Mumbai carnage: world unity urged to punish culprits
Ahmar Mustikhan, Freelance Journalist | 28.11.2008 13:45 | Anti-militarism | History | Terror War | World
Pakistanis are openly acknowledging their country's rogue I.S.I. was responsible for the ayhem in Mumbia that left 120 people dead. The maverick Baluch ethnic group calls for world unity to defeat "the monster."
WASHINGTON DC: A Baluch group in the United States has condemned the terror attacks that have claimed nearly 200 lives in the commercial capital of India and has said it suspects that terror don Dawood Ebrahim and Pakistan's I.S.I. were responsible.
Even Pakistanis admit their country's ISI is responsible.
"If there was an intelligence agency whose fingerprints can be spotted all over the crime scene, it appears to be Islamic rogue elements from the Pakistan ISI, hell-bent on disrupting a marked improvement in India's relations with neighboring Pakistan. For two decades, the Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) has been the de facto government in Pakistan, toppling regimes, aiding the Taliban, giving cover to al-Qaida fugitives and running a business empire worth billions of dollars," A Pakistani intellectual Tarek Fateh wrote in the Ottawa Citizen.
Pakistan and India were always one country but were separated under the British divide-and-rule policy that started with the administrative division of Bengal. Interestingly, the only child and daughter of Pakistan founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah named Dina (Deenabai) Wadia is in Mumbai. She had married and divorced a Parsi industrialist named Neville Wadia, according to Kuwait Zorastrian Association--an organization representing the Parsis in Kuwait. The association published a picture of Jinnah's great grandson Ness Wadia (see herewith).
Pakistan's establishment, including the powerful I.S.I. tries to hide such common roots.
Twice premier Benazir Bhutto was assassinated last year and though the American C.I.A. blamed Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan of the shadowy Baitullah Mehsud for her slaying, many Pakistanis suspect the I.S.I. was involved. Her spouse Asif Ali Zardari, who was himself tortured by the I.S.I. and his tongue was cut while he was in jail, has been trying to reach out to arch-foe India and has publicly condemned the mujahideen in Kashmir.
According to Fateh, speaking to an Indian TV audience via a satellite link Tuesday Zardari borrowed a quote from his late wife, who once said there's a "little bit of India in every Pakistani and a little bit of Pakistan" in every Indian. "I do not know whether it is the Indian or the Pakistani in me that is talking to you today," Zardari said, amid applause from his high-profile audience, which included diplomats, politicians and industrialists. The I.S.I. terrorist attacks were an apparent hint to Zardari he does not call the shots when it comes to Pakistan's policy vis-a-vis India.
Whatever the reasons, the Baluch who have been denied statehood for long believe the I.S.I. must be taken to task immediately before the wreak more havoc. One of the main terrorists I.S.I. has used is Dawood Ebrahim, a street thug from Mumbai, who rose to become a multimillionaire gold smuggler in Dubai and was accused of being a key player in the 1993 series bomb blasts in Mumbai that left 250 dead and more than 700 injured. Ebrahim found sanctuary in Pakistan and this writer saw him at a social event in Karachi in 1997 where the venue was cordoned off by plainclothesmen in a level of security that is provided only to foreign heads of government.
In a message sent Thursday to Indian Sports and Culture Minister Mani Shankar Aiyer and leader of the Opposition, L. K. Advani, American Friends of Baluchistan founder Ahmar Mustikhan called for world unity to defeat, what he called. "the monster that is I.S.I."
Following is the full text of Mustikhan's separate missives to Advani and Aiyer:
On behalf of myself and the Baluch Diaspora, I express my shock and grief over the Mumbai carnage.
It is clear this was not an act of random terror, but a professionally planned operation.
My heart goes out to the victims and the bereaved families.
In my humble view, the terrorists who carried out the dastardly acts are the same ones who are killing the Baluch in Dera Bugti and Kohlu.
Just recently another terrorist, Ayman Alzwahiri, who is also in Pakistan, uttered racial epithets against president-elect Barack Obama.
The killings in Mumbai appears to be a Daud Ebrahim-stye operation and I condemn Islamabad for continuing to shelter him. It is a shame that one of India's most wanted terrorists has found safe haven in Pakistan. I am hoping against hope the new government in Pakistan would hand him over to India.
The American Friends of Baluchistan is with the brotherly people of India in this hour of immense grief.
The tragedy is a stark reminder ISI will not end its criminal activities against humankind and the human race will have to act in unison to defeat the monster that is Pakistan's I.S.I.
Even Pakistanis admit their country's ISI is responsible.
