The Crash: Plot Thickens
Jordan Thornton | 25.10.2008 02:23 | Analysis | World
After hearing Alan Greenspan's "testimony" before the Congressional hearing (made up of millionaires and multi-millionaires), I'm reminded of the police chief in Casablanca... "I am shocked, shocked to find gambling going on here..."
"The purpose of a system is what it does" - Stafford Beer
Has anyone else noted that the apparent Motive for the engineered "financial crisis" has been suggested by the recent headlines?
The IMF has been "invited" to lend more money to "emerging states" like Iceland and Pakistan, and to be a "major player" in any "solution" the architects of this crisis create - or more accurately, put into place - when they meet, again behind closed doors, to "restructure the global (sic) economy".
However, in "borrowing" from the IMF, countries must sign on to the devastating "reform" programs that are proven to not only place foreigners in control of a nation's economy, but also drive wealth out of the countries where this regime is in place, leaving poverty in its place, spreading like wildfire, as well as the usual problems which accompany sudden, abject poverty.
These are the exact same policies that most South American countries have already suffered under, which have also recently been rejected by the countries' politicians - those who replaced the corrupt officials who signed onto the programs in question, in the name of short-term "debt relief", which is little more than signing into MORE debt.
Nobel Prize-winning economist (and former IMF Chief) Joseph Stiglitz, says in his book "Globalisation and its Malcontents" that, even if these programs were not initially intended to produce such diastrous results, their continued implementation in the face of so much evidence of their harmful effects, proves a malicious intent on the part of those pushing them.
Brown is being credited with the plan that Sarkozy recently toured the world urging other right-wing reactionary Regimes to adopt, but it seems certain that this plan was ready to go when the "crisis" arose. (Much like the agenda of widespread aggression which was prepared in advance of 9/11 ...) But who actually wrote it? Whose plans are "we" being asked to enact? To what end?
When it's "US" bearing the brunt of the policies these criminals created, in order to enrich themselves at our collective expense, it's "every man for himself".
Now that the house of cards these people created has collapsed - as opponents of these schemes such as myself predicted for well over a decade, while the media ignored us - and it's "THEM" who are feeling a pinch, suddenly it's "one big happy family" ...
Perhaps this small group of criminals who created the policies which laid the foundation for this situation, those who then profited from these policy blunders, while the average labourer suffered - policies created behind closed doors with no public oversight or input, protected from the "democratic process" by riot police, soldiers, corrupt officials, Agents Provocateurs, armoured vehicles, helicopters, tear gas, pepper spray, a compliant corporate media, etc. etc. etc., collectively referred to as "Globalisation" - could pass a hat around at the upcoming closed door meetings, where the same people responsible for this mess, instead of facing prosecution, will try and determine how they can 'fix' the problem, while continuing to profit from the system they design.
Surely, these billionaires could take a hit for the greater good.
After all, isn't that what they demand of us ... ?
Or, perhaps we could actually do something to stop this process from repeating itself, and demand that those responsible are held to account for their actions.
Is there a mechanism whereby we can take this out of their hands entirely?
If there isn't, then we should demand that this be put off until a truly representative process can be created. This is simply akin to borrowing from the mafia, and pushing down on the accelerator, while the car is pointed at a cliff.
I mean, it's no coincidence that this "crisis" has arisen just as so many of the countries involved are ruled by staunch Neo-Conservatives, Bilderbergers, etc. Who created these plans "fixing" the problem, which already appear to be nothing more than an expanded version of the failed policies which created this situation in the first place.
We've been way to quiet on this issue. What has happened to the so-called "AntiGlobalisation Movement"? We need to be making ourselves seen and heard, and right now, both in the streets, and in the halls of power, and the TV/Radio studios, and opinion pages throughout the printed press.
After all, this situation vindicates everything we warned about for well over a decade. It also proves the stuff-shirt, paid "editorial writers" and pundits wrong.
It's time the media started paying us some mind, so that the public is exposed to the voices who were correct all along, instead of having to suffer through more of the same from those who were dead wrong all along.
IMF pledges to lend Iceland $2 billion
