rolls royce raynesway protesers in court same day as the next prottest
anti nuclear demo 20/10/08 rolls royce nuclear plant derby | 02.10.2008 20:23 | Anti-militarism | Climate Chaos | World
on 20/10/08 anti nucclear demonstrators arear in court ,.but from 7 am there will be a demo outside rolls royce raynesway derby . support the cause
the first prottest where lockons were used in england .in which police took 4 hours to free prottesters they are in court in derby that day .since the arrests the court have allowed these prottesters to return and prottest .suppervised by police on several occasions we have various things from circus acts to new orleans jazz bands perhaps more people and groups would like to join this prottest not only against rolls royce nuclear role ,by supplying nuclear equip for the illegal trident missiles .banned by un .but as usual supported by america .this prottest also will voice for the rights to prottest as a human under freedom of speech act we need to stick up for our rights .were not a communist country they say?? .rolls royce the presige car of uk now a disgrace /connected to nuclear death and distruction .it is sitiated next to boc gasses and within 1000yards of celanese chemicals /american owned /benzene .acate acids are used daily .there have been many explossions .was once high on the i r a hit list .as they knew blow this plamt up 40 sq miles goes with it taking rolls nuclear plant .wiping the uk out .rolls is now high on derbys flood plain .due to extensive buildings in derby .spondon .where rr is has the highest leukemia rate in uk .why rolls /celanese ./and b,o,c ./all together so come on join us on the 20th .wed welcome you the last prottest we had 3 new groups support us how to get there derby station .lifts by arrangements ./spondon station 1 mile another pick up point by arrangement .free parking private property and a lift 1 mile away .ring pete on 07727226032 .or email ./

anti nuclear demo 20/10/08 rolls royce nuclear plant derby
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"protest", not "prottest"
02.10.2008 23:45
English teacher
I hate Rolls-Royce as much as the next 'dog on a string hippy'
03.10.2008 04:20
Bit worried
03.10.2008 08:42
A N Other
03.10.2008 09:48
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