"If there was an intelligence agency whose fingerprints can be spotted all over the crime scene, it appears to be Islamic rogue elements from the Pakistan ISI, hell-bent on disrupting a marked improvement in India's relations with neighboring Pakistan. For two decades, the Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) has been the de facto government in Pakistan, toppling regimes, aiding the Taliban, giving cover to al-Qaida fugitives and running a business empire worth billions of dollars," A Pakistani intellectual Tarek Fateh wrote in the Ottawa Citizen.

Pakistan and India were always one country but were separated under the British divide-and-rule policy that started with the administrative division of Bengal. Interestingly, the only child and daughter of Pakistan founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah named Dina (Deenabai) Wadia is in Mumbai. She had married and divorced a Parsi industrialist named Neville Wadia, according to Kuwait Zorastrian Association--an organization representing the Parsis in Kuwait. The association published a picture of Jinnah's great grandson Ness Wadia (see herewith).
Pakistan's establishment, including the powerful I.S.I. tries to hide such common roots.
Twice premier Benazir Bhutto was assassinated last year and though the American C.I.A. blamed Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan of the shadowy Baitullah Mehsud for her slaying, many Pakistanis suspect the I.S.I. was involved. Her spouse Asif Ali Zardari, who was himself tortured by the I.S.I. and his tongue was cut while he was in jail, has been trying to reach out to arch-foe India and has publicly condemned the mujahideen in Kashmir.
According to Fateh, speaking to an Indian TV audience via a satellite link Tuesday Zardari borrowed a quote from his late wife, who once said there's a "little bit of India in every Pakistani and a little bit of Pakistan" in every Indian. "I do not know whether it is the Indian or the Pakistani in me that is talking to you today," Zardari said, amid applause from his high-profile audience, which included diplomats, politicians and industrialists. The I.S.I. terrorist attacks were an apparent hint to Zardari he does not call the shots when it comes to Pakistan's policy vis-a-vis India.
Whatever the reasons, the Baluch who have been denied statehood for long believe the I.S.I. must be taken to task immediately before the wreak more havoc. One of the main terrorists I.S.I. has used is Dawood Ebrahim, a street thug from Mumbai, who rose to become a multimillionaire gold smuggler in Dubai and was accused of being a key player in the 1993 series bomb blasts in Mumbai that left 250 dead and more than 700 injured. Ebrahim found sanctuary in Pakistan and this writer saw him at a social event in Karachi in 1997 where the venue was cordoned off by plainclothesmen in a level of security that is provided only to foreign heads of government.
In a message sent Thursday to Indian Sports and Culture Minister Mani Shankar Aiyer and leader of the Opposition, L. K. Advani, American Friends of Baluchistan founder Ahmar Mustikhan called for world unity to defeat, what he called. "the monster that is I.S.I."
Following is the full text of Mustikhan's separate missives to Advani and Aiyer:
On behalf of myself and the Baluch Diaspora, I express my shock and grief over the Mumbai carnage.
It is clear this was not an act of random terror, but a professionally planned operation.
My heart goes out to the victims and the bereaved families.
In my humble view, the terrorists who carried out the dastardly acts are the same ones who are killing the Baluch in Dera Bugti and Kohlu.
Just recently another terrorist, Ayman Alzwahiri, who is also in Pakistan, uttered racial epithets against president-elect Barack Obama.
The killings in Mumbai appears to be a Daud Ebrahim-stye operation and I condemn Islamabad for continuing to shelter him. It is a shame that one of India's most wanted terrorists has found safe haven in Pakistan. I am hoping against hope the new government in Pakistan would hand him over to India.
The American Friends of Baluchistan is with the brotherly people of India in this hour of immense grief.
The tragedy is a stark reminder ISI will not end its criminal activities against humankind and the human race will have to act in unison to defeat the monster that is Pakistan's I.S.I.
Ahmar Mustikhan, Freelance Journalist
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a bigger bang for the buck
28.11.2008 16:39
but remember...
