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Norwich Food Not Bombs Benefit Rave!

Norwich FNB | 27.11.2008 18:46 | Culture | Cambridge

Breakcore/Jungle Mashup party to raise cash for Norwich Food Not Bombs

Norwich food not bombs is on the verge of starting and needs money to help pay for renting community kitchens. Saturday 6th December at the Queen Charlotte, £3 on the door, 8 till 1.

Norwich FNB


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why food not bombs?

27.11.2008 20:24

I'm not being a complete dickhead here, just about 70% dickhead - but why FNB? I've done FNB's and worked with other FNB's lots of times, but believe me if you can do the benefits like your gigs and this thing you can do a lot better than handing out free food...

Tell me this is a bit more complex than this, like your doing it for the homeless or a particularly valid event...

Norwich has a shit hot rave scene it seems and a decent anarchist scene - look at the quality of NoN! Do something with a bit more class no?

lord f*ckpants