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Collapse Faster!

Liberty & Solidarity | 07.10.2008 13:36 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London

1989: The wall falls, capitalism triumphs.
1999: Protesters stop the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle,
but globalisation continues to deregulate everything and carve up the
world for the global economy.
2008: Folks, its all gone pear shaped!




1989: The wall falls, capitalism triumphs.
1999: Protesters stop the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle,
but globalisation continues to deregulate everything and carve up the
world for the global economy.
2008: Folks, its all gone pear shaped!

Recession has hit. America first, Ireland now, Britain next. Prices
continue to rise, food, homes and energy begin to slip out of reach.
Wages have stagnated for years, now we all face the chop. The government
is getting ready for millions more unemployed over the next five years,
and they’ll face the harshest forced-work programs since Victorian times
– just to get the pittance of the dole. It is no longer cost effective
to employ you. You are not buying anything anymore. The banks have
fucked it up, they won't lend because the cash flow has dried up, so now
they crash. Northern Rock, Lehman Brothers, Bradford & Bingley.

First priority of the politicians who claim to be in control of the
market? Bail out our banker buddies! That’s $700 billion of US workers'
money, to be given to the speculators so they can start playing roulette
with our lives again. The millions of us who didn’t actually cause this
crisis are told to accept ‘wage restraint’. Down here everyone waits,
and works, and worries. We can call for more state intervention, we can
moan about how this particular crash is the fault of this particular
policy by this particular party or this particular Plc. – or we can
accept it's not the players, it’s the game.

Capitalism isn’t in crisis; capitalism IS crisis!

Now is our time, if we are brave enough to seize it, to say that as long
as capitalism continues, we can never be secure. But now, for once, they
are insecure like us. We say let them suffer their own crimes, no
bailouts for the bosses! So, we won't beg for ‘no repossessions’, we
will join our neighbours and resist, and the bailiffs won’t dare tread
on our streets! We won't accept ‘wage restraint’, we will organise in
workplaces and unions to win what we need! More than this, one day we
will seize control of our own economy, so their system can do no more
damage. But for now, we will take to the streets.

On Friday 11th October, we call all anarchists, radicals and people who
have their eyes on the ball to join us to pay a visit to the bank
manager. We will take more than anger, we will take a clear threat, and
one that cannot be soothed. The bankers are our enemies, the bosses are
our enemies. Today we will suffer this crisis as we suffer their crimes,
but we also see their weakness and in that we find hope. Bankers,
bosses, politicians listen up: Your time is soon over, our time is now!

Liberty & Solidarity,
London Branch,

Liberty & Solidarity
- Homepage:


Hide the following 11 comments

Good call.

07.10.2008 13:54

I was thinking about whether to go down to this cos it looked like it would be a SWaPpy affair but if others are making the effort i might as well.

There really is no point in calling for more intervention or reformist measures at a time like this, that only suggests that capitalism does 'work' its just this particular form which is unstable. That is bollocks, there can never be a stable capitalist economy: regulated economies will eventually suffer as they lag behind the sped-up unregulated or "free market" economies, and in the end all regulated and nationalised industries will have to be privatised. This is what happened in the UK over the last 20 yeasr and is happening at different speeds across europe now (with much resistance from workers).

The only option for lasting stability and justice is to not have any profit incentive at all, and do away with markets whetehr "free" or regulated.

I think if the public are ready to listen to this opinion, now is probably the best time in over 40 years. Unlike the other recessions and crises, the govts themselves are clearly very scared and powerless, and are looking after themselves first. Thatcher could have claimed 2 million on the dole was 'good for the economy' in the 1980's but what can cameron or brown say about 2 million on the dole if its the economy itself that pu them there?

Lets make the case for anarchism.

