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Cardiff Credit-Crunch Fightback Meeting

John Frost | 06.11.2008 13:48

Tuesday 11th of November at 7.30 pm, Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main
Building, Cardiff University, Park Place (opposite Student Union
Building). For more info:


Please forward to anyone interested!

Tuesday 11th of November at 7.30 pm, Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main
Building, Cardiff University, Park Place (opposite Student Union
Building). For more info:

The Cardiff Chartists have called an informal meeting for all activists and concerned citizens, non aligned, community, socialist, trade union, green or whatever, to discuss what we in Cardiff (and surrounding area) need to do around house repossessions, job losses, increased food and fuel prices, welfare reform and the recession etc.

It is clear we will have a period of high(er) unemployment, housing repossessions, empty flats, cuts in wages,cuts in council spending, pension shortfalls, increases in racism and so on, that will impactseriously and negatively on the lives of the majority of people in Cardiff and elsewhere ...

So should we be defensive in this period or should we go on the offensive?

Alongside campaigning, we must also conduct activities designed to help people counter some of the effects of a recession. We might set up groups similar to the `Claimants' Unions' who can give advice with regard benefits and the law as well as be able to offer physical back-up against bailiffs etc.. we must push community based solutions to impoverishment and build networks of solidarity and support for each other.

We want to be productive as well as defensive; i.e. we can talk about allotments and community based solutions to impoverishment - there are free/low-cost solutions available for every aspect of modern life; in fact, with the right knowledge, you can begin to live very comfortably by buying less. Using the principles of upcycling we can offer everything from computers to passive solar heating - all made from waste materials. We could set up Social Centres with family friendly activities; open source media labs can easily be adapted to provide free ICT training and equipment (for anyone, not just the impoverished) etc.

We also need musicians, writers and artists to build the movement on the cultural front.

The meeting is an opportunity to come together to discuss how we start to kick-start initiatives and work with others in the face of the Recession to launch a broad campaign.

John Frost
- e-mail:


Display the following 4 comments

  1. join the Bath credit crunch fightback! — Matt Banning
  2. Cardiff Chartists = SWP — Zep Williams
  3. Zep Williams Wrong — Dic Penderyn
  4. Good stuff, better late than never — swanner