Global Warming or Global Governance?
oi yoi | 27.10.2008 09:21 | Climate Chaos | Birmingham
Interviews of climate scientists and biologists from numerous sources who explain, step by step, why Al Gore and the global warming alarmists are incorrect. In some cases, blatantly so. It also provides evidence that the global warming agenda is being funded with tens of billions of dollars as a mechanism to create global governance.
Hear from congressmen, experts and even well-known news broadcasters how global governance puts global institutions that are not accountable to the American people in control of every aspect of our economy. The U.S. government is very close to making this a reality. Very close. Every American, every citizen of the world, needs to hear the other side of the global warming story.
Watch here on google video
Watch here on google video
oi yoi
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Good try but----
27.10.2008 09:42
Mankind driven climate change is simply laughable but Indy UK prefers to spend its time reporting crap such as 9/11 building 7 being "pulled", Zionist bankers running the world and how the Amercians are trying to take over the world.
Thanks for trying and I watched the video, excellent and inspiring (apart from the weird Barbie doll women ! WTF is she all about ?) with real facts for a change on this important issue.
Tony R
Cult of the Chomsky
27.10.2008 10:37
oi yoi
Give them a break
27.10.2008 10:53
The lies behind the story of how humankind influenced climate change was and is in reality a nice little device for taxing and controlling the citizens of the developed world while controlling the developing economies of what used to be called the Third World is begining to be understood by radical and informed active people all over the world.
In time I'm sure Indymedia will catch up on the way the movement is changing but that will only happen if we, the people who provide Indymedia with its information (be the media !) post stories, reports on events and information to inform the wider world.
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