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7/7 update - Ex arms fair firm behind Visor's 'exercise' at the 3 tube stations

Tony Gosling, useful idiot | 19.10.2008 00:16 | Anti-racism | Terror War

The wrong story - Tony Gosling reported on IRA bomb attacks for BBC's Greater London Radio in the early 1990s - but his assessment of the London bombings of 7th July 2005, due to be screened in October, has been shelved. Meanwhile further shocking facts are emerging almost unnoticed, an ex-arms fair company was in charge of an 'exercise' at the same three tube stations where the bombs actually exploded that day.

In early September 2008 transmission of the BBC's first investigative documentary into the deadliest attack on Londoners since the Blitz, the 7/7 London Bombings, was cancelled. Contributors to the hour long Conspiracy Files film were told by producer Tristan Quinn that programme makers had failed to get police and security services to answer allegations ranging from serious incompetence to actual collusion in the attacks.

Contributors were informed in the same week as a much more widely reported announcement. That parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee report into Intelligence Services' foreknowledge in the run-up to 7/7 was also to be shelved, again 'for legal reasons'.

Inconsistencies with the official account of four lone suicide bombers centre around first hand proof of an anti-terror exercise taking place at the same locations the first three bombs exploded, also a warning issued to the Israeli Embassy by Scotland Yard and widely reported by AP and mainstream press outside the NATO zone.

Critical holes in the official 7/7 account have been emerging ever since July 2005. Only last week it was announced on Mike Rudin's BBC Blog that ex arms fair firm Reed Elsevier was in charge of an 'exercise' on the day, already scheduled to take place at the same three tube stations where the bombs exploded.

At least six films are circulating on the internet which investigate some of the most serious holes in the official account of that day's events. Some of the filmmakers also attempt to fill those holes with their own speculation.

Ludicrous Diversion takes its title from Tony Blair's words dismissing survivors' calls for an enquiry. Produced anonymously, it appears to be made by TV professionals in their spare time and presents some of the central allegations.

Montreal, The Next Terror Target? was released earlier this year by Michael Pengue, one of the founder members of the Canadian Action Party. It looks into the 7/7 'drills' in depth and the background of the intelligence/software services company, Verint Systems, chosen for the PPP, 10 months before 7/7, to take over security on the London Underground.

Investigative journalists, filmmakers, survivors and victims' families have come together with community groups such as the Campaign Against Criminalisation of Communities (CAMPACC) and British Muslim leaders in a united call for an enquiry which has been consistently stonewalled by Blair, Brown and Cameron. In the absence of any enquiry it should be obvious to any Prime Minister that such an attack may well be repeated.

The Homefront is a film by a relative of one of the 7/7 victims. Director Thomas Ikimi makes the point that British courts look into even minor crimes 'so what is the problem on an inquiry into the worst terror attack in UK history?’ Other films: Mind The Gap, BT London Bombings and 7/7 Ripple Effect all raise further questions and inconsistencies in just about every aspect of that day's events.

Possibly the most disturbing aspect of the shelving of this documentary is that, in the absence of any enquiry, the conviction of Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Germaine Lindsay for the 7/7 attack has been a 'trial by television'. With the key prosecution witness, Sir Ian Blair, having been forced to resign in disgrace. In the interests of British journalism's professional reputation is about time the dead men's families, survivors and families of the victims now had their right to reply.

The refusal of the British establishment to bite the 7/7 bullet may suit US, British and Israeli military objectives. But it may also fuel a domestic anti-Muslim hate campaign the likes of which we have not seen since that of the Jews in 1930s Germany.

Tony Gosling

1. Montreal - The Next Terror Target - 60mins (2008)
Producers: Montreal 9/11 Truth -

2. Ludicrous Diversion - 28mins (2006)
Producers: anonymous -

3. 7/7 The Ripple Effect - 57mins (2007)
Producer: Muad-Dib -

4. Mind The Gap - 41mins (2006)
Producer: Adrian Connock -

5. BT London Bombings, version 4.1 - 31mins (2005)
Producer: anonymous

6. The Homefront (2007)
producer Thomas Ikimi

Tony Gosling, useful idiot
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Citizen Intelligence workers against the war

19.10.2008 00:31

How to be Citizen Intelligence Hunter/Raptor - Ex US Marine Corps Major Scott Ritter - Starts a bit crazy - off the wall but he really gets going here.


still lying

19.10.2008 01:52

The Visor exercise was a tabletop roleplay in an office, it wasn't held at any tube station, it was a powerpoint presentation!


enquiry now!

19.10.2008 13:21

If so then you will be able to explain the same three tube stations for me please

I suppose you're another one of those who don't want an enquiry?

Tony Gosling

avoiding the question

19.10.2008 18:04

Neat ad hominem, but lets try to stick to the issue at hand, namely your constant lies about Visor's exercise. Why continually raise this McGuffin? What's your agenda?


Trial by television

20.10.2008 09:46

The execs sitting in the board-room having fun playing disaster managers in Peter Power's exercise were the ones from Reed. And you can draw attention to the fact they do some aerospace shows, if it makes you happy, but the fact is the vast amount of work they do is in standard publishing. Why would they need to do disaster planning, you then ask? Well - they are a massive international publishing company, which provides the media with an international database via Lexis Nexis. So they'd have to plan what to do in the case of a disaster: most major companies in London do.

Power has always over-stated the accuracy of the excercise, for obvious commercial reasons. It's not as if there was a bomb outside the Jewish Chronicle as well (part of his exercise).

As for the "it was trial by television" - it seems to be "confession by television" unless you think the martyrdom videos were produced by special effects wizards as part of the plot.

Also, I'm not sure why everyone seems to think it is so curious that TV programmes, or even a public inquiry, into the alleged plotters keep getting put off. The legal reasons for that seem blindingly obvious: the alleged co-conspirators haven't been convicted yet and the legal case is ongoing because of the retrial. A public inquiry presenting all the background evidence would clearly mess up that case, as would a TV programme.

Of course, the BBC could broadcast a programme saying "Mohammed Sidique Khan received this information from co-conspirator x...." (cue photo). But you know what that would be? Yup - trial by television.

Norville B

He will be saying next.....

22.10.2008 07:33

....that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are only an 'alleged' forgery

Oh, my mistake, he already does say that!
