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Greenpeace Pour Mocking Scorn onMiners and Mining Communities and ex-Communities

Wrong Side of the Tracks | 15.11.2008 11:39 | South Coast

During their protest against a coal-fired power station in Kent, Greenpeace hung a large banner saying "Put Coal on the Dole" on the side of their ship.

Most nuclear power stations are on the coast, but Greenpeace don't tend to sail their ship outside them any more, limiting themselves to taking part in rare minor disagreements over where the waste goes.

But recently they spent money taking their vessel to protest against a coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth, in the Medway area of Kent. "PUT COAL ON THE DOLE" said a large banner they hung out, mocking the heroic miners' strike of the mid-1980s, the defeat of which paved the way for the horrendous attacks on working class people which have proceeded with hardly any meaningful resistance ever since - to a point where we are on the brink of a depression which will be worse even than the 1930s. To a point where most working class people are in debt up to their eyeballs. To a point where the authorities paint working class people as Neanderthal knuckle-dragging Nazi cretins. To a point where the "green" lie is always on the authorities' and businesses' lips as they paint as "anti-social" those who don't want to help them with their advertising by carrying "green" shopping bags (or can't afford them), who don't want to give raw materials back to big business without getting paid for it, or who don't feel things are hunky-dory when their streets are plagued with rats, now that domestic rubbish collections only happen once a fortnight rather than once a week.

Faced with such a hate-filled attack on working class people, by "activists" who know exactly what they are saying, we can only say in return: "Where are the French secret service when we really need them?"

Wrong Side of the Tracks


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So we should start killing Greenpeace activists?

15.11.2008 12:04

I’m not entirely sure that ‘Put Cole on the Dole’ had anything to do with the miners’ strike but to suggest that, on the basis of this supposed slur on the NUM, we should start killing Greenpeace activists (as the French Secret Service did in July 1985 – albeit to Fernando Pereira, a photographer, who was onboard at the time) seems to be a little extreme.


not relevant

15.11.2008 12:38

is this post in any way news or not simply a bilious rehash of previous well worn arguments. please do something more useful wrong side of the tracks than trolling here. moderators - please remove such posts as they clutter up the newswire although maybe you don't view this as a problem given the lack of direct action/grassroots campaigning related news right now.

news hunter


15.11.2008 13:04

Mark - it just shows how much you know about workers, the way you read my contribution as saying something about the NUM. Maybe you should read it again? As for what Greenpeace were referring to, it's so obvious that I'd advise you to get out of the house some more. My comment about the French secret service wasn't a call for anyone to kill greens, like the said service famously did in New Zealand. It was just a way of expressing my hatred of these worker-haters. If 10 fast boats of miners and ex-miners sank the Rainbow Warrior, I'd applaud their action but I'd be in favour of helping the green scum avoid drowning.

Newshunter - are you being honest when you say this is a "well-worn" argument, as if it doesn't have the shininess of new original activism and therefore you don't want it spread about too much? Sure, my reaction is what many people's was. There's nothing particularly original about it. The greens think workers smell bad and are stupid and belong to the past. Yes, many people make this point, and we're right about it too. I posted some recent evidence, in the hope that it might influence some people to have more confidence in thinking. Does 'latest evidence to support social points' not fit your criteria for what's acceptable to say here? But you don't think that, do you? Be honest - it's WHAT THE POINT IS, isn't it, that you have a problem with?


response 2

15.11.2008 13:07

Both of you speak down to me. "I'm not entirely sure". Well think about it some more then. "Please do something more useful". Jesus fucking Christ! Using polite words to obscure the content and force of an observation you don't want made - how cunting sophisticated! Now tell me I'm coarse. Maybe we don't share a view of what's useful - did you think of that?



15.11.2008 14:38

This is a shock revelation! Do you mean to say that Greenpeace are a bunch of useless wankers more interested in getting their subscription money in rather than doing anything for the planet? Shocking, who'd have thought it?

echo 3

Are "workers" not affected by environmental destruction?

15.11.2008 16:01

Are "workers" not affected by environmental destruction?

Are you saying that we should just be happy in our shitty little jobs living a grey existence, and put up with things like pollution and global warming? Maybe Greenpeace's slogan was a little crass and unthoughtful, but their basic argument still stands.

Rich people can pay their way out of these problems but ordinary people can't. When environmental problems start really kicking in, it is always working class people that get shafted.

This really is tunnel vision and short-termism of the highest order. I'm flabbergasted that anyone who isn't astroturfing for big business can actually believe this stuff.

I do a shitty job for a shitty company, and if they went bust because of campaigns against their shitty practices I would be fine with it. I realise there are more important things at stake than whether I can afford consumer crap.

Like whether I can breathe fresh air and whether my house is above sea level.


climate camp old news

15.11.2008 17:51

the climate camp happened 3 months ago, not recently b.


unique and meaningful title, not in capitals

15.11.2008 18:42

ecoboy - Greenpeace are the assets of big business, and I hope you come to understand that one day. As for living a 'grey' existence, what doesn't appear 'grey' against the background of muscled 'heroes' sailing their ship around the world to intervene to represent the interests of the planet, with the world's media prepped and watching? Get it? It's all part of the show, mate. Their mockery of working class struggle comes naturally to them. Do you take your waste back so that big business can use it as raw material and lower their costs, sack workers, and raise profits? Ever wondered why so-called "recycling" doesn't allow you to take AWAY stuff that other people have put in those bins that clued-up people call "scab bins"? Put a green packaging around something, and there's always some schmuck who'll buy it. Today I went into a Morrisons store and saw a big sign on which they boasted that they'd "saved" enough energy in a month to light hundreds of thousands of houses. Next they'll be saying they've made enough extra profits this week to give everyone in the country a tenner. Right, but they're not lighting any houses or giving away any tenners, are they? Maybe you should get out of your political ghetto. If you really are a working class person doing some humdrum shitty job, then please mate, think about this some more, because it's us who are getting shat on by all this green shit, left, right, and centre.



pics, source, or assume it's disinformation

15.11.2008 19:38

Hi. In view of the inflammatory nature of this allegation, the likelihood of disinformation being spread by the secret state and the crass stupidity of the alleged action, I *really* want to see photographs or some kind of source that confirms that this did indeed happen.

If I was working for MI5 on a project to disrupt activism against climate change, this is exactly the sort of rumour that I'd spread. And I'd choose to do it on the eve of the Workers Climate Action conference.

Making no accusations against anyone. I want sources on this.

I was unable to find mention of this on the Rainbow Warrior's blog:
Or on the Greenpeace website:
And a scroogle search for "put coal on the dole" turns up nothing but this story (here and on libcom).



15.11.2008 20:15

© Kristian Buus / Greenpeace
© Kristian Buus / Greenpeace

In the banner on the Greenpeace blog ( the banner seems to say "Kick Start Clean Energy"

capture carbon criminals