BNP Member Lecturer at Plymouth University ?
GRAHAM DEVON | 20.11.2008 23:40 | Anti-racism
Doctor Bathurst EXMINSTER DEVON is a BNP member.Is this the same person who is a lecturer at Plymouth University ?
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betting shop owner Davepluck on BNP list
21.11.2008 12:01
24.11.2008 15:49
Amongst those listed are a researcher based at the University of Manchester and an estates manager employed by the University of Strathclyde, both of whom appear on the institutions' respective websites. Alongside the entry for the Strathclyde staff member, the document notes that the individual's children are also paid-up party members under the young BNP "super sup club."
Several more members supply university e-mail accounts—those ending in the top level domain—including an individual from John Wheatley college, "Glasgow's friendliest college," and one from St John's College, Oxford. It not been possible, however, to confirm whether these accounts belong to staff or students.
In addition, a professor from Estado Aragua, Venezuela is listed as having renewed his membership.