Greek prisoners hungerstrike
solidarity | 11.11.2008 23:32 | Repression | Social Struggles | World
1/11: Lawyers association express their sympathy for the prisoners mobilizations.
2/11: Around 30 anarchists march to Volos prisons chanting and spray painting walls with slogans in solidarity to prisoners struggle.
3/11: Prison guards invade cells, harass prisoners and try to intimidate them in the face of the collective hunger strike. Riot police brigades deployed around many prisons.
3/11: Unannounced motorbike demo of dozens of anarchists to Korydallos (Athens) prisons where they chanted slogans in solidarity to prisoners struggle.
3/11: More than 8.000 prisoners boycotting prison meals.
4/11: Committe of the (left) parliament party SYN/SYRIZA meets with "minister of justice", to discuss on an institutional committe from all parliament parties on prisons.
4/11: Anarchists/Antiauthoritarians in solidarity to prisoners organize demonstration-microphonics at Kamara, Thessaloniki centre.
4/11: At the juvenile prison of Volos, prisoners threw their stuff out of the cells and denied leaving their cells to go to the prison yard.
4/11: "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire" claims responsibility for a three-day rampage against military/police targets and sends "signal of fire to the prisoners that started a prison food strike since Monday, November 3".
5/11: The president of the republic K. Papoulias speaks of the "major problem of prisons" with the typical humanitarian banalities.
5/11: Clubs of football fans such as PAOK-GATE4 and Panahaiki-NAVAJO expressed their support to the prisoners struggle.
5/11 Collective official form of complaints sent to the authorities undersigned by most of the prisoners at Diavata prison, outside Thessaloniki
6/11: Committe of the (leftist) "Initiative for prisoners rights" meets with "minister of justice" S. Hatzidakis, to negotiate on the prisoners issue.
6/11: Around 400 anarchists and revolutionaries ride with motorbikes and cars to Diavata prisons where they chanted slogans, torn down part of the barbed wire fencing and threw fireworks. The prisoners responded with slogans and howls.
6/11 Attack with fire at ruling party offices in Thessaloniki in solidarity to prisoners struggle, by the Cells of Aggresive Solidarity to Prisoners (more info at

7/11: Around 1000 prisoners on hunger strike. Less than 10 had to be tranfered to hospital.
7/11: Solidarity microphonics gathering in the market area of Chania, Crete
7/11: 98fm self-managed radio station of Athens, transmits prisoners demands and solidarity speach (

7/11: Prison guards try to intimidate prisoners in Ioannina and Diavata prisons, some transfers and night invasions in cells continue.
7/11: Solidarity demonstration in Serres7/11 Solidarity demonstration in Lamia
7/11: Prisoners demands and solidarity speach, and interview with ex-con on 1431AM, student self-managed radio station (

7/11: 2 mainstream radio stations are occupied by anarchists transmitting prisoners demands and solidarity speach in Thessaloniki and Lamia
7/11: Attack with paints against the council of state in Athens in solidarity to prisoners (more info at

8/11: Solidarity demonstration in Volos (photos at

8/11: Student unions and NGO express their sympathy to the prisoners mobilizations.
9/11: Three kurdish prisoners in Trikala, mainland Greece, sew their mouths in hunger strike! Another 14 will do the same the following days!
9/11: Solidarity demonstration in Lamia, afterwards police stops and harasses the demonstrators but leaves them free without charges few hours later and after lawers and friends arrived at the police station.
9/11: Arsonists set on fire 4 expensive cars in Exarchia, Athens centre and attack the offices of PASOK. Unknown person phoned to "Eleftherotipia" newspaper claiming "The arsons of luxurious cars Saturday night in Athens centre were in solidarity to the hundreds of prisoners in hunger strike, at the dungeons of the greek republic. The owners of luxurious cars should limit their rides at the northern suburbs and keep off the proletarian neighborhoods of the centre. Fire to the mansions and the cars of the riches".
9/11: 3.300 in hunger strike. In juvenile prisons the vast majority are on hunger strike.
10/11: 4.500 in hunger strike.
10/11: Delta Squat organizes a solidarity intervention, with a huge banner and leaflets at Thessaloniki centre (photos at

