Mehmet Demirdag, the communist leader and our
Black Sea Martyrs are still alive!
They have ACHIEVED FREEDOM by sacrificing their
limited lives to an unlimited cause and revolution!…
Mehmet Demirdag
Black Sea Martyrs are still alive!
They have ACHIEVED FREEDOM by sacrificing their
limited lives to an unlimited cause and revolution!…
Mehmet Demirdag
We do not have time for mourning. We have no right to be pessimistic and terrified. There is no place for emotions, hesitations and retreats in the course of revolution. In this march, there is no place for those who do not understand and are not aware, who do not live and act, who do not or cannot march in the battle zone without this consciousness.
There is no revolution, no life, no future, no liberation, no beauty and no freedom for those, who do not know the force of the Black Sea storms. None of these will be available for those, who could not learn its dark face of cruelty and who do not show the courage to march against the dark storms of the Black Sea.
"Revolution is not a feast… Revolution is a revolt, a violent movement in which one class destroys the other."
Those who do not understand, who do not take their positions, who are not equipped in this way could not be members of the struggle, revolution and Party Re-structuring for the Peoples Democratic Revolution, Socialism and Communism. Those who do not think and act in this way, cannot be lasting and immortal candidates in the Party- life and march of revolution.
"Revolution is not a feast." Revolution is a topsy-turvy process, a pitiless process DESTRUCTION and RE-CONSTRUCTION. Revolution is a life and death struggle, a pitiless violent act. Revolution is becoming skilled at walking on the sharp edge of a knife and storms.
Revolution is a period of eye for an eye and tooth for at tooth, chest for a chest fighting against fascism, paying heavy prices and making the enemy pay heavy prices. Revolution is a struggle, the struggle itself and its result.
We are fighting for revolution, we are creating revolutions within the struggle, and we are becoming revolutionised within the war. We are marching towards victory by comprehending the rules of war, within the war.
There is NO DEATH for the people, who fight and become martyrs in this struggle for revolution, socialism and communism!
There is NO DEATH for the people, who sacrifice their limited lives for an unlimited course, revolution and freedom!
There is NO DEATH for the people, who show the courage to destroy the old and to create the new!
There is NO DEATH for those, who fight and sacrifice their lives to a cause, which will shake the world!
There is NO DEATH for those, who lead the war, who are ignited by the fire of struggle, whose heart bleeds in every defeat and victory, who are optimistic with our people and comrades, who chant victory slogans!
There is NO DEATH to the people, who wrap up our martyrs in flags and then bury them in the sun, in this war of struggle for existence. There is no death to those, who bandaged their wounds, carried our red flag and hoisted it on the peaks!
There is NO DEATH for the heroic leaders and fighters, who fight in this unrestricted and unrestrained peoples war, in the light of Marxism-Leninism and Maoism!
There is NO DEATH for those, who fight in all aspects of life and become martyrs for the Party, the people, and the revolution and who materialise our policies and ideals in life!
There is NO DEATH for the communist leaders and fighters, who comprehend Marxism-Leninism, and Maoism, the Party, revolution, country, the spirit of the people and all aspects of proletarian communist identity in themselves!
There is NO DEATH for the ones, who do not leave the struggle against all sort of anti-MLM ideology, who are against all sorts of liquidation, ideological degeneration, political deviations and organisational bad management! There is no death for those, who show courage and fight against organisational bad management during the Restructuring of the Party! There is no death for the architects and defenders of Party Restructuring!
There is NO DEATH for those, who administer the Strategy of the People's War as the main strategy of revolution, there is no death for those, who produce, carry out and apply the new methods for the continuation and permanency of the guerrilla war!
There is NO DEATH for those, who take stronger steps for waving and hoisting the international flag of the International Proletariat both in the country and around the world. There is no death for those, who join the leaders of the International Proletariat!
There is NO DEATH for those, who comprehend that "there is no recipe for war, but laws of the People's War" and apply this to Turkey's condition.
