Primate Liberation Week: 11th - 19th October 2008
1...2...3....4....Time to Start the Primate War!!! | 02.10.2008 14:08 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Ecology | World
Primate Liberation Week is a week of action against the primate research industry being staged in the USA from the 11th to the 19th of October.......but we say why should the yanks have all the fun???
This is a European call to action against the Primate Research industry that kills over 12,000 primates each year in the most disgusting and sordid manner to produce scientifically pointless research!
This is a European call to action against the Primate Research industry that kills over 12,000 primates each year in the most disgusting and sordid manner to produce scientifically pointless research!
This a Europe-wide call for the internationalisation of the American Primate Liberation Week. Agitate and liberate from Saturday 11th of October to Sunday 19th of October for the primates who suffer the world over. It's time to act up and fight back against the primate killers such as HLS, Oxford, Porton Down, NIBSC, GSK, Novartis and the monsters who supply their innocent victims!
More than 80% of respondents to the 2006 Commission’s public consultation on animals in experiments considered the use of primates in experiments as "not acceptable". The public are massively opposed to primate research, due to society's brain washing most people can empathise more with a monkey than a rat, but we should profit from that.
Ending all primate research in Europe is a realisable goal, and an effective step towards the complete abolition of vivisection!
Once scientists have "replaced" our "closest relative", how will they still justify not replacing creaturea that aren't even vaguely similar to humans, such as dogs, rats, mice, cows, pigs, sheep etc etc....and surely if we can replace any creature, why would we logically use any? And why would Japan, the USA, China and other research nations continue to use outdated, scientifically flawed, research methods [vivisection] when Europe has developed far better substitutees?
Monkeys are highly intelligent beings allowing them to rationalise the reasons for their suffering,, but how could they ever comprehend the reasons why they are being subjected to such brutal torture?
In one of the most sordid moral dilemas anyone could find themselves, macaque monkeys displayed exemplirary ethics which shame any notion we could have of, so called, "humanity":
"Macaques were fed [only] if they were willing to pull a chain and electrically shock an unrelated macaque whose agony was in plain view [to the animal] through a one-way mirror. Otherwise, they starved. After learning the ropes, the monkeys frequently refused to pull the chain; in one experiment only 13% would do so -- 87% preferred to go hungry. One macaque went without food for nearly two weeks rather than hurt its fellow. Macaques who had themselves been shocked in previous experiments were even less willing to pull the chain. The relative social status or gender of the macaques had little bearing on their reluctance to hurt others." -- Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental Overview
How can any "scientist" be allowed to inflict such extreme mental cruelty to a creature, only to prove that if the roles were reversed the animal would never have inficted the same experience on the "scientist"?!!
In the UK there are Breeding Centres such as Harlan at Belton in Leicestershire who breed "new world" monkeys, and breeding colonies based at research centres like Oxford University. There are also Transporters such as Monock Freight in Feltham, London who transport primates for HLS, (amongst others), and Air France-KLM who fly the majority of primates worldwide from places such as Mauritius. In London there are the embassies of numerous countries who export monkeys such as Mauritius, Nepal and Vietnam. There are HLS customers and suppliers, such as Barclays, on every high-street who are facilitating the poisoning of monkeys inside HLS to test the latest weedkiller.. SPEAK also do weekly demos in Oxford against the sordid laboratory, why not make the effort to get to a SPEAK demo if you haven't been to one in a while? Those who can't find enough people to do a demo, and are unable to travel, could do an information stall in their town centre.
There are SO many targets, and SO, SO many innocent victims, make a special effort to make this the biggest week of action the biggest ever; organise a demo, double the amount of demos you do in a week, pay a visit to places that dont get many demos, organise a tour....whatever you do just DO SOMETHING!
All action reports and diary dates should be sent to Stop Animal Exploitation Now, (SAEN), who are the American group coordinating the American week of action:
More than 80% of respondents to the 2006 Commission’s public consultation on animals in experiments considered the use of primates in experiments as "not acceptable". The public are massively opposed to primate research, due to society's brain washing most people can empathise more with a monkey than a rat, but we should profit from that.
Ending all primate research in Europe is a realisable goal, and an effective step towards the complete abolition of vivisection!
Once scientists have "replaced" our "closest relative", how will they still justify not replacing creaturea that aren't even vaguely similar to humans, such as dogs, rats, mice, cows, pigs, sheep etc etc....and surely if we can replace any creature, why would we logically use any? And why would Japan, the USA, China and other research nations continue to use outdated, scientifically flawed, research methods [vivisection] when Europe has developed far better substitutees?
Monkeys are highly intelligent beings allowing them to rationalise the reasons for their suffering,, but how could they ever comprehend the reasons why they are being subjected to such brutal torture?
In one of the most sordid moral dilemas anyone could find themselves, macaque monkeys displayed exemplirary ethics which shame any notion we could have of, so called, "humanity":
"Macaques were fed [only] if they were willing to pull a chain and electrically shock an unrelated macaque whose agony was in plain view [to the animal] through a one-way mirror. Otherwise, they starved. After learning the ropes, the monkeys frequently refused to pull the chain; in one experiment only 13% would do so -- 87% preferred to go hungry. One macaque went without food for nearly two weeks rather than hurt its fellow. Macaques who had themselves been shocked in previous experiments were even less willing to pull the chain. The relative social status or gender of the macaques had little bearing on their reluctance to hurt others." -- Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental Overview
How can any "scientist" be allowed to inflict such extreme mental cruelty to a creature, only to prove that if the roles were reversed the animal would never have inficted the same experience on the "scientist"?!!
In the UK there are Breeding Centres such as Harlan at Belton in Leicestershire who breed "new world" monkeys, and breeding colonies based at research centres like Oxford University. There are also Transporters such as Monock Freight in Feltham, London who transport primates for HLS, (amongst others), and Air France-KLM who fly the majority of primates worldwide from places such as Mauritius. In London there are the embassies of numerous countries who export monkeys such as Mauritius, Nepal and Vietnam. There are HLS customers and suppliers, such as Barclays, on every high-street who are facilitating the poisoning of monkeys inside HLS to test the latest weedkiller.. SPEAK also do weekly demos in Oxford against the sordid laboratory, why not make the effort to get to a SPEAK demo if you haven't been to one in a while? Those who can't find enough people to do a demo, and are unable to travel, could do an information stall in their town centre.
There are SO many targets, and SO, SO many innocent victims, make a special effort to make this the biggest week of action the biggest ever; organise a demo, double the amount of demos you do in a week, pay a visit to places that dont get many demos, organise a tour....whatever you do just DO SOMETHING!
All action reports and diary dates should be sent to Stop Animal Exploitation Now, (SAEN), who are the American group coordinating the American week of action:

1...2...3....4....Time to Start the Primate War!!!