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SHAC Barclays Demo-Brum

SHAC Brum | 23.10.2008 11:20 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Two Barclays in one day.

Positives of the demo:

*Barclays staff showed there support: one by signing the anti HLS petition & the other by verbally encouraging us to continue across the country.

*Potential new SHAC members who said they would join the campaign to close HLS.

*Barclays bank account holders' who said they would complain to the management about their unethical investment.

*Members of the public who came over,signed the petition & took leaflets.And the others,who didn't come over,who had their awareness consciously raised by the descriptive voices and banner.

Love & liberation-till HLS crumbles!

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thumbs up!

23.10.2008 11:57

well done :p



23.10.2008 15:40

since monday until 2day 6 barclays banks got sabotaged ..super glue in cash machine and paint all over ...the action didnt stop ..more r coming ...anti kapitalista - stop animal cruelty


keep on keepin on!

23.10.2008 21:37

this must piss the state off summat chronic! every time they think theyve smashed the AR movement, another peaceful, active group appears somewhere. they'll never get it - you cant kill ideals! keep on keepin on kids!


Good on you guys

24.10.2008 06:42



support from the hull team

21.11.2008 01:46

sometimes its hard to think will this ever work, if we stick at it , it must
because we in hull are not going to stop doing demo,s, good on you guys

the hull team