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The "haves and have-mores" need to move on.

Tinker Tom | 12.10.2008 09:34

And they should bring "The Masters of the Universe" with them.

The haves and have-mores
The haves and have-mores

These “Masters of the Universe”, as they like to be called, have brought ruin on the USA.

They are the directors and presidents of the ‘subsidy’ corporations (extraction, oil, media and war corporations) that get more money from the government than all health care and social security payments put together.

They are “masters of the universe” at begging from the government and polluting our air, land and water.

The moron presidents they put in the White House, Regan and Bush, don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Regan abolished the “Fairness Doctrine” in the media that would have helped us avoid our present economic and war situation by shining a light on the corrupt “deregulation” by which the have-mores hoped to make a few more $s and the useless Iraq war we were misled into by the war and oil corporations and the foreign owned AIPAC.

Bush and that other coward, Cheney, corrupted and destroyed everything they ever went near.

Now we are even afraid to leave our $s in the bank because they are all bankrupt.

Our banks are broke and our pensions are gone and the lunatic Republicans are still baying “USA” – “USA” drill more, pollute more - at their rallies.

The Republican –McCain – says he does not know much about the economy and needs some education there.

The next President will have to reform the economic system of the world to get us going again.

This is not a job for McCain.

Tinker Tom
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bailout of the rich = extortion

12.10.2008 10:50

The American Federal Reserve elite, and the global rich including the Saudi Royal family, have secured this $700 billion to bail their own losses out; that's all this money is for and the American public know it! This was extortion, pure & simple. They whipped up fear and panic to rush the bill through, yet it's a drop in the ocean in terms of the outstanding debt (total US debt is $30 trillion, total world debt is $700 trillian and the precarious derivatives markets is 275trillion pounds alone). The bailoutt won't stop global meltdown.

Listen to Congressman Brad Sherman arguing against the bill during the 2nd reading (after it got rejected at the first reading), under massive pressure to continue to argue against it:

He argued the banks should pay for the bailout ober time, through utilising the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as the USA did in 1981.

"If the (American) people ever allow PRIVATE banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the People of all property until their children wake-up HOMELESS on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to The People, to whom it properly belongs".
--- Thomas Jefferson

Karl Marx