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Don't Deport Abbas Ali Babakir

John O | 02.12.2008 07:48 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham

2 December 2008 - Urgent - Take Action Immediately

Campaigner to be forcibly deported to Iraq this evening

This message from International Federation of Iraqi refugees

Abbas Ali Babakir, a campaigner for the International Federation of Iraqi refugees in the UK, is to be deported at 16.15 this evening from Heathrow on Royal Jordanian airlines.

He has had his request for asylum turned down and is currently being held at Campsfield detention centre awaiting removal.

He arrived in the UK in 2001 following threats to his life from the PUK and believes his life will be in danger if he returns to Iraq. His family was responsible for guarding an oil refinery for the British Government. This led to strife between the family and the PUK and KDP (the two parties making up the Kurdish Regional Government). The PUK have persecuted Abbas' family since 1993.

Immediately prior to Abbas taking the decision to leave Iraq two of his relatives were arrested and murdered by the PUK. If he had remained in Iraq he feels sure he would have met the same fate. The PUK are still the ruling party in charge of his village (Gardaspean) and he fears if he returns he will be arrested or killed. Abbas was forced to leave his wife and five childrenm, one of whom is disabled, behind in Iraq: if there was any possibility of a safe return to Iraq Mr Babakir would have returned to Iraq many years ago.

What you can do to help:

1) Send faxes/Online complaint - to Suhair Beidas, London Office Supervisor, Royal Jordanian Airways and urge them not to carry out the forced removal - model letter attached, AbbasAliBabakirRJA.doc copy/amend /write your own version (if you do so please quote: Abbas Ali Babakir, due to be forcibly removed from the UK today Tuesday 2nd December on Royal Jordanian flight RJ112 from Heathrow @ 16:15, flying to Jordan, and then on to Erbil, Kurdistan.)

Fax: 020 8748 5251 (00 44 20 8748 5251 if you are faxing from outside UK)

Copy text from model letter and post online:
We value our customers' opinions and welcome your feedback. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

2)Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, asking that Abbas' planned deportation be cancelled. Please use the 'model letter' attached or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include his HO ref: S1113909/2.

Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)


Please let the Campaign know of any faxes/emails sent:
For IFIR "Richard Whittell"

John O
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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02.12.2008 14:21

At the monthly Communications House demo just now we got copies of the letter to Jacqui Smith signed but we can't fax them as the Home Office appear to have switched it off. It looks like it is a Croydon not Marsham Street number in any case.

Any suggestions?


fax number

02.12.2008 15:32

Have now faxed on 020 7035 4745‏


Good news

02.12.2008 18:34

Abbas Ali Babakir did not fly according to John O, he is not sure why
