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Oxford Lab Opens

Oxford | 11.11.2008 18:19 | SHAC | Animal Liberation

Only Rats currently but primates will follow.

Good coverge of AR campaigners on the news - I guess we knew it would happen eventually.



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Truth ALWAYS hurts

11.11.2008 19:02

"Good coverge of AR campaigners on the news - I guess we knew it would happen eventually"

1. what the fuck constitutes 'good coverage' of AR campaigners? Any coverage you people get of the AV issue is invariably BAD; you virtually always misrepresent the issue, often even suggesting that vivisection is of benefit with ludicrous talk about 'alternatives', and 'rights for rats' (hopeless when people have children with cancer.) You even go in for supporting the infiltrators in the movement in the guise of BUAV, Hadwen Trust, etc.

2. If you AR people guessed your campaigns were ultimately going to be a failure why the hell did you just carry on as normal? Oh yeah I forgot, the answer is that you like to be martyrs, pissing off the public and genrally being oh so different from 'ordinary' people.

Wake the hell up; your campaigns are useless. SHAC and SPEAK have KILLED the AV movement; there is no longer an effective AV movement in the UK, it has been killed by the selfish, egotistical, and generally purile antics of the AR movement who cannot be arsed to study the subject and use the only effective arguments that will kill vivisection, ie the scientific, medical and financial arguments.

Then just to make sure the final nail is driven in you terrorise innocent people, threaten childrens' nurseries, and dig dead people up! This really gets support from the public guys.

Today the AV movement died - and it is entirely the fault of the animal rights movement. I wish the lot of you would just stay on safe ground, like circuses, zoos, etc, where you can't do any harm.



11.11.2008 19:23

Instead of shouting about what other people are doing, maybe you should do something yourself?

Yes, the scientific argument is EXTREMELY important...and maybe if people knew how dangerous vivisection is to human beings they would better understand the actions of the "extremists" who you're so angry at?

We're currently looking at the EU Directive that has just been published for ways we can tighten it up for the sake of the animals and to the detriment of the vivisectors...So, instead of angry rants on Indymedia which cause animosity maybe you and your organisation could be better employed working on that than condemning the actions of others?

Each to their own, neither condemn nor condone,



11.11.2008 22:56

Steve is obviously an animal abuser just trolling.

The Oxford lab was pushed through with financial support from the government (i.e. us, the taxpayers). Otherwise it would probably not have happened. When you are a grassroots campaign up against the whole government, it is very difficult to win these short-term battles!

Pharmaceutical multinationals have politicians in their back pocket and were shit scared that another animal rights victory would scare investment overseas, that is why they can get the government to do their bidding.

But you can bet that any big pharmas looking for a place to build their labs will think very carefully before choosing to locate in the UK. They see the depth of feeling against animal abuse here and the ferocity of the campaigns against them, and will probably view other places much more favourably.

no to animal abuse

Reply To Bones

12.11.2008 11:25

Well said, I couldn't have put it better myself :)
Think the intention, was for Mel to have been found guilty, then open the lab shortly after, didn't quite work out though. A case of PSYOPS me thinks.
It isn't over until the fat lady sings :)


Same Old

12.11.2008 14:03

Steve sounds a very angry man, who also needs to educate himself. The lab, which you may note is keen, in all media articles, to state that 98% of it's inmates will be mice (so)! and that only the mice are in there already', may be up and runnning but this will not, ever, stop AR people from continuing their protests and opposition to it and others like it. We hear the same old stuff from the same old vivisectors , 'life saving research', yeah , yeah,

'Animals are only used in our research where no othertechnique is available and the university is absolutelycommitted to replacing animal use wherever possible," saidProfessor Alastair Buchan, head of the medical sciencesdivision at Oxford.'

I wonder how he can then explain how animal experiments are actually increasing not reducing?? They are also refusing, with their usual tranparency, to say how many animals they are using and how many primates they will have there, and you can bet it will be excluded from the FOI Act is we try to find out!! . But....fear not folks, life saving research will be carried ouit!! I would love to see the actual statistics of what life saving research this lab achieves.

Good to know that us taxpayers are also paying for this place of torture
'the Government had agreed to pick up the tab for everything but the “core” cost of the development.University Registrar Julie Maxton said: “



12.11.2008 14:10

From the very start of the campaign in Oxford everyone attending the demos were asked to behave legally by those who started the campaign. Yes some illegal things have happened which had nothing to do with SPEAK but the campaign has always been painfully legal and above board. Despite this the University got an interim injunction against SPEAK because of new oppressive legislation not because SPEAK were in any way "harassing". As those protesting against EDO and N'Power's desecration of the Radley Lakes have also been targeted with the Protection from Harassment Act people need to really wake up and realise that ANY campaigning will invoke a crackdown on those deemed to be effective.
Then of course Mel was arrested and has spent nearly a year in prison as a cat A prisoner simply for questioning vivisection. The entire power of the state continues to be used against grass roots anti vivisectionists including violence, harassment, threats, lies, smear campaigns, incarceration, constant surveillance, constant disruption of legal activities against animal abuse, ad infinitum. Against overwhelming odds as a movement we should be proud of ourselves that we have never given up and continue to fight on. It was amazing to watch Newsnight with Michelle Thew (now I know about the BUAV's past but I will not openly criticise someone on the same side) arguing brilliantly against he who should not be named (injunction) about how animal testing is bad science. A couple of years ago this would not have happened.

Lynn Sawyer


12.11.2008 21:30

Vivisectors are so full of , they really do need to do some research up their own butts.


Animal Rights People

23.11.2008 22:27

FYI to ye arses that support lab experimentation on animals to find cures for childhood diseases,I could feckin careless if they ever find a cure,there are other alternatives to find cures,and by the way,SHAC is alive and well in the UK so stick that up ye bloomin pipe and smoke it,we AR's peeps at least are trying to inform and educate and all ye do is hinder the situation,as long as there are ignorant arses like yeselves supporting this these animals will die for no good gawd dam reason other than for money!

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