There is NO DEATH for those, who give light to knowledge, courage, obsession and beauty, there is no death for those, who drop like a bomb on the camps of narrow-minded people and destroy them. There is no death for those, who comprehend the struggle, the Party, the people and its enemies as a whole. Moreover, there is no death for the ones, who realise that if these are not comprehended, nothing will happen.
There is NO DEATH for the people, who see the role of the working class, poor peasants, labourers, journalists, intellectuals and artists in the revolution. There is no death for the ones, which condemn the old style formed as a "subsistent mass line" !
There is NO DEATH for those, who defend and implement the idea that without educating, organising, involving and winning the sympathy of the masses, the Peoples Democratic Revolution, Socialism and Communism will not be brought to life.
There is NO DEATH for those, who stand against internal betrayers and enemy attacks and walk confidently on the course we have to walk with the understanding that, "being afraid of the enemy is meaningless." The real thing, which wounds and upsets me is the arrows of those who hit me from behind, and the bitter smiles of those who we knew as friends."
There is NO DEATH for those, who live with the morality and culture of the proletariat and proletarian revolutionary forms of life. There is no death for those, who condemn a "private life" style and live as party members and warriors 24 hours a day!
There is NO DEATH for us! We have our Oaths of Revenge and War Cries!
Let our enemies and friends know us this way!
We are continuing the struggle! Paying a price in a war is unavoidable. We are not the only ones who pay the price. We also make/will make the enemy pay the prize at the same time.
The consciousness of paying the price and getting the price paid, closeness to the PEOPLE, REVOLUTION, PARTY and comrades, a high degree of the spirit of sacrifice, belittling death, is walking towards the Peoples Democratic Power, Socialism and Communism under the light of communist perception and the scientific ideology of the MLM.
Our martyrs; chanting the cries of our martyrs, (such slogans as, "Everything is for the Party, Party is for the Revolution!" "Long live our party TKP/ML") is the red rivers for deepening our ideology, policies and their implementation. Our martyrs are the peaks of our ideals, decisiveness in the struggle like the permanent, high and elegant peaks of the Ararat, the Munzur, the Taurus and the Kachkar Mountains. These peaks carry us to conquer the sun and the stars.
Therefore, each of our martyrs is an important "loss" in the short term. But on the contrary, in the medium and long terms they will be strong gains for our 25 years of class struggle and especially today, in the Restructuring of the Party and the continuation of the class struggle.
That’s how it is, for those who comprehend the laws of war, for those who understand and comprehend the Restructuring of the Party, and it has to be this way.
We have sacrificed great "losses" in our 25 years of history. We have paid heavy prices. However, each time we have replaced the "losses". We also made the enemy pay the prices. The enemy has also sacrificed prices.
We have lost tens of our leaders and hundreds of our fighters in this non-stop bloody war. In spite of all this, we did not stand back in this class war. We have bandaged our wounds and walked with dignity with the lessons we have learnt each time. We are continuing to walk, we will continue to walk.
We have witnessed many betrayal and treason; Our Party's founder-leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya's martyrisation in the torture chambers left the Party leaderless In 1976 the Co-ordination Committee moved away from party lines and left the Party leaderless;
The faction groups fled abroad as refugees by leaving the class struggle against the fascist military dictatorship on 12 September; In 1984, the 2 nd Central Committee move away from the reality of war, threw themselves into the arms of opportunism and, gradually, revisionism, and betrayed party lines;
In 1987, the 3 rd . Conference delegates and best skilled leaders of the Party were martyred such as Unal Kucukbayrak, Zeki Uygun, M. Kemal Yilmaz, A. Riza Boyoglu, Huseyin Tosun, Ibrahim Polat, soon after the left-sectarian group DABK separated from the party, the cruel attacks of coup makers and liquidators, and their efforts to liquidate the Party completely or the right-left liquidation, which was the product of ideological degeneration and evasion or "formation" of treason at just that period;
The Party enemies drew their guns and tried to take over the party-command at the II. OPK, especially the ones, who left the party struggle during and after April 1994 and live like insects in the country or abroad, like the mice, who first mice leave the sinking ship, as always happened. None of these prevented us in our course. Naturally, we were wounded…. And weakened, naturally we were hesitant… and shaken during these internal betrayals and external coups .
