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The Second Peace Procession and Peace Plan, London - Pictures.

Terence Bunch | 02.11.2008 19:53 | Iraq | Terror War

The second London Peace Procession and Peace Plan takes place in London to hand in to the British Government a demand that it bring troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and to sue for peace to end the so-called War on Terror.

The Peace Procession assembles.
The Peace Procession assembles.

Marching through London.
Marching through London.

A prayer for peace.
A prayer for peace.

Right and wrong. The difference.
Right and wrong. The difference.

Creating our own reality.
Creating our own reality.

The people, the war and the cost.
The people, the war and the cost.

Brian Haw signs the petition.
Brian Haw signs the petition.

Handing in the petition to Downing Street.
Handing in the petition to Downing Street.

Edith Cavell.
Edith Cavell.

The second London Peace Procession and Peace Plan takes place in London to hand in to the British Government a demand that it bring troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and to sue for peace to end the so-called War on Terror.

The campaigners gather at Westminster Cathedral and march through London where they hand in the petition to 10 Downing Street.

The procession takes place just two days before the US election with almost all indicators now speculating that Democratic candidate, Barack Obama, looks set to win. Mr Obama has referred to the Iraq war as the 'Dumb War' during his election campaign and has indicated that the US is set to withdraw from the country. November 2nd 2008.

Terence Bunch
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Hide the following 5 comments


04.11.2008 01:28

Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?
He got an ice pick
That made his ears burn

Whatever happened to dear old Lenin?
The great Elmyra, and Sancho Panza?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?

Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?

No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more

Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?

No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more


How do we sue for peace

04.11.2008 07:06

Hi Terence,

I notice that one of your wishes is to sue for peace in the so called war on terror. Sueing for peace will require compromise and both sides getting some of their demands

As groups like Al Quida are seeking the establishment of a new Caliphate, the entire world converting to Islam, the replacement of democracy with one theocracy and Islamic law being the only law how do you expect this compromise to be reached. Do you plan to offer them some of the above and if so which ?

I agree that the current crisis can't contine like it has been but I'm not sure how it can be stopped - do you ?

interested bystander

Seeking peace this way is not the answer

04.11.2008 07:54

I joined the Britiah Army through poverty and served two tours in Afghanistan. The people we fought there think we are weak, immoral, corrupt and destined to failure because we are not believers.

They are not interested in talking, meetings, or hearing our viewpoint. They simply want us to either convert to Islam or die. The sooner people come to terms with that then the sooner well meaning but frankly irrelevant events like this Peace March will end.

ex soldier (served in Afghanistan)

But why were you in Afghanistan?

04.11.2008 14:59

Or maybe just go home and stop terrorising us.

Stop trying to convert us to your wonderful ways.

Rent the land off of us for your oil pipeline.

Get the fuck out of my country.


A response.

05.11.2008 21:40

Many apologies for not responding to these questions sooner. I've been watching the telly.

To deal with these questions in the order they have been presented.

To 'interested bystander' I would like to say that I do not organise these processions, nor do I take part in them. I just give up my time to help out by recording, and publicising, campaigns that I think are relevant to the matter at hand so to speak.

But I think that those engaged with these campaigns might say that there doesn't seem to be any meaningful attempt to 'seek peace' from any of the antagonists to date. The War on Terror as an ideology, which appears to have been formally rejected by the people of America today, has been presented by the US Republican faction as open ended both in time-scale and application. For people of faith, of whatever denomination, this is abhorrent.

While this campaign may not meet with acceptance by all, it is better than simply dissolving into docility and doing nothing. And lets face it, 'doing nothing' is one of the prime advocations used by those fighting this war to control and subvert those anti-war voices who are opposed to these conflicts. Even so, there remain a solid body of people who continue to campaign for peace and I for one take my hat off to them, both for their diligence and stoical application of their actions.

For the remainder, you make a point about a global Caliphate, world-wide theocracy and global conversion to the Islamic faith. Which then coagulates with another point made by the third writer about attitudes of Afghani's to British troops in Afghanistan.

All I can say here, and I certainly do NOT speak for the campaigners I photograph, is that these arguments have been presented for some time...and have now been rejected.

Hope this Helps.

Terence Bunch
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