Thatcher sold the family silver, Brown the Nation's Gold.
Capitalist | 17.10.2008 12:55 | World
Faced with a problem caused by deliberate Government inflation, Brown's only answer is more inflation. When the mess started to become apparent he should have introduced exchange controls. He should have been taxing the Rich sufficiently to have paid off tha National debt so he could use Keynsian policies to recover the economy from Depression.
It does not matter. Reagan to Brown have ensured that industrial pollution was sufficient to tip the balance over to irreversible. Is there a small chance that a major long lasting Depression will enable Earth to correct the balance so that Life might survive?
Why has no Politician come up with policies for survival in that scenario?
Why is there no such discuaaion on Indymedias?
It does not matter. Reagan to Brown have ensured that industrial pollution was sufficient to tip the balance over to irreversible. Is there a small chance that a major long lasting Depression will enable Earth to correct the balance so that Life might survive?
Why has no Politician come up with policies for survival in that scenario?
Why is there no such discuaaion on Indymedias?
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17.10.2008 13:11
Billy Bob
Full Shilling?
17.10.2008 13:56
Good Conservatives said Thatcher sold the Family Silver.
Brown sold off the UK Gold very cheap to 'the market', and continued his inflationary policies.
Perhaps you do not know the implications of Methane coming out of melting bogs? That is happening faster than scientists predicted. Go read up what the global temperature increase will be if that Methane does not burn -just from one bog in Siberia. The increase CO2 from burning it will cause a lower rise - just two degrees higher over the whole world.
That will burn a big hole in the floor of the Stock Market. Unfortunately, almost certainly too late to save Life on the planet.
No Politician or Economist has any policy that faces the problems. It is head in the sand time.
Call Earth First!ers terorists and put them in prison.
What do you see as the upside or downside?
18.10.2008 08:44
But what do we do now?
I'd be interested in hearing, what sort of timescale do you attach to the various threats?
Do you think a worldwide global economic slowdown and a decrease in emissions and pollution buys ecosytems and the planetary life-support system extra time or less time?
And does it make it mean the next world war and the next mass exstinction event, particularly for our species, is now further away or closer? When and through what circumstances do people think that will kick off?
21.10.2008 10:53
It could be a sudden switch at any time, maybe five years, maybe hundreds. Expect there to be D notices preventing the publication of well based forecasts showing a mass extinction soon.
"Do you think a worldwide global economic slowdown and a decrease in emissions and pollution buys ecosytems and the planetary life-support system extra time or less time? "
An economic crash that stops the use of fossil fuels MIGHT buy extra time.
"And does it make it mean the next world war and the next mass exstinction event, particularly for our species, is now further away or closer? When and through what circumstances do people think that will kick off? "
If God decides that a nuclear world war could save this Creation from Mass Extinction then maybe the strings will be pulled to start one. Politicians and Economists prevented the Stock Matket Correction in 1987 that would have naturally occurred and might have bought more time for people to realise the threat.. The misuse of Keynes and the criminal irresponsibility of Chief Executives and Bankers was enabled by Reagan to Brown.
But what do we do now?
Educate everyone that there has to be a different form of human society if human life is to survive on this planet. Hope it is the ones who are resistant to mutual aid and cooperation who die, God might sort it out if still exisiting. It is unlikely that God would want to be extinct either unless all those prayers are causing Migraine.