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Justice not Crisis reveal site of Halloween Gathering in Birmingham

reposter | 30.10.2008 12:09 | Social Struggles | Birmingham

JUSTICE NOT CRISIS together with a number of groups are holding a Halloween gathering to protest at the council refusal to build new homes for social rent or allow housing associations to do so.

The site of the protest is on land between Varden Croft and Pershore Road and is between Edgbaston and Balsall Heath, close to Birmingham city centre. (Pershore Road between Balsall Heath Road and Speedwell Road)

For general area of Birmingham:,285065&st=4&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf&ax=406963&ay=285065

For exact location:


45 & 47 from Birmingham along the Pershore Road goes past the site. (Bus stop immediately outside! out of town side of Pershore Road)

61, 62, & 63 along the Bristol Road. Traveling INTO the city get off by the McDonald’s at the Lee Bank Middleway. turn right on to the Middleway then first right on to Pershore Road and the site is 250m on the left. Traveling OUT of the city get off at the first stop after the Lee Bank Middleway by the Opal One student block of flats. Walk back to the Middleway turn right and then first right on to Pershore Road and the site is 250m on the left.

8A inner circle. Get off the first stop after the McDonald’s at the Bristol Road junction. Cross the road at the pelican crossing by the bus stop to the police station. The start of the Pershore Road is 50m to the left. Turn right into Pershore Road and the site is 250m on the left.

8C inner circle. Get off by Belgrave Road police station. Walk back a few yards to Pershore Road and turn right and the site is 250m on the left.

For those coming by car the post code for satnav is B5 7LR

The nearest train station is Birmingham New Street. The 45 and 47 buses pass the front entrance to the station.

for more information call 07547 744 643

Councillor Lines is co-ordially invited to join us where we will be happy to discuss the crisis with socially rented properties in Birmingham.

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Display the following 11 comments

  1. It's called the John Lines Homeless Village :) — Councillor John Lies
  2. Thats some lovely work — keep up the good work
  3. Who are Justice not Crisis?! — reading between the lines
  4. Link? — John Lines' ASBO
  5. Well done guys! — Liam
  6. Housey Halloween — Mr Bunarchy
  7. response to 'Link?' — reading between the lines
  8. Mainstream media coverage — reading between the lines
  9. The John Lines Homeless Village — fdsa
  10. Response to "Response to Link"! — John Lines' ASBO
  11. The Stirrer coverage reveals who Justice not Crisis are... — reading between the lines