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Stop the Nazi BPP - Leeds - This Saturday

Leeds Anti Racist | 14.10.2008 11:00 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

Leeds Anti Racist


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The transition from internet to real life takes its toll

14.10.2008 13:12

It looks like the BPP have burned too many bridges and are so desperate for someone to attend their silly little demo they are putting up disclaimers in a hope that the police will protect them. All the usual BPP supporters seem to be very quiet about the subject on stormfront, I wonder if thats because its not in London and for all their talk none of them are willing to travel? Obviously they will pretend they turned up but I know there will be enough photos of the day to prove otherwise and then the questions will start as to why they failed to attend. Their loyalties and eagerness to be taken seriously goes right out the window when the real hard work starts doesn't it? The day of reckoning is nigh! LOL



14.10.2008 15:49

I really wanted to make it Sat as Im a rapper and would love to use the power of words to destroy these ignant fools but no can do as Im stuck down on the south coast although Im willing to write an anti-nazi rap if someone else will perform it on the day who can make it??

Peace n Love
Mr Pen

Mr Pen
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What about these anti-gay and anti-women lyrics of rap songs?

14.10.2008 18:05

Surely we as Anarchists and socialists must oppose some of these rap songs that call for the murder of gays and make crude sexist comments about women? I can't believe that Indymedia really support the sale of songs that call for the murder of innocent White people.

Or are we not pretending not to be bothered just because the BPP don't like them?

Concerned of Gipton

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London pride

14.10.2008 18:52

i will be up on saterday
though worry a bit cos petrol high
see and say on day
spartan boys tour 88

Always white


14.10.2008 19:18

Hey rap isnt all about misogyny, if people would care to look a little deeper you will find deep conscious lyrics (like me) - the current market model of rap we see day to day is meant to be a moneymaker and thats all but it can also have a message like screw the nazis!

Mr Pen

Mr Pen
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14.10.2008 19:49

Do you really think rapping rhyming words of shite are gonna convince the white working class that our way is right?

No, they'll think it's more south coast, spotty middle class, wigger wank.

Kick the fuck out of the fash and leave rapping to the middle class wankers.

Plant Pot

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Protest against rap music!

14.10.2008 21:24

I detest rap music and would like to have a protest against it myself. You dont have to be a National Socialist to object to the degradation and commercialisation of culture.

Very interesting though how quick the Reds are to oppose the BPP but did nothing to oppose the rabid homophobia and anti-white racism of certain prominent and influential rap artists even though violent attacks on gays and murders have been rising steadily for years in the UK,

And when will we see a 'no platform' policy for muslim homophobes like some of the mates of Red Ken and SWP/Respect? Not PC enough for the Reds? The gays still bleed just the same.

Looks like a cynical anti-BPP rentamob of self-righteous hypocrites.



15.10.2008 07:11

What a pathetic attempt to troll Indymedia,,,Must try harder Nutzi..See you on saturday as you cower behind police lines

Concerned of gipton [ the real one]

you serious plantpot?

15.10.2008 08:37

anyone who wants to rap (to oppose a demonstration against rap music) is middle class? *sigh*


That wasn't me

15.10.2008 13:21

Though I would agree that rap music doesn't do much to convince the WWC not to support fascism.

Plant Pot

Noisy place to rap.

15.10.2008 14:24

I had a few ideas for Saturday:

Playing some 'balck music' on a stereo loudly, also playing a Martin Luther King speech or even, probably illegal, playing something like Hitler's Nuremburg speech, just to see if they start sticking their hands in the air.

But it will be too noisy, we will miss an opportunity to properly express ourselves and really wind them up.

Asylum Seekers Welcome here is probably not the wisest but maybe the most effective.

And surely they want this counter-demo? I'm still undecided on whether to attend or not.


This weekend should be fun

15.10.2008 18:00

I can't wait to see all the faces I've read so much of on Stormfront, always white, jack black and reaction65 to name but a few but alas I think because this means they would have to travel from the safety of their own towns and the internet we won't be seeing them because they will be in hiding LOL. If the BPP don't have a turnout of at least 100 then I'm afraid their goose will be cooked metaphorically speaking because they won't be able to cook their numbers which means also that they only get a turn out at meetings LOL.

So this begs the question. If they can get around 100 to one of their meetings how many do you think they will get on the streets? Being so radical and hardcore surely they will be in the hundreds?

I think about 10 if that LOL


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