this is really a disgrace .....from so many country,s i have being and living england is the most patetic and stupid nazis, fascist , racists , sum bags whatever u want to call them .look at this pics .......................they dont even shud call that names there,s just simple name for this kind of persons LOOSERS ...thanx for the person who leaked the list and same friends we are being very very very busy .and you know the best thing we will not stop eh eh eh .........ATTACK AND RESIST ..BY DA WAY SHORT MESAGE TO THE UNDERCOVER COPS OUTSIDE THE GREEK EMBASSY ..ah ah ah u cant catch time i slash yuor wheels with you inside easy ......COPS YOU R A JOKE ..................PEACE LOVE AND PETROL BOMBS
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02.12.2008 15:04
They appear as they are nazi thugs, hypocritically holding union jacks
03.12.2008 11:11
ah, yes
04.12.2008 16:55