However, these consist of turnings in this uneven course for those who walk on, in the light of the proletarian scientific ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Decisive and insistent people always will pass these obstacles and bends. Our history and our martyrs are proof of that.
Let us look at our history! Let us look at our resistance, sacrifices and heroic acts! We will see then, how we passed over the obstacles and bending in front of us.
Let us look at the infidelities, which have occurred, in the recent past. How did we overcome these blows?
Let us look at the reasons, how our party was stood on its feet, how the party forced into a period of restructuring despite its degeneration and deviation from its target and efforts at liquidation.
Let us look at the settlement of the account between the old and new style, which grow on Restructuring. Let us look at the victory and resistance, the destruction of the old and the success of the new and its hegemony over the old.
Let us look at and see the importance of the restructuring period of our party and its position in the new style of struggle.
Let us see and comprehend the importance of developments and top to bottom formation of our Party's new style that is based chiefly on guerrilla war and the new spirit in us, in the party and the masses. The people, who cannot see this new development, consider it unimportant or dislike it, or do not understand the aspects of this process are those who know nothing about the liquidation of the Party and try to see the laws of war and the war within, with the methods of thinking.
They left the Party and leadership in the most difficult times of the Party, because they could not comprehend the laws of war and the Bolshevik style party. They were terrified and became pessimistic. They became part of the legal liquidation, defenders and technocrats of this kind of policy.
They became the defenders and technocrats of unsolution but not solution; dispersion but not organisation; break up, but not unity; the protection of the status quo and inertia but not progress; self-centredness and liberalism but not the involvement of command and adaptation; Menshevism, environmentalism and legal liquidation but not Bolshevism.
The communist partisans, who emphasised the need for the restructuring of the party against all the syndromes and distortions of right and left liquidators, and who practised this policy in all aspects of life, came out of this life-costly war and bandaged their wounds and mainly passed over this bend.
The II. OPK (Extra-ordinary Party Conference) became the first step in this formation for the new period. Although, its results are not yet satisfactory, the route became clearer.
What did this show us? This experience showed us that all sort of liquidation efforts can be tackled and all diversion can be passed over, when we fight against the enemy tooth for tooth and pass our ideology to the masses in the light of MLM-science with decisiveness, a spirit of sacrifice, In all the liquidation attempts, the liquidators' common features are, (because of their ideological attacks), ideological erosion, ideological wilderness, ideological deviation and political deadlock.
All these have created organisational destruction and looseness. Left and right liquidators as seen in Menshevism put the party on this route. In this respect, the route of liquidation mentioned above had a great impact on the Party.
This problem was identified and taken into consideration by the II. OPK. The leaders assessed that as the main problem that must be solved by prevention of ideological liquidation. Only then, the Restructuring of the Party will be completed.
In this respect, those who do not understand and comprehend this liquidation period will bring danger to the Party. The party may be broken from its base and narrowed, made superficial and one- sided. The communist leader Mehmet Demirdag orders us to approach this period and struggle as follows;
"the ideological struggle, questioning and purification at the highest level are the main ground of our struggle (…). Without this, without destruction of wrongs and insufficiencies it is not possible to restructure the truth and sufficiency. Therefore, ideological struggle, questioning and purification must be carried out non-interference, with its full concept."
Comrade M. Demirdag understood, comprehended and applied the Restructuring process in this way. He made people apply this policy within the party and struggle. He strongly emphasised that the ideological fight is part of the Party Restructuring within the struggle. In this period, the ideological fight must be "formed especially according to the struggle". It must be formed with the working the methods of the Bolshevik party organisation and Party's war discipline.
