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Maggie's Law - stiffer penalties for animal abusers

Camden Animal Rights London UK | 31.10.2008 14:02 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham | World

Maggie was a much loved 20 year old horse who was cruelly killed by two thugs armed with a meat cleaver who chased her and tortured her to death in her paddock. Maggie's owner Davina Bowyer of West Midlands has launched a campaign asking for stiffer penalties for such animal abuse crimes. See where you can also sign a petition.

Davina Bowyer raised Maggie from a foal and had loved her and looked after her for the next 19 years.
Horrifyingly Maggie was found in her paddock lying on the ground, badly injured. The bone of her right leg was sticking out and she had deep cuts to her neck and shoulder. Maggie's shocked vet said he had never seen injuries like hers before. He said there was no choice but to put Maggie down.
A local famer who has not been named recieved a tip off about who had hurt Maggie and the police were notified.
In due course two men were prosecuted. Matthew Corfield of Higgs Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands and Alex Lister of Olinthus Avenue Wolverhampton both aged 19 appeared in front of Cannock Magistrates Court. They both pleaded guilty to causing un-necessary suffering to a protected animal.
The court heard that Corfield and Lister trespassed into the paddock where they had been lighting fires and drinking. Corfield had thrown a meat cleaver with a 12 inch blade at Maggie at least five times. Her injuries included a shattered leg and a five inch deep stab wound. Corfield had laughed as he inspected the blade for blood. Lister admitted chasing Maggie and attempting to use his mobile phone to film Corfield and another youth running after her.
Corfeild was sentenced to five months in a young offenders institution and Lister was ordered to carry out 180 hours community service.
The judge said : "This was a nasty incident, a prolonged attack on an innocent horse.

Now Davina and her husband Mick have set up a campaign called Maggie's Law in an attempt to get stiffer sentences for those who deliberately cause harm to animals. A petition has also been set up which will go to the government.

Davina has said : "Maggie was so important to me and I still miss her terribly. She was part of the family and we are determined that we will do something positive in her memory.

To find out more about Maggie's Law or to sign the petition go to :

Camden Animal Rights London UK
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Hide the following 5 comments


31.10.2008 17:09

I am so sorry to hear about your beloved horse, there is just too much of this wanton aggression nowadays and often it is used against defenceless animals, well they cannot fight back can they to these cowards! I will certainly sign your petition and urge others to do so .To give anyone who was involved in this apalling act just community service is a travesty. If an animal rights activist had damaged a car they would have done prison time, but for a thug to do this to a gentle animal, they get next to nothing!! No wonder so many people are angry! RIP Maggie.


The law

31.10.2008 22:43

Yup, the law doesn't protect non-human animals. That's what direct action's good for; bypassing the courts and really making the motherfuckers pay.


To all those who accuse animal rights activists of "extremism"

03.11.2008 18:22

This appalling crime was prosecuted with the full weight of the law and the sentences were woefully inadequate. Both of these vermin should have recieved life imprisonment to protect the innocent. For hundreds of years activists have fought to protect animals and although we have come a long way this case (and many others) shows us just how far we have to go. Of course if some of us were to stand quietly outside one of the homes of the murderers with banners we would face longer in prison, let alone go down the old "eye for an eye" route which I would not advocate but to do to them what they did to the horse is a fantasy which will stay in my minds eye. I just hope that both of them learn some empathy and face the horror of what they have done, if they do it will haunt them for ever more.

lynn sawyer

Reply To Lynn

04.11.2008 09:39

Very well said Lynn, with you all the way.

Birder Pete

Proper Sentencing Required

04.11.2008 14:20

If these type degenerate scum, put a kitten into the washing machine. Or put a puppy into the microwave. If courts are 101 % sure of their guilt. They should be kept out of harms way and banned from owning animals for life. They should also get a sentence of 15 years. I think the message will get through! The sentence that they can get at the moment is not realistic at all. I don't know how animal abuse goes down inside, I hope they have a dreadful time.

Bunny Hugger