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Update on Animal Rights / Liberation arrests this week

Anonymous Person | 15.10.2008 16:05 | Animal Liberation

Over the past weeks there have been a number of arrests of people involved in Animal Rights and Animal Liberation work in the UK together with lots of speculation as to the sudden high number.

Some of these arrests have been reported on Indymedia UK

One of those reports was here and it concerned the recent Operation Fork by a combined regional police unit.

Mentioned in the post and comments was the arrest in Portsmouth, South of England. I know the person involved and it may be useful to others to explain his circumstances and current position. He has asked to remain anonymous but has given permision for some details in the hope it helps others.

D has been involved in animal rights work for about two years, he first became aware of the issue in his last year of school. He has worked on legal projects related to the ban on Fox Hunting issues and has attended demos against vivisection operations together with an education project for local schools about alternatives to meat eating.

D is not very millitant and prefers not to be involved in direct action work as he thinks he can have a better result in other areas. In addition he has never been involved in any of the well known organisations that we recognise because his work has always been local, small scale and confined to working with known and trusted friends.

However three weeks ago D decided to join one of the organisations that feature on Indymedia ( I am not saying which one for reasons that will become clear). This group is reasonbly high profile and prefers a more robust approach to liberation and rights work. Almost straight away D saw an increased police presense near his home, his garage was broken into but nothing stolen, he is 100% sure somebody was in his house but nothing was taken and his computer now run much slower for no obvious reason. Emails from friends are often now delayed by several hours again for reasons that can't be understood and he has on three occasions found his mobile phone switched on in the morning even though he always turns it off at night.

When he was arrested it was it was clear that the police knew a vast amount about his life, his friends and his work. He was charged with a low level offence as the police told him he was, "small fry" and has been bailed.

There is however one small fact that has been conclusive in the theory that D has formed. When he joined the group he used a false name, a name that he has used no other place and yet this name was on the notes at the station the police used together with his real one.

D is of the opinion tnat the group is either infiltrated or its records busted however he is not 100% sure so has a test has supplied a piece of information to the group that will in all probability lead to another person being questioned (this third party is aware of the deception and has agreed to it).

D has agreed to this information then being published in Indymedia and other sites.

Anonymous Person


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Good luck to D

15.10.2008 16:25

Good luck to D and thanks for what he has done so far.

I think we all now appreciate and understand the extent of police infiltration of certain parts of the animal rights movement. The arrests this week were part of a very big operation that seems to have been running for a long time. The arrests were closley co-ordinated but have been concentrated not on the high profile figures we know but at what might be called the 'troops'. The people on the ground who make the day to day fight for animal liberation really happen.

I have wiped my PC and transfered infomation to hard copy which is with people I trust, tomorrow I am buying a new hard drive just in case. This is not 007 stuff people, the level of technology they are using against us is terrorist type stuff, we are major targets and we have to be ready.

A cage is a prison

Truth will be too hard to deal with

15.10.2008 16:29

The friends of SHAC who work on the Indy collective won't let this stay up very long. I bet it's hidden by tonight


Shout out

15.10.2008 16:31

Best wishes D, thanks for trying

D fan