This means creating the type of people with the characteristics of a state of war, for the destruction of "subsistent mass line," exhausted, parasitic, ready life style. He wants us to comprehend the destruction of all these syndromes and weaknesses not with their conclusions and superficiality but with their ideological roots. He emphasises that after analysing a problem and showing the realities, it is possible to understand the dimension of social development and our tasks.
"Now we hear the rumble of new and stronger storms of this new beginning", he added. He ordered us that "we should carry the passive battalions of knowledge and experience and intimate sympathisers of the party with joy to the objective tasks to be able to intervene in these developments, to expand the revolution and the Party, to intensify the struggle.
"If you determined, you will succeed" as long as you comprehend the struggle and the Party. As long as you comprehend the meaning of the combatant spirit of the Party.
Only those,
who do not incline to ease but to difficulty,
not to dispersion but to unity,
not to tiredness but to assertiveness,
not to extinction but to victory,
will succeed.
The revolutionaries can succeed; communists can be the owners of victory. Because, we are condemned to enter the gates of the New World, where it says, "you will win", as the leading brigades of our class in the selective course of the historical march and our place in the struggle.
We will win; we will defeat the enemy and win. Even it costs us rivers of blood, and millions of lives. We will win with our flesh and our nails; with our pickaxe, fork and shovel, sickle and hammer, circuit breaker; with our pencil, papers and questions printed on the trigger; with the gun-shot which serves our ideology, our policy and our strategy for power.
We will win with the support of the international proletariat, with the assertiveness and rich experience of the struggle of the working class and our people, with the power and belief of wisdom given by our Party. We will attack and win.
We will win until we dress the globe with this slogan from top the bottom. We have presented and will present our service to the revolutionary laws of social liberation and universal freedom.
We have presented and continue to present our service to the laws of revolution. The consciousness and power of overcoming difficulties and continuation on our course come from this comprehension. The Quality of being the architects of the Restructuring process and practices comes from this dashing spirit, courage and decisiveness.
It comes from the belief in fighting, resistance, and winning. This is the style of thinking that provided us with communist leaders, inspiration for overcoming difficulties and continuation of resistance against all difficulties, betrayals, losses and defeats; "THE TEACHER OF COMMUNISTS IS DIFFICULTY".
We should know this, that we cannot replace our communist leaders in a short time and this is important for our Party and struggle. Our grief is enormous, and our anger is deep. However, we should know this; that it will not be very difficult to fill in this gap, as long as we protect and produce a valid and effective organisation and practical line with the right ideology and the right political line. The history of our Party has proved this many times.
Again, we should know that political and military teams and individuals have an important and characteristic role, especially in difficult times, in our Party and the class struggle. However, because of the comprehension of collective leadership in Maoist parties like own one, the Party will not be left without a leader.
In this respect, our collective party leadership will continue to fight and Restructure the Party. Comprehension of class war as a whole will regularly create its own leaders. The important and main issue is to comprehend the unique laws of the Proletariat's war strategy in the People's War and make it lasting in Turkey's conditions. Believing in the might and power of the People's War and walking in this course play a great role in the solution of all these problems.
We should mention that our Black Sea martyrs have a special and important place in the Restructuring process of the Party and the formation of the struggle in the Black Sea region.
However, all Black Sea martyrs are martyrs of our Party, our people and our revolution. They are: Mustafa Suphi, Mahir Cayan and his comrades, Baba Erdogan, Tuncay Carikcioglu, Ismail Bulut, Kazim Ekici, the martyrs of Fatsa-Ordu; Mete Nezihi Altinay, Nilufer Atav, Yildiz Cicek, Muzaffer Kahraman, Dilek Konuk, Ozgur Kemal Karabulut, Umit Caglayan San, Turan Salman, Umit Dinler and others we can not name.
The national liberation or social liberation combatants and their heroic acts, their spirit of sacrifice, their dashing spirits and courage will continue to be an example and guidance for us.
