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Scottish Parliamentary Statement on 'Free Gaza'

Sandra White | 14.11.2008 04:15 | Palestine | World

Sandra has asked me to forward you a copy of the motion which she has today lodged in the Scottish Parliament. As you will note if the motion gains sufficient cross party support it will be considered for debate in the Parliament.

I will of course keep you updated of any developments and in the meantime Sandra has asked if you could pass on the motion.

S3M-2873 Sandra White (Glasgow) (SNP): Successful Mercy Mission to Gaza

That the Parliament congratulates the success of the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza and the Free Gaza Movement on their successful mission to break the blockade of Gaza and deliver much needed medical supplies and equipment to the people of Gaza; notes that alongside politicians from around Europe, such as Claire Short MP and Lord Nazir Ahmed, the successful delegation included Sandra White MSP, Pauline McNeill MSP and Hugh O'Donnell MSP; further notes that, after the refusal of the Egyptian authorities to provide safe passage, the group successfully sailed from Cyprus to Gaza despite the close attention of the Israeli navy; hopes that these actions will give hope to the many Palestinians throughout the world, including Glasgow, that the blockade will be ended, and believes that only by all parties working together can we resolve this issue, which is causing untold suffering to the ordinary people of Gaza.

Sandra White