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NYCLAW -- New York City Labor Against the War | 23.11.2008 18:38 | Iraq | Workers' Movements | World

This is not change we can believe in.

NYCLAW -- New York City Labor Against the War
NYCLAW Antiwar Digest
November 23, 2008

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Change Is Landing in Old Hands
"The way to ensure that nothing changes is to place people in positions of authority who are incapable of effecting change."

Obama Agrees to Clinton's Foreign Policy Demands
Before Hillary Clinton has been formally offered the job as Secretary of State, a purge of Barack Obama's top foreign policy team has begun.

Arab World Wary of Clinton
There is possibly no person President-elect Barack Obama considered for secretary of state who is more reliably pro-Israel than Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Lawrence Summers Treasury Appointment: Change We Can Bank On
This is not change we can believe in.


U.S. Planning Escalation of 20,000+
"The commanders are looking for well north of 20,000 forces. Gates wishes to fulfill the commanders' request."

Winter of War
"[T]hat sense of being hunkered down, that it's hard to know what's happening out there around us.",0,5905353.story

Russian General's Sees "Same Mistakes"
"[W]e understood, finally, that we are fighting the people.",0,4727945.story


Pro-War Advocate Cordesman: SOFA Won't Stop the Wars
Even if the United States fully withdraws from Iraq in 2011, as Mr. Obama and the Iraqi government say they would like, we will remain on something very like a war footing there throughout the next presidency. . . . At best, President Obama will have to conduct the equivalent of one-and-a-quarter wars throughout his first term. At worst? The outside chance of war with Iran as well.


Gazans Resist by Surviving
"This siege isn't about 'security' or even about Hamas. Israel's ultimate aim is to separate Gaza from the West Bank and kill the Palestinian national project."

Israel Jails San Jose Teacher Who Breached Gaza Seige
[T]hree [international] activists have been placed in isolation cells at a prison near Tel Aviv and have gone on a hunger strike to secure the release of the three confiscated fishing trawlers.

Bush Funds P.A.'s Offer to Surrender Right of Return
[I]n some last-minute scurrying, the Bush administration has funneled at least $300 million to the Palestinian Authority. . . . Some of this money might have paid for recent advertisements placed by Mahmoud Abbas in Israeli newspapers in an attempt to increase interest in an Arab peace plan for the region.

P.A. and Peace Now Jointly Push Bantustan Plan
"Both peace camps can feed off of each other."

U.S.-Backed P.A. Forces Intensify Repression
"[T]here's going to be an intifada [uprising], not against the [Israeli] army, but against these [Palestinian] soldiers."


Obama's Anti-Immigrant Pick
[Obama's] likely choice for Homeland Security secretary, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, [is] known for pragmatic views on the issue and support for tough border enforcement.,0,1740870.story

Election Islamophobia Didn't Work
[D]espite the extent and volume of anti-Muslim rhetoric, candidates who embraced these methods this year universally failed to get elected.

Growing Racist Backlash Follows First Black President
[T]he Ku Klux Klan, is reasserting itself in a spate of recent violence, after decades of disorganization and obscurity.,0,7570102.story

Army Refuses to Take Action Against Rising Domestic Violence
"We are in the business of fighting a war, and we let very little interfere with that."


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