First, the communist leader Mehmet Demirdag and the other martyrs of the Black Sea live, fight and show guidance to us in our struggle and war.
We promise to walk on this course to fight and take avenge them.
"Either our red blood will spill on the soil or our red flag will wave on the Peaks."
There is no revolution, no life, no future, no liberation, no beauty and no freedom for those, who do not know the force of the Black Sea storms. None of these will be available for those, who could not learn its dark face of cruelty and who do not show the courage to march against the dark storms of the Black Sea.
"Revolution is not a feast… Revolution is a revolt, a violent movement in which one class destroys the other."
Those who do not understand, who do not take their positions, who are not equipped in this way could not be members of the struggle, revolution and Party Re-structuring for the Peoples Democratic Revolution, Socialism and Communism. Those who do not think and act in this way, cannot be lasting and immortal candidates in the Party- life and march of revolution.
"Revolution is not a feast." Revolution is a topsy-turvy process, a pitiless process DESTRUCTION and RE-CONSTRUCTION. Revolution is a life and death struggle, a pitiless violent act. Revolution is becoming skilled at walking on the sharp edge of a knife and storms.
Revolution is a period of eye for an eye and tooth for at tooth, chest for a chest fighting against fascism, paying heavy prices and making the enemy pay heavy prices. Revolution is a struggle, the struggle itself and its result.
We are fighting for revolution, we are creating revolutions within the struggle, and we are becoming revolutionised within the war. We are marching towards victory by comprehending the rules of war, within the war.
There is NO DEATH for the people, who fight and become martyrs in this struggle for revolution, socialism and communism!
There is NO DEATH for the people, who sacrifice their limited lives for an unlimited course, revolution and freedom!
There is NO DEATH for the people, who show the courage to destroy the old and to create the new!
There is NO DEATH for those, who fight and sacrifice their lives to a cause, which will shake the world!
There is NO DEATH for those, who lead the war, who are ignited by the fire of struggle, whose heart bleeds in every defeat and victory, who are optimistic with our people and comrades, who chant victory slogans!
There is NO DEATH to the people, who wrap up our martyrs in flags and then bury them in the sun, in this war of struggle for existence. There is no death to those, who bandaged their wounds, carried our red flag and hoisted it on the peaks!
There is NO DEATH for the heroic leaders and fighters, who fight in this unrestricted and unrestrained peoples war, in the light of Marxism-Leninism and Maoism!
There is NO DEATH for those, who fight in all aspects of life and become martyrs for the Party, the people, and the revolution and who materialise our policies and ideals in life!
There is NO DEATH for the communist leaders and fighters, who comprehend Marxism-Leninism, and Maoism, the Party, revolution, country, the spirit of the people and all aspects of proletarian communist identity in themselves!
There is NO DEATH for the ones, who do not leave the struggle against all sort of anti-MLM ideology, who are against all sorts of liquidation, ideological degeneration, political deviations and organisational bad management! There is no death for those, who show courage and fight against organisational bad management during the Restructuring of the Party! There is no death for the architects and defenders of Party Restructuring!
There is NO DEATH for those, who administer the Strategy of the People's War as the main strategy of revolution, there is no death for those, who produce, carry out and apply the new methods for the continuation and permanency of the guerrilla war!
There is NO DEATH for those, who take stronger steps for waving and hoisting the international flag of the International Proletariat both in the country and around the world. There is no death for those, who join the leaders of the International Proletariat!
There is NO DEATH for those, who comprehend that "there is no recipe for war, but laws of the People's War" and apply this to Turkey's condition.
There is NO DEATH for those, who give light to knowledge, courage, obsession and beauty, there is no death for those, who drop like a bomb on the camps of narrow-minded people and destroy them. There is no death for those, who comprehend the struggle, the Party, the people and its enemies as a whole. Moreover, there is no death for the ones, who realise that if these are not comprehended, nothing will happen.
