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If Not Capitalism, What?

Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) | 19.11.2008 08:27

CSSGJ Annual Lecture - University of Nottingham

CSSGJ Annual Lecture 2008

If Not Capitalism, What? by Hilary Wainwright, Editor Red Pepper Magazine, and research director of the New Politics project of the Transnational Institute , Amsterdam.

The lecture will take place in B62, Law & Social Sciences Building, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham on 27th November, 2008 at 5:00 pm.

All are welcome.

Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ)
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Abstract now available

24.11.2008 12:57

If not capitalism, what?

It ain't over till it's made over. The old neo-liberal order is in severe crisis and its leaders in a state of uncertainty and even confusion. But those struggling to help a new order to be born are not prepared. Preparedeness involves organisation and popular mobilisation around proposals which defend people's living standards and livelihoods against attempts to resolve the crisis at their expense. But it is also about grasping a moment when those with power are wobbling on their back foot, and being politically bold and institutionally imaginative to build the necessary self-confidence to construct the basis of a new order as we resist. So Hilary Wainwright reports back from her investigations in theory and in practical experiments into what alternatives could provide the elements of such foundations.

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Display the following 26 comments

  1. Socialism, obviously — communist
  2. social involvment — Davey
  3. not so obvoius — anarcho-communist
  4. anarchy — Ross
  5. Mao & Ross - consigned to the toilet of history — Anarchist
  6. Anarchist — Ross
  7. Well Duh! — another anarchist
  8. Anarcy — Ross
  9. The leftist state is still the state! — Another Other Anarchist
  10. To Another Other Anarchist — Ross
  11. Human Nature — Another Other Anarchist
  12. very interesting — Ross
  13. Thanks both — A reader
  14. unbelievable — compost toilet
  15. Mischievous Misinformation — Ross Longhurst
  16. Sceptical about the 'successes' of Russia and China — Nestor Makhno
  17. Would like to hear more — Interested
  18. publish please — someone
  19. Murderous Maoists — Another Other Anarchst
  20. Hmmm... anarchism... Hmmmm.... — GrammatonCleric
  21. re: anarchism — anticleric
  22. Hmmm... — GrammatonCleric
  23. humming and hawing don't get you nowhere — anticleric
  24. Anarchic Anarchism — Ross Longhurst
  25. Ross L really doesn't understand anarchy — Another Other Anarchist
  26. Doesn't explain anything — GrammatonCleric