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friday 31st - anarchist students back bank bash

Autonomy and Solidarity | 29.10.2008 22:37 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Autonomy and Solidarity would like to announce their arrival by endorsing this Friday’s demonstration assembling at Canary Wharf tube station at 5pm then marching on Lehman Brother’s offices.

We are a newly formed social anarchist/class struggle anarchist group at Goldsmiths University. We intend to focus on social issues and fight for students as workers, on the basis that most students will have part time jobs and will more than likely be workers when they graduate. We hope to do this first by education around social issues, then by information campaigns such as ‘workers rights’ forums, and ultimately through workplace activity. We will strive to build links to local struggles in the area and hope to see students as part of the community, not ‘the student community’.
And in between all this we’ll be doing films and talks to have a bit of chat about what anarchism actually is!

All Out for Friday 31st

As anarchists we think it is very important to stress that this current financial crisis is not just the greedy traders or bad government policies, but an inevitable part of capitalism. The crisis isn’t this month or this year, its last year, next year, the year after that, and for as long as we allow it to exist: the crisis is unsustainable expansion based on the exploitation of workers. That’s what capitalism is. The last few weeks have just been an extreme example. Our only way out is to organise a completely democratic response amongst ourselves, first to defend against the cuts to our wages and services, and eventually to take back our planet and run it justly. By joining and endorsing the demo we hope that a wider public who are beginning to question capitalism will see there is an opposition, and that opposition has alternatives – to fight and to win. It is not intended that Friday be seen as a protest – we are not protesting; hopefully what will be clear is a demonstration of anger and serious opposition to all forms of capitalism.

We will leave with a student’s block from Goldsmiths at 4pm if you want to join us, if not – see you at Canary Wharf station at 5pm!

Autonomy and Solidarity
- e-mail:


autonomous students network

30.10.2008 17:38

autonomy and solidarity are in touch with the autonomous students network. we now have a new email list as we have now expanded from being a london neywork to nationwide. tell all your student/education worker friends.

london student

Goldsmith's College is part of the Uni of London, in New Cross, SE London.

30.10.2008 21:41

FYI: Goldsmith's College is part of the Uni of London, in New Cross, SE London.



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" fuck shit up, build it new "

30.10.2008 09:49

I wish you good luck with this and future campaigns. It's great to see an @narchist group take the initiative in these times of crisis and try something positive!
I hope any success you have inspires others to take action. We certainly need it in the rural back waters of Shropshire...!

Shropshire Anarchist


30.10.2008 12:11

where is the uni ????? goldsmiths ?????? bring it on ................critikal mass 2moro as well solidarity with the italians students



30.10.2008 13:02

Are you part of London Autonomous Students Network?


That's what the WWW is for

30.10.2008 14:18

Bones, Try typing 'Goldsmiths, London' into a search engine.


Great to hear, anarchy is true democracy,heres2a cooperative economy

30.10.2008 19:48

Government lends 50billion of your dosh to banks who lend it back to u with interest. Governments should nationalise &cooperativise them , it'd be more democratic& step towards more universal democracy. Credit unions, Cooperative banks & mutual building societies are showing the way with less problems with toxic loans.

Regular G8trileratal,bildernerger, Ex Fed reserve chief Alan Greenspans& mates encouraged the loan sharking,now Bilderberg kingpin company Chase Morgan are reaping billions.
We need regional to universal democracy, lets not fall for this artificial unecessary crisis. Lets make a universal federation happen as called for by anarchist in the 1st international.

Heres to cooperative economy, not a capitalist or command economy

Keeping occupying troops allover the world is totally unsustainable especially in a time of recession, mass popular movements get people out of recessions not consumerism or war.
We have a way out it in the fight for a better planet against climate change created by greedy corporations otherwise humanity has a grizzly end in prospect.
Operation Plant trees not Bombs needs implimenting on a massive scale, especially in regions around & below the equator, in accordance with the latest mass surveys by NASA, worth checking out. global credit union meet

Green syndicalist