Corfu - Lefkimi
gar | 20.11.2008 23:40 | World

supporting materila about the issue of the conflict

Major clashes erupted among local residents and riot police forces early in the morning at Lefkimmi, in southern Corfu, during the protests against the illegal construction of a garbage dump in the area. The residents built barricades to prevent construction works, and repelled the riot police with stones and fireworks.
Three residents were injured and moved to Corfu hospital, one of them being a 43 year old pregnant woman seriously injured in the head, while another three residents were arrested.
The residents protest against the illegal and dangerous for the local area construction of a garbage dump. In their previous mobilizations they realised marches, an occupation of the local town hall of Lefkimmi, and they faced once again serious police violence on ...
The riots repeated today .. this time with molotof ..