Draft letter calls on IMF to play critical role in financial crisis
'Stick together or sink together': European Commission president
World Repair
Has anyone else noted that the apparent Motive for the engineered "financial crisis" has been suggested by the recent headlines?
The IMF has been "invited" to lend more money to "emerging states" like Iceland and Pakistan, and to be a "major player" in any "solution" the architects of this crisis create - or more accurately, put into place - when they meet, again behind closed doors, to "restructure the global (sic) economy".
However, in "borrowing" from the IMF, countries must sign on to the devastating "reform" programs that are proven to not only place foreigners in control of a nation's economy, but also drive wealth out of the countries where this regime is in place, leaving poverty in its place, spreading like wildfire, as well as the usual problems which accompany sudden, abject poverty.
These are the exact same policies that most South American countries have already suffered under, which have also recently been rejected by the countries' politicians - those who replaced the corrupt officials who signed onto the programs in question, in the name of short-term "debt relief", which is little more than signing into MORE debt.
Nobel Prize-winning economist (and former IMF Chief) Joseph Stiglitz, says in his book "Globalisation and its Malcontents" that, even if these programs were not initially intended to produce such diastrous results, their continued implementation in the face of so much evidence of their harmful effects, proves a malicious intent on the part of those pushing them.
Brown is being credited with the plan that Sarkozy recently toured the world urging other right-wing reactionary Regimes to adopt, but it seems certain that this plan was ready to go when the "crisis" arose. (Much like the agenda of widespread aggression which was prepared in advance of 9/11 ...) But who actually wrote it? Whose plans are "we" being asked to enact? To what end?
When it's "US" bearing the brunt of the policies these criminals created, in order to enrich themselves at our collective expense, it's "every man for himself".
Now that the house of cards these people created has collapsed - as opponents of these schemes such as myself predicted for well over a decade, while the media ignored us - and it's "THEM" who are feeling a pinch, suddenly it's "one big happy family" ...
Perhaps this small group of criminals who created the policies which laid the foundation for this situation, those who then profited from these policy blunders, while the average labourer suffered - policies created behind closed doors with no public oversight or input, protected from the "democratic process" by riot police, soldiers, corrupt officials, Agents Provocateurs, armoured vehicles, helicopters, tear gas, pepper spray, a compliant corporate media, etc. etc. etc., collectively referred to as "Globalisation" - could pass a hat around at the upcoming closed door meetings, where the same people responsible for this mess, instead of facing prosecution, will try and determine how they can 'fix' the problem, while continuing to profit from the system they design.
Surely, these billionaires could take a hit for the greater good.
After all, isn't that what they demand of us ... ?
Or, perhaps we could actually do something to stop this process from repeating itself, and demand that those responsible are held to account for their actions.
Is there a mechanism whereby we can take this out of their hands entirely?
If there isn't, then we should demand that this be put off until a truly representative process can be created. This is simply akin to borrowing from the mafia, and pushing down on the accelerator, while the car is pointed at a cliff.
I mean, it's no coincidence that this "crisis" has arisen just as so many of the countries involved are ruled by staunch Neo-Conservatives, Bilderbergers, etc. Who created these plans "fixing" the problem, which already appear to be nothing more than an expanded version of the failed policies which created this situation in the first place.
We've been way to quiet on this issue. What has happened to the so-called "AntiGlobalisation Movement"? We need to be making ourselves seen and heard, and right now, both in the streets, and in the halls of power, and the TV/Radio studios, and opinion pages throughout the printed press.
After all, this situation vindicates everything we warned about for well over a decade. It also proves the stuff-shirt, paid "editorial writers" and pundits wrong.
It's time the media started paying us some mind, so that the public is exposed to the voices who were correct all along, instead of having to suffer through more of the same from those who were dead wrong all along.
IMF pledges to lend Iceland $2 billion

Draft letter calls on IMF to play critical role in financial crisis

'Stick together or sink together': European Commission president

World Repair

Jordan Thornton
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