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Smash ITT demo. The first bit (in pictures).

Guido | 18.10.2008 15:39 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | South Coast

Following on from their particularly colourful and attention grabbing demo in June see:


The Smash EDO/MBM/ITT campaign called another march in Brighton.

Scuffles at the very begining.
Scuffles at the very begining.

Early arrest.
Early arrest.

Here comes the rain and the smash EDO campaign.
Here comes the rain and the smash EDO campaign.

The Police try to direct the march.
The Police try to direct the march.

The Police try harder to direct the march.
The Police try harder to direct the march.

The march goes its intended route despite police efforts.
The march goes its intended route despite police efforts.

Protester helps the Police get a good shot of his banner.
Protester helps the Police get a good shot of his banner.

Arriving at home farm road.
Arriving at home farm road.

"They never mentioned wooden banners at Hendon?"
"They never mentioned wooden banners at Hendon?"

Out come the batons.
Out come the batons.


Over 400 people gathered in Brighton on a very wet Wednesday in the latest protest called by Smash EDO against local bomb factory EDO MBM/ITT. The last demo, in June (See SchNEWS 634), saw protesters invading the factory grounds and smashing windows. This time the cops were determined to have an overwhelming presence. At noon Sussex University campus was occupied by large gangs of cops as people arrived at the demo’s start point at the uni entrance.

Police tactics soon became obvious. As the crowd gathered they issued a Section 60 notice, giving them the power to remove masks. Trying to stamp their authority, they quickly set about the gathering crowd demanding people remove any kind of face covering, photographing everyone and generally using any tactics to intimidate, attempting to seize banners and alienate as many onlookers as possible.

Initially shocked – the mob soon found the resources to fight back and just after midday the march burst into life. The red and black-clad crowd sprang into action to the rallying call “Get behind the banner”. Behind the sturdy, massive SHUT ITT! banner – reinforced with a wooden frame – and waving flags, the noisy bloc moved at pace through Stanmer Park and out onto the Lewes Road, filling both lanes.

At least ten pairs of police evidence gatherers with long lenses, video cameras and spotter cards, including the Met’s Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT) were in evidence from the start but spent most of the march foiled by FIT Watchers (See SchNEWS 639). Hundreds of copies of FIT Watch’s spotter cards were distributed complete with photos, names, numbers and descriptions of FIT police likely to be in attendance. Whenever FIT teams appear, shouts of ‘Block That Shot’ is becoming a call to arms for activists sick of only being able to protest whilst constantly under surveillance.

Multiple sound systems and makeshift instruments kept spirits up in the procession towards the factory. Police seemed to have taken a leaf from the anarchist book and handily blockaded the whole of Lewes Road for several hours, with 8 vans bumper to bumper, urging people towards their sanctioned ‘protest pen’ at the bottom of Home Farm road. Unsurprisingly the idea of being herded into a massive steel cage surrounded by a sea of fluorescent baton wielding cops didn’t appeal to anyone. Determined to march on, people surged towards the police lines, pushing the cops back behind their line of vans. Heavy use of pepper spray and batons on those at the front took the sting out of the crowd, who, nursing bruised bodies and the ill effects of an impromptu chemical eye-bath at the hand of Sussex’s finest, split into two groups.

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19.10.2008 16:24

Great pictures- by WHY THE FUCK you put peoples faces on internet without erasing them? Especially on pictures with ppl being in potentially dodgy situation with pigs? (according to pigs obviously..)? I hate when ppl do that, no respect for security of other ppl involved in things..



19.10.2008 19:52

Speaking as someone who was there the comment above is OTT. The faces that incriminate are the ones attached to the hi-vis jackets saying 'police'. They were the ones with the weapons and attitude. The protesters were totally disciplined there was no violence coming from them. No objects or punches thrown at the cops. As schnews said there was at least 10 police cameras there -so a few low res (and quite empowering) pics on this site are no going to endanger anyone. Good report by schnews and indy people as always:)

Jo Hillbilly

The simple rule IS

19.10.2008 20:47

If you are going to do something naughty. Cover your face from the very BEGINING to the very END. As well as the cop cameras most main roads, town centres, seaside town beaches have cctv. There is no law against sporting a scarf in such cold weather.

Common sense

People get framed

20.10.2008 10:06

Sure - if we know we are going to do something that we know the police might charge us for, we should cover up.

But most of the time this is not how it happens. People get framed just for being there ; if there's a demo with some clashes with the police and there's a picture of you at the front of the march looking angry (or with a fist in the air, or anything) that's evidence enough against you. In particular if you've already been done in the past for similar offences.

I wouldn't like to have a picture of me facing the police on Indymedia really ; and I think people should respect that even if they think there isn't really any danger.



21.10.2008 00:57

exactly!- in some countries there is unwritten rule that all pictures are posted with faces of them blurred etc. You might think your pictures are harmless for the people concerned, but pigs will try to grab any evidence they can and even if there is little chance they will use your pictures, that should already decide against posting them up (or not adjusting them). I swear that if by any chance i would be on some action and my face would end up on indymedia, i would give a good slap in the face for eprson responsible for posting it..