, and prayed. Also, 85% of women have sexual adventures with co-workers at work. You will agree with me, this is impossible. We need to be weary of statistics, where they come from, how the surveys were conducted, who benefits from the results, etc.

---My article was designed to portray an idea that many more people thought so, that certain conspiracies were now beyond the conspiracy, but found out. Which they have, when someone looks at all the evidence. But as you say, until more eminent personalities state so openly, well, we can only go on pretending that these theories are possible but unproven.

---When is it, last time a known actor said that 9/11 was an inside job? Clooney, Madonna, and yes, they were shut down. And now, no one will venture to say anything. Efficient censorship, if I may say so. Because only a few powerful people shut them down, certainly not the whole population as a whole. Everyone loves Clooney and Madonna, and still loves them as much as before, I have no doubt. (Of course, Madonna and her family also apparently received death threats. How sad a world this is.)

----In a way, you could say I am doing some sort of reverse psychology, using some counter propaganda tools. But I don’t hide it, I say it is irony, to resume this kind of style. Some people call it genius, others say I am an idiot. I am not afraid to pretend I am naïve and stupid, if I can make a point and get people to think. It puts a smile on my face. Rattling their cage, and at least, make them think further.

---At any rate, for Indians and Pakistanis to think that the Brits might be behind it all, is favourable. It will open their eyes that fallacy and fake terrorism exists, and then, we might prevent the self-annihilation of both India and Pakistan. To be honest, how could anyone think that Pakistan is responsible for those attacks? When the only logical conclusion of such an attack, is the self-annihilation of both countries? Frankly. Someone else is responsible for this, Pakistan, I am certain, does not have such a death wish, not when 200 million Muslims live in India.

---I should not really care about all this, but I have not only become British in recent years. I have also mostly shared this existence with both Indians and Pakistanis at work. This concerns me, this war is being fought right under my eyes. I am now also Indian and Pakistani. Whatever is required in order to bring some sanity within this world, and save it from itself somehow.

---None of them know I am writing these articles, just like I am supposed to remain ignorant of what is truly going on at work, based on what goes on in their home countries, as none them would dare speak of it. I can only see the discrimination, against Muslims, the very same discrimination I suffer from, from not being Hindu. I have written a 1000 pages book about it, it is the only book of mine that you will not find online on my website. Recently I had to take it offline, from fears of losing my job at the Crown Court.

---I live in the UK, but you could easily say, I am in India. Good thing I love Indian food, addicted to it in fact, there must be drug in that food, as it makes no sense as to why I would love that food, when I puke so heartedly when I eat any sort of Asian food. I am an addict, to Indian food, explain this.

You’re entire blog was written on the false supposition that everyone can see the truth and that our governments’ attempts to run false flags are folly and easily seen through. Yes, some can see through it, but they are the minority.

----I can only say that you got my full meaning and understood the different layers of irony and cynicism of my style. For intelligent and clever people, they will see it and approve of this tactic, and for the others, it works just as well if not better. These articles can be read on many levels, whether you’re intellectual or not. Because of the dumbing down of society, this all needs to be taken into consideration.

---You know, some clever people do often make the mistake of assuming I can sometimes be right down stupid and naïve, and then it makes me laugh, of course, they did not have the key to understanding what I was doing. And it gives me such a way of making many points and arguments that otherwise I could not, playing this game.

---From the onset, only a lunatic would have written such an article. It is also obvious that I did not bring any argument to justify my point of view and wild claims. It is because none of this was important for the real message behind it all. One of the real target market for this article, was the perpetrators of false flag events and fake terrorist acts, and from there on, you can read the article in a complete different way.

---Those people don’t need convincing about if what they are doing is true or not. And from their point of view, the conspiracy theory movement certainly went wild and far reaching, they may be starting to wonder if perhaps these kind of tactics are passed date, and suddenly they may have to tell us some truth.

---I feel they will get the message, you can be certain they monitor everything, this article has been read. I used to work for a media monitoring agency in Ottawa, for the then Prime Minister. What you wrote here, the Prime Minister has been made ware of. You might as well use this opportunity, of being heard. What did you say? That I was an idiot? Oh! I wonder what the Prime Minister would do with that. Such a missed opportunity, to let him know what you truly wished to tell him.

---Blair never cared about what you said, he made instant decisions. Brown takes forever to make a decision. Why? He reads everything you say, you can take my word for it. But don’t forget, Brown is the one who mentioned New World Order 17 times in his inaugurating speech once he came to power:

---I admit that quite often we can be blind to many things, things we never thought of. Books about conspiracy theories can often be quite enlightening, all the links they can make between events and reasons for action, which we could never realise without first knowing something about history, of which we know nothing about. Also, I like the mystery angle of it, wild claims bordering on the truth. It is all fascinating and makes for a less boring existence.

---Of course, I could not really say it that clearly in any of my articles, since I have to play the stupid little white dumb human being who is ignorant of all the conspiracy theories, so I never sound bunkers and lose all my readers. It would never occur to them that I am pretty much stating all those conspiracy theories anyway, without ever making it quite clear (though in this present article it is quite clear).

---There are certain things I can’t say, because then it would become too obvious what I am talking about, and from there on they would qualify me as crackpot and I would lose my credibility (again, in this article I crossed that line). There is a fine line here not to cross. I usually find a way anyway to state pretty much all that I have to say.

The rest of the world is looking for a Messiah, and government has convinced them they are Him.

---Well put!

Loved the post, write me.

---I did, for the whole world to see and understand.


Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay
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