10/11: Prison guards leave warm cooked food near prisoners on hunger strike (to torture them), or in other prisons invade in cells of prisoners that weren't on hunger strike but boycot prison meals and take away some food cans, later photos of these are sent to fascist media provocating the prisoners struggle!
10/11: Al. Giotopoulos and V. Tzortzatos imprisoned in Korydallos special cells for allegedly involved with "November 17" organization political prisoners, go on hunger strike in solidarity of common prisoners and denounce the role of "initiatives that speak in the name of the prisoners and get to speak with the minister of justice, covering him politically for his apathy, even if they are indeed in solidarity to them, the only one legitime to speak of the prisoners are the prisoners themselves". They state that "the only way is the common prisoners to be the only ones taking part in these committees" and that "the reason there are no prisoner insurrections is the vast dispension of drugs within the prisons".
10/11: The leftist "Initiative for prisoners rights" organizes a solidarity concert in Athens centre. A bank is set on fire in Athens centre.
11/11: Solidarity flyers appear around towns in north western Greece.
10/11: New democracy offices at Halandri, Athens, burnt with an improvised gas canister device.
10/11: Kyriakoula Lymnioudi, medical attendant at Chios prisons, publishes an article at a local newspaper describing the medieval conditions of the prison.
11/11: Solidarity demonstration in Thessaloniki centre
11/11: The State's council on prisons, in a special meeting suggest the discharge of 1.500 prisoners and satisfaction of some of the prisoners demands (smaller sentences, 3/5 for drug users, 12 months of pre-trial imprisonment instead of 18, 6 days off instead of 5 etc).
11/11: 18 ANO group for social rehabilitation of toxic addicts expresses solidarity with prisoners mobilizations.
11/11: Prisoners demands and solidarity speach, and interview with ex-con (replay) on 1431AM, student self-managed radio station (

11/11: Around 40 anarchists attack with bottles filled with red and black paint the new offices of PASOK (opposition party) and G. Voulgarakis (ex-minister) offices in Athens centre. Two undercover policemen threatened them with their guns, but were repelled with bottles and stones. On their way back, the anarchists broke down a National bank and a Eurobank branch, a bank's van, undercover police motorbikes and a fascist bookshop of Adonis Georgiadis (LAOS right wing party member), throwing flyers in solidarity to prisoners struggle, throughout their way.
11/11: Around 10 anarchists attack the building of the ministry of press with stones and molotovs in solidarity to prisoners struggle.
11/11: More than 5.000 prisoners in hungerstrike, another 6.500 boycotting prison meals.
Struggle continues...
October: Diverse actions such as boycottage of prison meals around greek prisons and especially in Crete, informal prisoners committees form a network of communication and coordination. They spread a letter with prisoners demands and give a deadline of three weeks for the authorities to start working on them. After these three weeks mobilizations will peak with a boycottage of prison food, starting on 3/11 and a collective hunger strike from 7/11.
In Greece, more than 13.000 individuals are imprisoned, 1/3 of them without any trial yet, in awful conditions leading to more than 50 inmates losing their lives only last year.
On 30/10 the leftist "Initiative for prisoners rights" went with motorbikes to Diavata prisons in Thessaloniki. On 30/10 also, the anarchist prisoner (accused for participation in the kidnapping of northern Greece's industrialists president) Polikarpos Georgiadis publishes an open letter on the prisoners mobilizations, making clear his disagreement with the hunger strike as having a deleterious effect on prisoners forces, creating fighters of many levels, some going on in a self-sacrifice spirit, others eating regularly etc. though stating his commitment to the prisoners struggle, "same as when he was outside" (letter can be found at


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