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BNP plan demo in Birmingham

Fresh Fruit & Rotting Veg | 04.11.2008 22:20 | Birmingham

The BNP are planning to hold a demonstration in Birmingham city centre on Monday 17th November, if they get away with holding a demonstration here they can get away with holding demonstration anywhere in the country, if you can make it into Birmingham on the day or if you live in Birmingham please come out on the streets to oppose the rise of these fascist wankers.

On Monday 17th November the fascist British National Party will make an audacious attempt at returning to the streets of Birmingham. It has been many years since the BNP have been able to host publicly advertised stalls or meetings in Birmingham city centre but it now appears as though they feel confident enough to return to our streets.

The BNP will be holding a demonstration and rally in support of disgraced teacher Adam Walker who is facing disciplinary action from the General Teaching Council for posting racist and Muslim-baiting messages on an internet forum using his school laptop. The BNP will use this issue as a pretext to return to the streets of Birmingham where they have been unwelcome for many years.

The BNP are rag tag band of racists, white nationalists and fascists who want to see Britain divided along racial lines, they wish to stir up division in our communities and pit working class people against each other on the basis of their race and nationality. The BNP stands against the cultural diversity of Birmingham and their presence in this city is an affront to all those who value our diversity and working class culture.

There is a certain irony in the BNP protesting about one of their leading members “human right” to make racially offensive remarks on a school computer while they actively propose the repatriation of “non-indigenous” Briton’s and the reintroduction of national service and the death penalty.

We call on all anti-fascists to turn up and let the BNP know that they won’t be tolerated on our streets.

The BNP will be congregating from 9am outside the General Teaching Council's offices in Victoria House so we urge everyone to get there as early as they can.

Monday 17th November
Outside Victoria House, Victoria Square, Birmingham City Centre

No Platform for fascists
Birmingham Anti-fascists

Fresh Fruit & Rotting Veg


Hide the following 13 comments

Always remain vigilant

04.11.2008 23:59

Granted the BNP haven't exactly marched through Birmingham, but last year they managed to stage a "vigil for anti-white racist murders" right by our town hall in the city centre!

People in Brum might claim they're a spent force here or they're an insignificant minority, but their 'electoral path' is helping them recruit more people in our communities and they're getting more and more legitimacy.

There was a video of it on the bnp tv site but I managed to find it again on youtube by googling 'BNP tv candlelit vigil'.

On the video, the so-called 'master race' claim they mobilised their support using their online forums.

We can't let this or any manifestation of the BNP ever happen again in our city.

Know your enemy.

See you there.


going nowhere fast

05.11.2008 01:00

“….please come out on the streets to oppose the rise of these fascist wankers”

The rise of what exactly? They are utterly fucking useless! They are even having their annual Griffin arse-licking contest back at the Guest House Paradiso, Blackpool. That place is so dangerous the rats and roaches moved out as they found it offensive and the food to shit! Take it from me, I know.

It’s great that people should campaign against them but don’t worry to much as everything Griffin touches turns to shit. That’s why he is such a useful moron to the state, that’s why he can get away with everything or anything. It doesn’t take a genius to work out the fact that when someone keeps walking away from crown court, avoids arrest while others go down, orders illegal entry into homes with intent to robbery and then walks away, while simultaneously laundering money and cooking the accounts on a huge scale; that something is a little amiss!
It’s only the stupid pricks that follow him that can’t see this.

Campaign by all means, then sit back and have a really good laugh as they piss it all up the wall yet again, time and time over, lol!

an ex-bnp member

Not in our streets

05.11.2008 10:33

Apart from that candle lit vigil which took place about 3 years ago and the odd low key appearance at rememberance day (an insult to those who fought and died against the BNPs ilk), the BNPs presence on our streets has been sporadic and tended to be out in the suburbs as opposed to the city centre. However they are clearly getting cocky, they've been out leafletting around the city and now this audacious move. There's a facebook page organising mobilisation for this event and it sounds as if there's members attending from around the country as well as the likes of Barnbrook and that steroid freak Martin Reynolds. There's also talk of an indoor rally after the event, which will most likely take place out of the city centre, if we could find out where this rally is it would be a massive coup.

As for the bnp destroying themselves i agree that they are well practiced in doing this, however their general support remains high, particularly for a white nationalist party, i suggest we give them all the help they need in tearing themselves apart!

See you in brum!


london-- birmingham ?? TRANSPORT ??

05.11.2008 12:00

hi ...if sameone from london have car and want to share petrol and have good time against the fash please let me know ..or even if sameone goes by train i dont mind to join in ...ya.....resist and exist 07954313941



05.11.2008 15:56

anti-fascist - maybe a good idea to be a little more circumspect than to post your personal phone number after an article about going to bash up the fash, in order to arrange a meeting - fascists who read and troll on here might see it as a good opportunity to teach someone who plans go resist them a lesson! Likewise, anti-fascists might worry that your message was posted by a fascist trying to arrange just such an unpleasant meeting.

