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radical/alternative Tyneside guide online

Geordie | 16.10.2008 15:10 | Other Press | Social Struggles

Tyneside is a great place to live. But sometimes it takes ages to find the gems that make it special. This guide is a short cut to help people find the places and resources to take (back) control of our lives.

Hopefully reading this guide will help you destroy some of the crap that gets us down and create mutual alternatives. We’ve included the free, non-institutional, non-party, creative, and DIY-spirited stuff that makes this place great!

This is the just the opinions of a few writers. Though this list is not complete, it is hopefully a useful starting point. If you’ve got other ideas, add them as comments. Oh, by the way, none of the organisations listed were not involved in the making of this. And we should also give credit to for giving us the idea.

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