There is NO DEATH for the people, who see the role of the working class, poor peasants, labourers, journalists, intellectuals and artists in the revolution. There is no death for the ones, which condemn the old style formed as a "subsistent mass line" !
There is NO DEATH for those, who defend and implement the idea that without educating, organising, involving and winning the sympathy of the masses, the Peoples Democratic Revolution, Socialism and Communism will not be brought to life.
There is NO DEATH for those, who stand against internal betrayers and enemy attacks and walk confidently on the course we have to walk with the understanding that, "being afraid of the enemy is meaningless." The real thing, which wounds and upsets me is the arrows of those who hit me from behind, and the bitter smiles of those who we knew as friends."
There is NO DEATH for those, who live with the morality and culture of the proletariat and proletarian revolutionary forms of life. There is no death for those, who condemn a "private life" style and live as party members and warriors 24 hours a day!
There is NO DEATH for us! We have our Oaths of Revenge and War Cries!
Let our enemies and friends know us this way!
We are continuing the struggle! Paying a price in a war is unavoidable. We are not the only ones who pay the price. We also make/will make the enemy pay the prize at the same time.
The consciousness of paying the price and getting the price paid, closeness to the PEOPLE, REVOLUTION, PARTY and comrades, a high degree of the spirit of sacrifice, belittling death, is walking towards the Peoples Democratic Power, Socialism and Communism under the light of communist perception and the scientific ideology of the MLM.
Our martyrs; chanting the cries of our martyrs, (such slogans as, "Everything is for the Party, Party is for the Revolution!" "Long live our party TKP/ML") is the red rivers for deepening our ideology, policies and their implementation. Our martyrs are the peaks of our ideals, decisiveness in the struggle like the permanent, high and elegant peaks of the Ararat, the Munzur, the Taurus and the Kachkar Mountains. These peaks carry us to conquer the sun and the stars.
Therefore, each of our martyrs is an important "loss" in the short term. But on the contrary, in the medium and long terms they will be strong gains for our 25 years of class struggle and especially today, in the Restructuring of the Party and the continuation of the class struggle.
That’s how it is, for those who comprehend the laws of war, for those who understand and comprehend the Restructuring of the Party, and it has to be this way.
We have sacrificed great "losses" in our 25 years of history. We have paid heavy prices. However, each time we have replaced the "losses". We also made the enemy pay the prices. The enemy has also sacrificed prices.
We have lost tens of our leaders and hundreds of our fighters in this non-stop bloody war. In spite of all this, we did not stand back in this class war. We have bandaged our wounds and walked with dignity with the lessons we have learnt each time. We are continuing to walk, we will continue to walk.
We have witnessed many betrayal and treason; Our Party's founder-leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya's martyrisation in the torture chambers left the Party leaderless In 1976 the Co-ordination Committee moved away from party lines and left the Party leaderless;
The faction groups fled abroad as refugees by leaving the class struggle against the fascist military dictatorship on 12 September; In 1984, the 2 nd Central Committee move away from the reality of war, threw themselves into the arms of opportunism and, gradually, revisionism, and betrayed party lines;
In 1987, the 3 rd . Conference delegates and best skilled leaders of the Party were martyred such as Unal Kucukbayrak, Zeki Uygun, M. Kemal Yilmaz, A. Riza Boyoglu, Huseyin Tosun, Ibrahim Polat, soon after the left-sectarian group DABK separated from the party, the cruel attacks of coup makers and liquidators, and their efforts to liquidate the Party completely or the right-left liquidation, which was the product of ideological degeneration and evasion or "formation" of treason at just that period;
The Party enemies drew their guns and tried to take over the party-command at the II. OPK, especially the ones, who left the party struggle during and after April 1994 and live like insects in the country or abroad, like the mice, who first mice leave the sinking ship, as always happened. None of these prevented us in our course. Naturally, we were wounded…. And weakened, naturally we were hesitant… and shaken during these internal betrayals and external coups .
