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Government supplier on BNP list?

anon | 23.11.2008 18:35 | Anti-racism

Is this the same one who is on the list?

Martin jakubait finally decided to address the problem and building on his marine engineering background set about designing a range of multi purpose catamarans.

"but in 2006 Frontier Developments was approached by a government agency to redevelop the boat as a camera platform for security purposes. Following successful trials this application has been further developed to host underwater infra-red surveillance camera's."



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Yes, it is him - see the contacts page

23.11.2008 22:05

Yes, it is him - see the contacts page, same address and phone number as the one on the BNP list:

For more information please contact Martin Jakubait at..



Thanks antifash

23.11.2008 22:48

Just saw it. I've been looking for anything which proves any contracts were made on official websites, haven't found anything so far.

Also when i've tried searching for Frontier Devopments, all i've found are sites to do with video gaming!


Google his name

23.11.2008 23:20

Out of sheer boredom I just googled the 'bait boat' man's name and guess what, he's a keen contributor to the Daily Mail and Telegraph comments section (no surprise there then!) Anyway,if you want a giggle at the expense of the man who's main contribution to society has been a boat that spreads fish bait more widely then conventional means, then check out his journalistic contributions:
Two examples below:

From the telegraph:

'since this Blair/Brown goverment took a foothold in goverment there ambition was to destroy everything english, do these scottish pair of skirt wearers destroy anything scottish NO. the pair of them are trators to the english way of life and should be tried for treason, hung drawn and quartered.Bring back hanging and let me pull the leaver.

martin jakubait
on March 05, 2008
at 10:25 AM

From the Mail
'Who gve us 24 hour drinking. Was it that lying two faced New Labour party,
and now they want to ban happy hour, you should see the MPs in the House of Commons they have 24 hour happy hour, in there bars at the TAX PAYERS expence, and these are the ones who dont want us to have fun.'

- martin jakubait, surrey, 13/11/2008 10:21

Not the same Labour party he gets money from surely, that would be hypocrisy! He He (actually it is sad rather than funny)

Still Laughing!

Bad Luck Loser!

24.11.2008 11:19

I've been googling lot's of BNP members backstories and some of them are hilarious and some of them just sad. That said, the worst of them don't leave much of a trace on the internet so don't assume that they are all so easily mocked. The most common link between the men I've been researching is a combination of personal impotence and extreme stupidity, which is presumably why they get angry at the world.. I've heard anti-fascists mock BNP members members so to speak and assumed that was just macho posturing, but it does seem to be a repeating pattern. Maybe the simplest cure for fascism is a prescription of viagra and oxytocin for everyone on the list.

I'll quote one guy as an example. Michael Antonucci stood as a councillor in Plymouth this year for the BNP. He is a former lottery winner who has been widely mocked for blowing his £2.8 million on buying massage parlors, nightclubs, trying to launch a pop group and on a trophy wife young enough to be his daughter. His marriage to a 22 year old topless model lasted just 12 weeks, after which she kept their mansion and chucked him out. What is less widely reported is his complaint at his divorce that it wasn't a real marriage as she never had sex with him once. So, after a year of using wealth to try and become a playboy he couldn't get laid once in 12 weeks with the sex worker of his dreams. Even more cringeworthy, he is mean and stupid enough to admit this in divorce court to try and save a few quid. Ouch. He wouldn't even make a Playboy of the Western College, Plymouth

Michael, if you are googling your own name one day and reading this, my message to you will be very familiar by now : Pot Noodle Says Bad Luck Loser!

Pot Noodle