Anne Ominous


07.10.2008 15:48

It simply staggers me that somebody can come to an outlet like Indymedia and write such innacurate nonsense. Phrases like,

"The only option for lasting stability and justice is to not have any profit incentive at all, and do away with markets whetehr "free" or regulated"

The profit incentive is what drives the modern world we all live in, it is the reason you have a computer, the Internet, a website. If people would just take the time to consider even first grade economics you would see the idea that the technology, the food distribution, the medical advances, the education and the rest are there because of the profit incentive. Now it may be that some do not like it, some might like to live in a more idealised world but it is not the real world.


(What profiteth a man..

07.10.2008 16:29

The concept of profit incentive includes the incentive of how all people might collectively and individually profit, by gaining meaningful political power together. This right of self-determination needs collective organisation at the grassroots level, in each locality and workplace as someone else has suggested akin to People's Councils. Also useful is the idea 'Right to the City'.

Struggle for these collective rights could be focused, by way of a starting point on local community ownership of assets, collective right to the commons, inclusive participation in decision-making and the creation of revenue through a different form of taxation (land value not income) to fund local services. And we need to redraw the boundaries of constituencies for these purposes so that they reflect commonsense bottom up neighbourhoods not top down gerrymandered boundaries as they are now. Within this new constitutional set up decisions about tax levels, budget and what to spend it on must be taken collectively, and non-hierarchically so that everyone is included in the process.

People's Councils, or something similar could be the right way to phrase it, and start.

This makes for egalite: even if you have more money, or other forms of wealth privately, this way everyone is equal in terms of power and decision making when it comes to how is spent the public purse. Time to unionise locally, Zapatista.

.. if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul.)

Also, about 'dancing on the grave of capitalism' see (and come to)


er, i'm sorry, what?

07.10.2008 16:43

to "Me" and "Avocada":

Obviously neither of you know what Indymedia is about (nor even yourselves it seems!).

Indymedia is precisely the place to post up such call-outs, unless of course it's become overrun with nutjobs like "Me". It is an explicitly anti-capitalist media website whose collective(s) advocate abolition of capital and the state. Simple as.

As for "Avocada's" hilarious suggestion that somehow some sort of regulated participatory capitalism will help create a free and libertarian society, well, franky, that's actually quite sick. Not even right-wing neoliberal economists suggest that any form of capitalism will create such a society. There will still be the alienation and class divides that are with us today. Are you an Agorist or summat? What has your babble got to do with the call-out anyway?



07.10.2008 16:45

Friday is 10th not 11th October



07.10.2008 16:51

yes someone seems to have changed the date on the callout there.

Heads will roll, mark my words!

Ellen S

everyone should know this has SWP links - never would i go bye losers

07.10.2008 17:24

SWP are opportunistic losers so crawl back into the scummy holes you came from


Dear 'Me'

07.10.2008 17:30

"The profit incentive is what drives the modern world we all live in, it is the reason you have a computer, the Internet, a website. If people would just take the time to consider even first grade economics you would see the idea that the technology, the food distribution, the medical advances, the education and the rest are there because of the profit incentive.'Me' "

According to 'Me', above, without the profit motive we would all be living in caves scratching our arses and dying because we cannot make a profit out of food, technology, healthcare, education etc.
Are you seriously suggesting 'Me' that humans would be living in some sort of backward non-technological society without the profit motive?
Human beings are naturally cooperative, we LIKE to cooperate with each other and do best when we do cooperate.Look at the huge growth in mental illness caused by modern capitalism with its profit-at-any-cost, screw-you-I'm-all-right attitude, and increasing precarity for the majority while the fat cats get bloated on our endeavour, and even these fat cats are not happy.
Well, the game's up for global capitalism, as the hoarders of money and resources DO NOT TRUST EACH OTHER, a natural consequence of the get rich quick, fuck the future mentality that has been driving international capitalism at increasing speed towards the cliff edge. I for one will be glad when they start jumping from windows as they see nothing to live for as their cash becomes worthless. Then we, the real humans with families and communities, can begin again to create a world based on egalitarianism where things are created and distributed according to need, not cash, and get on with caring for each other without having to worry about the monetary cost.
By the way, 'Me' I presume you can write here because you learned to read and write in the free at point of delivery Education service, and you are healthy due to the National Health Service, both of which owe NOTHING to the profit motive, which demands that such things be unavailable to the majority who cannot afford them, and which is why forward thinking people created them in the first place.


