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Nazi 4 a Neighbour!

Happy Hippy | 21.11.2008 09:17 | Anti-racism

A nazi in our housing co-op!!

Well who would have thunk it. The politically right on Tangram Housing co-operative has its very own BNP activist!

[Personal details removed]

Happy Hippy
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21.11.2008 09:50

You'd be the first silly bugger to bitterly complain if Redwatch outed you!


Own Goal

21.11.2008 09:55

Yes anti-facisism is starting to lose the moral high ground, and the BNP will be painting themselves as victims winning over public support. Bit of an own goal even if their are good intentions behind it.


I AM on Redwatch!

21.11.2008 10:09

Redwatch HAS outed me! And a few other thousand people! All I did to win that honour was go on an anti-war march! We're talking about the BNP here, they are a vicious racist organisation - Now they can no longer spread their racist poison anonymously.

Happy Hippy


21.11.2008 10:11


New Broom


21.11.2008 10:23

I''ve never complained about being on Redwatch, and I'm on there at least 3 times. I couldn't give a toss. How can anyone equate normal decent people with the racists of the BNP, who want to pursue their hateful politics anonymously. If people, particularly people who may have power over you (eg teachers, social workers) have discriminatory views about you, which might result in you being targeted or simply not getting care or treatment as good as anyone else, you have a right to know.

BNP Watch

@ I AM on Redwatch

21.11.2008 10:35

Karma 1-0 BNP


love the list, but...

21.11.2008 12:39

I'm fully in favour of fighting fire with fire, when appropriate, and personally I felt like I'd won the lottery when I discovered the leak. However now the euphoria has died down and I'm just sitting smug and scouring through the list, I ask myself what the motives were and who it was that released the list.
It would be great if the list was as nasty Nick said "a disgruntled former member"- maybe the guy who was told he couldn't wear his bomber jacket anymore- but the whole thing stinks a bit to me of the BNP leadership (real leadership not Mr. Sniffin) making themselves "victims" again and giving them another finger to point out that they are not extremists as "even the far right extremists hate us".-did anyone hear Griffin on the bbc saying "some neo-nazis threaten to stab me on sight for not being hard-line enough". Somehow this I don't believe.

Anyway, I was also on redwatch also just for going to an anti-war demo when I was 15 along with other friends of mine that were younger. I know that the photographs and names obtained there was through the WNP now the BPP. I still believe that fascists don't deserve to breathe the same air as actual people. The list is full of puppets but the puppet-masters can't do shit with out them.


Not for much longer

21.11.2008 14:14

I wouldn't have though he would be a member of Tangram for much longer, they are definitely not the kind of people who work with extremists like the BNP! I can only guess he was an inactive member just using and abusing the co-op for cheap rent..


Marching orders?

21.11.2008 15:15

Apparently there were rumours in the past that this individual was a BNP member. Now they appear to have been confirmed. Hope he gets his marching orders.


info on [personal details removed]: Please note, the picture isn't him!

21.11.2008 15:41

we have had suspicions about [personal details removed] for some time. he is a complete cunt who many of us have wanted to get rid of for years. He is very disliked, and has intimidated neighbours and Tangram members. He took Tangram to court recently and won damages over maintenance issues. He is currently trying to allege sexual harassment against someone (which is ludicrous) just to stir shit. He's basically a very nasty bit of work.
Legally, we have had some trouble getting rid of him, despite him being really horrible. Thats because we have been under investigation by the housing corporation and to follow through with evictions everything has to be by the book, a majority vote etc etc. and Tangram has members who are either scared of [personal details removed], or just plain wet and sloppy, or don;t turn up to meetings!
His neighbours ARE NOT fascists so anyone who wants to look at his house, don't make any mistakes!
[personal details removed] He has not been home for several days! we hope he is hiding somewhere.
Some of us have started to try and deal with the latest info on what a pathetic shit he is. But, as a co-op it will no doubt be a lengthy procedure. The co-op is 40 different households.
We have asked people to start spreading the word amongst all the neighbours.

tangram member

Spreading the word

21.11.2008 16:25

Some tins of paint might help.


Please Note:

21.11.2008 17:03

[personal details removed] is split between A and B, the man in question lives in [personal details removed] behind window and door grills.



21.11.2008 17:22

I can understand other Tangram residents being worried about the presence of this BNP scumbag, particularly his near neighbours. Since he seems to be in clear violation of Tangram's anti-racist policy, surely emergency steps need to be taken. Sounds like he has been tolerated for years. Hopefully that will now cease.


Just to reiterate, That's not [personal details removed] in the picture

21.11.2008 17:30

It's been said in the comment above, but it's probably quite important to restate that the picture above this article is definitely not [personal details removed] and doesn't look anything like him.



21.11.2008 19:21

As it is not [personal details removed] in the photo is it not possible for one of the moderators to take the photo off the article.


photo removed

21.11.2008 19:28

As several comments say that the photo isn't [personal details removed], the photo has been removed.


who needs middle class anti fascists

22.11.2008 13:18

Fuck getting the moral high ground. What's that about? So we look like the nice ones amongst the middle class cunts who judge us? Fuck that, we don't need their support and if you think we do then we don't want your fucking support either. I'm working class and I'm not a very nice person and I can't wait to see the blood of fascists painting Britain red!!!