However, these consist of turnings in this uneven course for those who walk on, in the light of the proletarian scientific ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Decisive and insistent people always will pass these obstacles and bends. Our history and our martyrs are proof of that.
Let us look at our history! Let us look at our resistance, sacrifices and heroic acts! We will see then, how we passed over the obstacles and bending in front of us.
Let us look at the infidelities, which have occurred, in the recent past. How did we overcome these blows?
Let us look at the reasons, how our party was stood on its feet, how the party forced into a period of restructuring despite its degeneration and deviation from its target and efforts at liquidation.
Let us look at the settlement of the account between the old and new style, which grow on Restructuring. Let us look at the victory and resistance, the destruction of the old and the success of the new and its hegemony over the old.
Let us look at and see the importance of the restructuring period of our party and its position in the new style of struggle.
Let us see and comprehend the importance of developments and top to bottom formation of our Party's new style that is based chiefly on guerrilla war and the new spirit in us, in the party and the masses. The people, who cannot see this new development, consider it unimportant or dislike it, or do not understand the aspects of this process are those who know nothing about the liquidation of the Party and try to see the laws of war and the war within, with the methods of thinking.
They left the Party and leadership in the most difficult times of the Party, because they could not comprehend the laws of war and the Bolshevik style party. They were terrified and became pessimistic. They became part of the legal liquidation, defenders and technocrats of this kind of policy.
They became the defenders and technocrats of unsolution but not solution; dispersion but not organisation; break up, but not unity; the protection of the status quo and inertia but not progress; self-centredness and liberalism but not the involvement of command and adaptation; Menshevism, environmentalism and legal liquidation but not Bolshevism.
The communist partisans, who emphasised the need for the restructuring of the party against all the syndromes and distortions of right and left liquidators, and who practised this policy in all aspects of life, came out of this life-costly war and bandaged their wounds and mainly passed over this bend.
The II. OPK (Extra-ordinary Party Conference) became the first step in this formation for the new period. Although, its results are not yet satisfactory, the route became clearer.
What did this show us? This experience showed us that all sort of liquidation efforts can be tackled and all diversion can be passed over, when we fight against the enemy tooth for tooth and pass our ideology to the masses in the light of MLM-science with decisiveness, a spirit of sacrifice, In all the liquidation attempts, the liquidators' common features are, (because of their ideological attacks), ideological erosion, ideological wilderness, ideological deviation and political deadlock.
All these have created organisational destruction and looseness. Left and right liquidators as seen in Menshevism put the party on this route. In this respect, the route of liquidation mentioned above had a great impact on the Party.
This problem was identified and taken into consideration by the II. OPK. The leaders assessed that as the main problem that must be solved by prevention of ideological liquidation. Only then, the Restructuring of the Party will be completed.
In this respect, those who do not understand and comprehend this liquidation period will bring danger to the Party. The party may be broken from its base and narrowed, made superficial and one- sided. The communist leader Mehmet Demirdag orders us to approach this period and struggle as follows;
"the ideological struggle, questioning and purification at the highest level are the main ground of our struggle (…). Without this, without destruction of wrongs and insufficiencies it is not possible to restructure the truth and sufficiency. Therefore, ideological struggle, questioning and purification must be carried out non-interference, with its full concept."
Comrade M. Demirdag understood, comprehended and applied the Restructuring process in this way. He made people apply this policy within the party and struggle. He strongly emphasised that the ideological fight is part of the Party Restructuring within the struggle. In this period, the ideological fight must be "formed especially according to the struggle". It must be formed with the working the methods of the Bolshevik party organisation and Party's war discipline.
This means creating the type of people with the characteristics of a state of war, for the destruction of "subsistent mass line," exhausted, parasitic, ready life style. He wants us to comprehend the destruction of all these syndromes and weaknesses not with their conclusions and superficiality but with their ideological roots. He emphasises that after analysing a problem and showing the realities, it is possible to understand the dimension of social development and our tasks.
