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Nottingham's October Critical Mass and Bike About :: Piccys

Tash [alan lodge] | 01.11.2008 20:22 | Ecology | Health | Social Struggles

On Friday 31 October, Nottingham's Critical Mass Bike Ride started from the Market Square on Halloween Night. Critical Mass is for everyone who rides a bike in Nottingham and wants to take part. Meeting at 5pm, this was the first in some time in the city, and was really well attended.

On Friday 31 October, Nottingham's Critical Mass Bike Ride started from the Market Square on Halloween Night. Critical Mass is for everyone who rides a bike in Nottingham and wants to take part. Meeting at 5pm, this was the first in some time in the city, and was really well attended.

Critical Mass is a monthly bike ride [routinely held at 5pm on the last friday of every month] to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road. With no set routes and no leaders, it's simply a bunch of people enjoying clean healthy transport.

Check out the website at

Also, there is a discussion group at

In addition to all of the worthwhile issues that Critical Mass highlights, it's a great way to meet people and perhaps do a bit of networking to promote other campaigns.

So why start from the Market Square? Well Critical Mass should appeal to anyone that rides a bike so it should start from the most central location for everyone's benefit. Plus, practically every other Critical Mass around the globe starts from a central, well-known location which makes it easy to remember and easy to find.

It's never more than a couple of hours. Bring bright clothing, lights, horns, bells, NOISE and FRIENDS.

As usual, I've tried to take a set of pictures that show critical mass to be an empowering experience. Hopefully fun to be at. A celebration of the alternatives to the existing 'car culture'.

Please remember: The next one is Friday 28th November from Market Square, Nottingham (Last Friday of every month). Gather at 5.00pm to depart at 5.30pm. Let's get on our bikes and make this, the simplest of actions, happen.

See you there ..........

Links to the previous Nottingham Critical Mass I've covered at:

Slide Shows
CM Feb 2006
CM 2005-2006

Construction of the 'multi-person thingy'

Design & building the multi-person powered thingy - Nottm's Rinky-Dink Phase 2

Making flags and decor for Nottingham's Critical Mass Bike About

All bikes are go ! Nottingham Indymedia feature

Bicycology biketour pedals onwards : Nottingham Pix

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"

Tash [alan lodge]
- e-mail:


Flyers with the new start time

06.11.2008 00:41

Great to see a Critical Mass again rather than a Critical Few. Nice one.

Road User Envoy


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02.11.2008 14:50

Love Critical mass, but you say meet at 5pm and the sumac website says meet at 5.30!

Shame for people to miss the ride!

mail e-mail: mredlord|