Limited nuclear war would damage ozone layer
Apart from the human devastation, a small-scale nuclear war between India and Pakistan would destroy much of the ozone layer, leaving the DNA of humans and other organisms at risk of damage from the Sun's rays, say researchers. Michael Mills of the University of Colorado at Boulder, US, and colleagues used computer models to study how 100 Hiroshima-sized bombs would affect the atmosphere. They say that their scenario - in which each country launches 50 devices of 15 kilotons - is realistic, given the countries' nuclear arsenals. "The figure of 100 Hiroshima-sized bombs compares pretty accurately to the approximately 110 warheads that both states reportedly possess between them," agrees Wyn Bowen, professor of non-proliferation and international security in the War Studies Group at King's College, UK. Mills and colleagues found that a regional nuclear war in South Asia would deplete up to 40% of the ozone layer in the mid latitudes and up to 70% in the high northern latitudes. "The models show this magnitude of ozone loss would persist for five years, and we would see substantial losses continuing for at least another five years," says Mills. The effect is far greater than was calculated in the 1980s in a study that modelled the effect of global nuclear war. Mills says old models did not take into account the impact of columns of soot that would rise up to 80 kilometres into the atmosphere. Up to 5 million metric tons of soot would be spewed out by fires on the ground, says the team. Once in the upper stratosphere, it would absorb energy from the sun, heating the surrounding gases and catalysing the breakdown of ozone by nitrogen oxides. Last year, co-author Brian Toon, also of the University of Colorado, showed that such a nuclear war would have a devastating effect on global food stocks. Cancer risks Mills and colleagues calculate that, in addition to the devastation caused by the bombs, DNA damage - including skin cancer and cataracts - due to increased influx of ultraviolet rays would increase in humans and other animals by 213%. Damage to plants, meanwhile, would double relative to current rates. The UV damage would continue as long as the ozone remained depleted. Toon points out that the world's governments have agreed to ban ozone-depleting chemicals such as CFCs, but not their nuclear arsenals. "By adopting the Montreal Protocol in 1987, society demonstrated it was unwilling to tolerate a small percentage of ozone loss because of serious health risks," he says. "But ozone loss from a limited nuclear exchange would be more than an order of magnitude larger than ozone loss from the release of gases like CFCs." "This study is very conservative in its estimates," says Dan Plesch, of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental and African Studies, UK, although he notes that no one knows how likely a nuclear exchange is. "It should ring alarm bells to remind us all that nuclear war can destroy our world far faster than carbon dioxide emissions," he says. Plesch says nuclear war could happen "on a huge scale" between Russia and the West. Bowen, however, says there are no truly comparable contexts outside South Asia, given the relations between India and Pakistan and proximity of their nuclear arsenals. "While Israel has a significant arsenal, there are currently no hostile powers with a similar capability in close proximity," he says. Bowen says that, with India and Pakistan being neighbours, if a nuclear war broke out between them, they would be likely to empty their silos to avoid warheads being blown up before they have launched. He stresses that nuclear war between the countries is neither likely nor imminent. (12 April 2008)
not Catherine Brahic
28.11.2008 17:41
Except... The Times and The Daily Telegraph are, actually, still calling it Bombay.
And I somehow doubt that, if there are those willing to escalate the conflict to a nuclear level, they are going to be that bothered about the carbon footprint. ("Don't worry, we'll offset the blast by paying for some more trees in Kashmir, taking fewer foreign holidays and remembering to recycle.")
Also didn't totally understand this line: "Pakistan and India were always one country but were separated under the British divide-and-rule policy that started with the administrative division of Bengal." I probably need to study my history of the region better, but I was pretty sure the whole Pakistan / India division occurred as a result of nationalists in those countries capitalising on Britain's departure in 1947. Surely it's easier to divide and rule when you're ruling the place, not waiting till after you've gone?
But, hey, I'm just gobsmacked noone's on here yet saying that it's not really Muslim terrorists or a Muslim secret service, but all the fault of Mossad, the CIA and M16.
Norville B
Pretty sure means pretty unsure
28.11.2008 19:03
The British didn't invent 'Divide and Conquer' in India in 1947. That was the tactic that won them their empire long before that.
"Curzon had intended the partitions as a way to "divide and rule" Bengal by splitting it into a Hindu-majority province ( the western part, including Clacutta) and a Muslim- majority province (the eastern part, which became East Pakistan in 1947 and Bangladesh in 1971). But the inevitable backlash from the Bengalis he disdained would eventually prove too much for the British, and the partition was ended in 1911." - Calcutta: A Cultural and Literary History by Krishna Dutta, Anita Desai - 2003
28.11.2008 23:09
here you go mate just so as you're not too dissapointed
I wonder what PM Brown was referring to when he was interviewed in India just before he took office from his fellow war criminal Blair. He said we have a "New World Order" now ... What did he mean?
I've just listened to a BBC correspondent reporting on the possibility of 'rouge elements' within the ISI and the Pakistani ruling class that might be responsible for this terrrrrrrerrrrrist attack. Now if anybody says anything about 'rouge elements" within the CIA and US ruling class carrying out false flag terrrrrrrerrrrrrist attacks they're immediately ad hom'd as 'conspiracy theorists', tin foil hat wearing loons.