"Now we hear the rumble of new and stronger storms of this new beginning", he added. He ordered us that "we should carry the passive battalions of knowledge and experience and intimate sympathisers of the party with joy to the objective tasks to be able to intervene in these developments, to expand the revolution and the Party, to intensify the struggle.
"If you determined, you will succeed" as long as you comprehend the struggle and the Party. As long as you comprehend the meaning of the combatant spirit of the Party.
Only those,
who do not incline to ease but to difficulty,
not to dispersion but to unity,
not to tiredness but to assertiveness,
not to extinction but to victory,
will succeed.
The revolutionaries can succeed; communists can be the owners of victory. Because, we are condemned to enter the gates of the New World, where it says, "you will win", as the leading brigades of our class in the selective course of the historical march and our place in the struggle.
We will win; we will defeat the enemy and win. Even it costs us rivers of blood, and millions of lives. We will win with our flesh and our nails; with our pickaxe, fork and shovel, sickle and hammer, circuit breaker; with our pencil, papers and questions printed on the trigger; with the gun-shot which serves our ideology, our policy and our strategy for power.
We will win with the support of the international proletariat, with the assertiveness and rich experience of the struggle of the working class and our people, with the power and belief of wisdom given by our Party. We will attack and win.
We will win until we dress the globe with this slogan from top the bottom. We have presented and will present our service to the revolutionary laws of social liberation and universal freedom.
We have presented and continue to present our service to the laws of revolution. The consciousness and power of overcoming difficulties and continuation on our course come from this comprehension. The Quality of being the architects of the Restructuring process and practices comes from this dashing spirit, courage and decisiveness.
It comes from the belief in fighting, resistance, and winning. This is the style of thinking that provided us with communist leaders, inspiration for overcoming difficulties and continuation of resistance against all difficulties, betrayals, losses and defeats; "THE TEACHER OF COMMUNISTS IS DIFFICULTY".
We should know this, that we cannot replace our communist leaders in a short time and this is important for our Party and struggle. Our grief is enormous, and our anger is deep. However, we should know this; that it will not be very difficult to fill in this gap, as long as we protect and produce a valid and effective organisation and practical line with the right ideology and the right political line. The history of our Party has proved this many times.
Again, we should know that political and military teams and individuals have an important and characteristic role, especially in difficult times, in our Party and the class struggle. However, because of the comprehension of collective leadership in Maoist parties like own one, the Party will not be left without a leader.
In this respect, our collective party leadership will continue to fight and Restructure the Party. Comprehension of class war as a whole will regularly create its own leaders. The important and main issue is to comprehend the unique laws of the Proletariat's war strategy in the People's War and make it lasting in Turkey's conditions. Believing in the might and power of the People's War and walking in this course play a great role in the solution of all these problems.
We should mention that our Black Sea martyrs have a special and important place in the Restructuring process of the Party and the formation of the struggle in the Black Sea region.
However, all Black Sea martyrs are martyrs of our Party, our people and our revolution. They are: Mustafa Suphi, Mahir Cayan and his comrades, Baba Erdogan, Tuncay Carikcioglu, Ismail Bulut, Kazim Ekici, the martyrs of Fatsa-Ordu; Mete Nezihi Altinay, Nilufer Atav, Yildiz Cicek, Muzaffer Kahraman, Dilek Konuk, Ozgur Kemal Karabulut, Umit Caglayan San, Turan Salman, Umit Dinler and others we can not name.
The national liberation or social liberation combatants and their heroic acts, their spirit of sacrifice, their dashing spirits and courage will continue to be an example and guidance for us.
First, the communist leader Mehmet Demirdag and the other martyrs of the Black Sea live, fight and show guidance to us in our struggle and war.
We promise to walk on this course to fight and take avenge them.
"Either our red blood will spill on the soil or our red flag will wave on the Peaks."
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Can you elaborate on that a bit more?
21.11.2008 18:46
Turkish commy terrorist nutters who came a cropper in he t1970s
21.11.2008 19:32
It's about...