Obama won the election - What's up next?
Lothaeus | 12.11.2008 11:53 | History
Barack Obama is now the most powerful leader in the world. With winning the US-election the 47-years old is straight on the path to white house with enormeous dreams and hopes of the population. But is he able to realize all of them? I suggest yes. All of his visions are mentioned in a realistical way. That is also what his main device of his campaign told us: "Change we can believe in". There were other leaders in history who promise much but realize less. When George Herbert Walker Bush speaks to the nation on the TV-Debate in 1988 he said this memorable sentence: "Read my lips - no more taxes." At his term in office he increased the US-taxes and was not elected again after four years. Another example ist the presidency of John F. Kennedy. He was a Symbol of hope when he won the election in 1960 against Richard Nixon. But he wasn't that strong such as the general public was suggested of him. And there is a another point in relation to leaders who unite the hopes of a population or the whole world - they always live in danger. Kennedy was assasinated as president. His brother Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were killed while they were on the way to become the leader of the United States. Barack Obama could be the first man in office who changes everything in a positive way and could make the world a little bit better. So let's wait and look how the next four years would be...
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How Long.....
12.11.2008 15:25
Cynical? You bet!
Fool me once and shame on....
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