Is this racism? Oh the Pakistani ruling class are perfectly capable of being 'rouge elements', but when it comes down to the western white ruling class and their intelligence services......
It is well documented that ISI was set up by the CIA and can't do anything without CIA approval, and you can guarantee yer very own ex -SAS mercenaries will be training terrrrrerrrrrists in the borderlands between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Anyone who thinks the UK actually 'pulled out' and had no influence in the events of 1947 is very naive indeed. Division is the key to control and prevent India's rise as a global power.
"Pakistan and India were always one country"
29.11.2008 22:28
There was "one country" before British rule, was there?
British imperialists ran it as "one country", did they?
Thanks Herodetus and 2%
01.12.2008 13:30
Yup - I'm agreeing with you Herodetus. If it happened, it didn't start in 47, but earlier.
And cheers for that 2%. Will also be interested to know how all those "Brits were among the terrorist" stories started when they seemed to be debunked by the weekend.
Norville B
How many innocent people were murdered in India states on a single day?
03.12.2008 00:13
And then look for any mention of any of those murders in any British papers. If you spot any mention then let me know. I will be very surprised to be shown such evidence.
My view if that ordinary Indian s does not matter. Just as ordinary Pakistanis do not matter. To those who cause the murders of countless people for empire do so because they are evil. No matter what religion they may be part of.
observer of all things imperialist
How many innocent people were murdered in India states on a single day?
03.12.2008 00:13
And then look for any mention of any of those murders in any British papers. If you spot any mention then let me know. I will be very surprised to be shown such evidence.
My view if that ordinary Indian s does not matter. Just as ordinary Pakistanis do not matter. To those who cause the murders of countless people for empire do so because they are evil. No matter what religion they may be part of.
observer of all things imperialist
How many innocent people were murdered in India states on a single day?
03.12.2008 00:13
And then look for any mention of any of those murders in any British papers. If you spot any mention then let me know. I will be very surprised to be shown such evidence.
My view if that ordinary Indian s does not matter. Just as ordinary Pakistanis do not matter. To those who cause the murders of countless people for empire do so because they are evil. No matter what religion they may be part of.
observer of all things imperialist
03.12.2008 14:28
On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.
The media's spotlight on ‘foreknowledge' and so-called "FBI lapses" served to distract public attention from the broader issue of political deception. Not a word was mentioned concerning the role of the CIA, which throughout the entire post-Cold War era, has aided and abetted Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, as part of its covert operations.
The 9-11 terrorists did not act on their own volition. The suicide hijackers were instruments in a carefully planned intelligence operation. The evidence confirms that Al Qaeda is supported by Pakistan's military intelligence, the Inter-services Intelligence (ISI). Amply documented, the ISI owes its existence to the CIA:
The FBI confirmed in late September, in an interview with ABC News (which went virtually unnoticed) that the 9-11 ring leader, Mohammed Atta, had been financed from unnamed sources in Pakistan:
The FBI had information on the money trail. They knew exactly who was financing the terrorists. Less than two weeks later, the findings of the FBI were confirmed by Agence France Presse (AFP) and the Times of India, quoting an official Indian intelligence report (which had been dispatched to Washington). According to these two reports, the money used to finance the 9-11 attacks had allegedly been "wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, at the instance of [ISI Chief] General Mahmoud [Ahmad]." 10 According to the AFP (quoting the intelligence source): [This information was first brought forward by Indian Intelligence to embarras Pakistan]
"As to September 11th, federal authorities have told ABC News they have now tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan, to two banks in Florida, to accounts held by suspected hijack ring leader, Mohammed Atta. As well . . . "Time Magazine" is reporting that some of that money came in the days just before the attack and can be traced directly to people connected to Osama bin Laden. It's all part of what has been a
Summer 2001: ISI Chief Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad transfers $100,000 to 9-11 Ringleader Mohamed Atta.
4 September: Ahmad arrives in the US on an official visit.
4-9 September: He meets his US counterparts including CIA Head George Tenet.
9 September: Assassination of General Massood, leader of the Northern Alliance. Official statement by Northern Alliance points to involvement of the ISI-Osama-Taliban axis.
11 September: Terrorist Attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. At the time of the attacks, Lt General Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting at the Capitol with the chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss. Also present at the meeting were Sen. John Kyl and the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S., Maleeha Lodhi.
12-13 September: Meetings between Lt. General Ahmad and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Agreement on Pakistan's collaboration negotiated between Ahmad and Armitage. Meeting between General Ahmad and Secretary of State Colin Powell
13 September: Ahmad meets Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
********************************** Senator Joseph Biden ****** ????? Isn't he VP elect NOW ??
Thomas George