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The Omen

Time for a Republic | 29.11.2008 14:59

The potentially sinister developments concerning the arrest of MP Damian Green have highlighted the precarious nature of the democracy to which we are subject. Now might be the best time to move forward.

*For a republic. Whatever benefits the botched settlements of the 1600 s onwards, its time to look afresh at the brief decade when a republic was established, to lrean from its mistakes and build on its successes.

*For Citizenry. To continue in the status of subjects is simply not a practical or desirable option in the present age (or any other for that matter)

*Sovereignty of Parliament. The House of Commons has proved itself inadequate to defend itself against the sea of state illegality which has imposed itself.

No longer is the matter of a Republic the preserve of Hyde Park orators. Over the past few days, the specific enormity of the arrest of Minister Damian Green MP has finally begun to dawn on the public. More than once the era of the previous attempt to establish a republic has been referred to.
The cornerstone of the new republic would entail a decalration by the parliament of its own soveriegnty in all matters. specifically, immunity from state arrest would be one principle, and any wrongdoing by a member would require the removal of said immuinty by way of impeachment. to keep things as orderly as possible during the transition, the monarch would be asked not to impede the creation of the new mode of government. The people of britain, hitherto subjects, would be fully empowered as true citizens. All this would merely bring the nation into line with other countries such as France.

Time for a Republic


Display the following 2 comments

  1. Devil in the details — MDN
  2. well at least someone bothered to reply! — Omen