a few basic economic points for me or we or whatever you call yourself

07.10.2008 18:17

the nhs was a free service brought about because of rationing and that people were needed to serve an industry and poor health prevented their functioning.

however as soon as profit seeking capitalists so opportunity in moving labour, they removed safeguards, GATTs was introduced which passed core provisions including housing, health and education into the profit companies and what did we see, this means basic protections were removed and it was a free for all where money could be made and corporate welfare was born on an international scale because of a group of scummy lawyers who said it was legal, so what were the ramifications of this?

health contracts are being given to profit driven companies who are not really interested in patients only profit margins - at one point delegations from countries over the world visited the NHS amazed by its efficiency but govt soon put it into the hands of a businessman who set about mining its value, paying consultants to hand out contracts to companies who lobbied for the great sell off and then we got left with substandard care, poorly paid essential staff, highly paid unwanted staff (the consultants, the accountants, the lawyers, the chief executives) contract cleaning and then you get MRSA, the worst care euphemistically called choice, a mcdonalds meal in the bargain
on education - kids now chant the names of sponsoring companies so they can be modelled into slavery from an early age and schools become academies paid for again by taxpayers
on shares and commodities - how does this work. well it means the person making the money makes it by doing nothing other than finding a broker prepared to sell short, asset strip, whatever it takes whether it be from companies, in some cases whole countries and even continents, they then sell this for profits. this is done quickly and it does not matter how these profits are made? the biggest players like coca-cola of killing squads, monsanto of agent orange and bp and shell of destruction of the planet that gave me and you life, they then squeeze the producer usually through hideous people prepared to sell out the earth and other humans for money and power. finally lets talk about people like you and me (maybe not you) what happens to the little people, well they suffer, who are these people? they are people who have mortgages, the people who pay taxes (did you know most companies do not pay taxes) and last but not least the poor and disenfranchised suffer. i pass a lot of very poor people i do not see many of your profit types giving them food but maybe that's because it eats into your profits.

the problem for you banking and profit types is most people have been killed by natural disasters, we are running out of resources and people to exploit and now are you trying to control our food supply but humans are individuals we will fight you and guess what your lie is exposed. while nurses could not be paid banks get billions for getting no profits and being fraudsters

so profit on we, your time has come


short economic lesson - we, did you know?

07.10.2008 18:58

the US took £5bn from Lehman London leaving 4500 UK workers in the cold - could not have happened to a nicer bunch of profitsters nothing like hitting it where it hurts - only language you understand me or is it we?


What for?

09.10.2008 23:19

I thought Liberty and Solidarity was a platformist organisation. I did not think they were into such publicity stunts.
What is the aim of this event?

I agree that "Capitalism isn’t in crisis; capitalism IS crisis!", but surely the best response to this is to sieze the opportunities it presents, rather than have a publicity stunt could make leftists and anarchists look stupid, with a slogan like "Collapse Faster".

It appears like it could easily be a disappointing first action for a group that seemed sensible and wanting to approach real issues that ordinary people are having in a pragmatic way.

I hope that you drop the "Collapse Faster" slogan, and choose rhetoric more sensible, emphasising that we need democracy and socialism for the economy, and the importance of grassroots organisations in our communities and workplaces - as your very good position documents state.

We need rhetoric that ordinary people will respond well to, and "Collapse Faster", while intended as 'tongue-in-cheek' will probably alienate ordinary people, who might otherwise be interested in an anti-capitalist perspective on the economic crisis. The proletariat will end up paying dearly for the collapse and bailout - and most people dont realise this yet.

Embra Jon