These people are vicious thugs, let's make sure we smash them while making sure we stay as safe as possible. Steel-capped boots are good for protecting antifascist toes as well as smashing fascist heads!

bash the fash to bits

On ex bnp comment

10.11.2008 03:40

""""""""It’s great that people should campaign against them but don’t worry to much as everything Griffin touches turns to shit. That’s why he is such a useful moron to the state, that’s why he can get away with everything or anything. It doesn’t take a genius to work out the fact that when someone keeps walking away from crown court, avoids arrest while others go down, orders illegal entry into homes with intent to robbery and then walks away, while simultaneously laundering money and cooking the accounts on a huge scale; that something is a little amiss!
It’s only the stupid pricks that follow him that can’t see this. """""""""

ie. the little gyppo's on council estates that hate "pakis" think griffin is the leader , whereas the other "white nationalists" (snigger) have taken to other pursuits more financially orientated.

not the bnp

FAO: Harrington

11.11.2008 22:34

Those opposed to the BNPs presence on the streets of birmingham do not supporting the political vetting of teachers, they do not support the labour party, what they do oppose is the presence of a fascist party on the streets of one of the most culturally diverse cities in Britain.

Birmingham has a proud history of racial and cultural diversity and i'm sure you'll be aware from your days in the National Front that fascists have come a right cropper here on many occasions in the past.

Red Devil

Infantile Leftists

14.11.2008 13:21

Whatever you say a counter-demonstration will be seen as supporting the GTC blacklisters. Once they establish that the political views of teachers can be restricted any Parent who doesn't like someone's views can complain. The Public Order Act was brought in against Mosley but has been used against numerous progressive causes since. This is one lesson from history you should learn.

Your violent posturings do you no credit. They are not putting anyone off demonstrating against injustice. You are tools of the Labour Party objectively whatever your strange subjective position.

Art of War

The Art of the Imbecile

14.11.2008 20:50

By your logic no one should demonstrate against the Israeli Defence Force as it may be seen as condoning the terrorism of Hamas. It is a moronic logic, fascists may champion the odd popular cause in order to gain support but to stand by their side and support them would represent an incredible naivety and do much damage in the long run.

Parents can complain full stop, it is their right to do so. I personally wouldnt want my kid being taught by a fascist in the BNP anymore than i'd want to see him being taught by an Islamic fundamentalist and i'm sure most parents feel the same way.

As for anti-fascists being tools of the labour party that is frankly hilarious. Again your logic is rather confused. People can be both against the government and against those that purport to be in opposition to the government. I expect you think people who vote Lib Dem are supporting the government because if they all voted tory the government would be out. By such a logic all your nationalist friends should be voting tory! Anti-fascists are involved in various battles against the government from fighting their reactionary policies in the work place to organising in the community and demonstrating against their wars. What anti-fascists do realise is that the BNP are just another group of reactionaries who would implement just as bad and far worse policies than the existing government (the death penalty, corporal punishment, conscription, repatriation anyone?). With this in mind talk of "freedom of speech" and human rights is as shallow as Gok Wan's personality.

You're mugs if you think you can prance around Birmingham without opposition.


Labour Stooges

15.11.2008 14:37

You are reactionary and diversionary. You put so much effort into fighting the BNP that you cannot see the creeping fascism of New Labour. It's not the BNP that is going to make us all carry ID cards or introduce a DNA database. Still, if you actually opposed the people with power you might get some flak. You would rather stay in your comfort zone of student politics.

You are clearly unaware that it will not just be the BNP demonstrating for freedom of expression but a coalition of groups including those with ethnic minority members. Are you going to use your steel toe-caps on them too Red Fascists? Accusing the BNP of being 'Vicious thugs' and then advocating more violence makes you hypocrites. Some of us oppose both the racist policies of the BNP and your own brand of totalitarianism. We will still be out demonstrating for human rights on Nov 17 because unlike you we believe such rights are universal.

Art of War

RE: Art of War

15.11.2008 19:09

haha, don't pretend you're some liberal, you're clearly a sympathiser with the BNP as are the groups that will be protesting. Lets have a look at the groups attending; Civil Liberty (BNP front group), Solidarity (BNP front group), National Liberal Party (who?!). Those attending will be BNP members and ex-NF.

I personally support the anti-ID campaign, i also oppose the governments moves to shut down local amenities and their pro-business agenda.

You can both fight the BNP and fight the government and i think that anyone who is opposed to the government on a progressive level will also be opposed to the BNP. The idea that people should join a demonstration called by fascist front groups in order to oppose the government is laughable, next you'll be asking people on Indymedia to attend pro-hunt rallies and tory poarty conferences because "they're against the government". Your either naive or very, very stupid.

Who said the BNP are thugs? That would be a fucking complement to those morons! They're lower than thugs they're fascists!

No Pasaran!!!


A Good day for fascism

18.11.2008 13:39

It has to be said that the fascists got the better of birmingham on Monday. They operated with virtual impunity in the square, their secuirty team policed a large part of the demonstration and came into verbal conflict with passers by and anti-fascists which certainly riled them. However apart from winding up a few meat heads it was a sad day for birmingham, the BNP had more numbers than the anti-fascists and we're allowed prance around freely.

Apparently a number of anti-fascists did try and engage BNP members in conversation but we're stumped by the latters poor grasp of the english language and inability to think beyond the slogans they've been fed by simon darby.

I don't know what happened to Adam "leave them kids alone" Walker, lets hope he never teaches again!

Anyway if this isn't a rallying call to anti-facsists in Birmingham i don't know what will be, you learn from your mistakes and hopefully this will be a pre-requisite for people in Brum to get organised and put the BNP back in the gutter where they belong.
